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Surname: Glennie
First Name: Benjamin
Ship: -
Date: 14 October 1969
Place: Brisbane
Source: The Register and Magazine of Biography
Details: At Brisbane, the Ven. Benjamin Glennie, B.A., archdeacon of Brisbane to Mary Brougham, dau. of the late William Crawshaw, esq of London

Surname: Glennie
First Name: Rev. Benjamin
Ship: -
Date: 1848 22 March
Place: Morpeth
Source: MM
Details: Ordained Deacon by Lord Bishop of Newcastle. To proceed to Moreton Bay to replace the late Rev. Mr. Gregor

Surname: Glennie
First Name: Rev. Benjamin
Ship: -
Date: 1848 22 March
Place: Morpeth
Source: MM
Details: Brother of James

Surname: Glennie
First Name: Rev. Benjamin
Ship: -
Date: 1849 6 June
Place: Morpeth
Source: MM
Details: Minister at Brisbane. Present at Ordination held at St. James Church by Lord Bishop of Newcastle

Surname: Glennie
First Name: Rev. Benjamin
Ship: -
Date: 1852
Place: 'Chinchilla' Condamine
Source: Wolston
Details: Marriage of Mathew Goggs to Bridget Bourke. Officiating minister Rev. Benjamin Glennie

Surname: Glennie
First Name: Rev. Benjamin
Ship: -
Date: 1850 5 October
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: Rev Irwin lately of Singleton appointed to succeed Rev Glennie who removed to Darling Downs on account of ill health

Surname: Glennie
First Name: Rev. Benjamin
Ship: -
Date: 1852 7 August
Place: Darling Downs
Source: MM
Details: Marriage of Matthew Goggs of Chinchilla to Bridget Bourke late of Tipperary on 22nd April at Darling Downs. Minister Rev. B. Glennie

Surname: Glennie
First Name: Rev. Benjamin
Ship: -
Date: 16 October 1854
Place: Drayton
Source: SMH
Details: THE REV, BENJAMIN GLENNIE.-We are glad to see that the inhabitants of Drayton have presented a purse of a hundred guineas to the Rev. Benjamin Glennie, the esteemed and amiable Church of Eng-land pastor at that place. Mr. Glennie has long resided in this district, and has by his urbane and truly Christian demeanour, endeared himself to all classes of religionists with whom he has come in con-tact.

Surname: Glennie (obit.,)
First Name: Rev. Benjamin
Ship: -
Date: 1 May 1900
Place: Queesland
Source: The Brisbane Courier
Details: DEATH OF CANON GLENNIE. A PEACEFUL END. It was in no way a shock to Brisbane to learn yesterday that Canon Glennie had that morning passed peacefully away, at the house at Wynnum, where for the past eight months he had resided, under the loving care .of Miss Gillett. It cannot be said that his death was unexpected. For many years now the gaunt, bent old figure of the Grand Old Man of Queensland's Church of Eng-land's ministers has reminded one that the Angel of Death Is very near at times, and the feeling one has Is almost one of gladness that there was " no moaning of the bar when he put-out to sea." His end suited the last years of his life. For many years now his one-time familiar face and voice has been missed from the services at St. John's, and at the last even from the streets he had watched grow from mere bush tracks. For Canon Glennie had seen the colony blossom from the babe In arms to the full-grown daughter of the 'mother-land. Forty year he served that God as only a true teacher of Christ's doctrine can serve It-giving freely of his own, undergoing hardships Innumerable for the sake of the gospel, and working all his, to spread the truths that he was enjoined to. To those who only knew him in his later years, a few facts about his life are indispensable before one can grasp the full significance of all he has done for the deep striking roots of religion in Queensland. Far back,-when this century was still in Its teens-to be exact, in 1812-Benjamin Glennie was born in Camberwell, London, The son of principal in a school there. He was educated at King's College, London, of which the Right Rev. Lord Bishop Londsdale was then the dean. From there he went, in the natural course of events, to Christ College, Cambridge, where in 1847/he took his degree. Next year he came out to Sydney, and was almost immediately ordained deacon at Morpeth by Bishop Tyrrell, then Bishop of Newcastle, who likewise consecrated him priest in the following year (1849)). He became incumbent of Moreton Bay .(as the colony, was then called) in 1848, and of Darling Downs in 'the same year. The former he dropped at the end of two years,-the latter at the end of ten more-taking over charge of Warwick in 1860. Here he remained until 1872. Then followed Drayton (1872-70) and Toowong (1878-77). In 1863 he was made an archdeacon of Brisbane, and became Examining Chaplain to the Bishop in 1875. Both of these positions he held until 1886,when, on the advent of Bishop Webber, he resigned, owing to advancing years, which rendered his duties rather too severe a tax upon his strength. He was then appointed the first honorary chaplain In connection with the newly-consecrated Cathedral of St. John. From that time he has lived in quiet retirement, his gentle, kindly nature helping him to bear the knowledge that he had but to 'wait " until the day come and the shadows flee away."