Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Gilmour
First Name: Hugh
Ship: -
Date: November 1856
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: Early in the month of November 1856 the barque Eleanor Lancaster, then a well known trader to the port, sailed hence coal laden and on Thursday November 7 was seen making back to the port. A terrific southerly gale was blowing at the time and as the barque approached the port, it was realised her position was one of great danger. There were neither tugs or life boat in those days nor did the southern breakwater extend beyond Nobbys while on the north side there was no breakwater of any kind. There was therefore noting that could be done to assist the incoming vessel and the watchers by the waterside could only wait and look on while the barque made a gallant attempt to reach safety. But the elements were against and at last she struck on the southern edge of the Oyster Bank. Once the vessel struck her fate was sealed. Immense seas broke over her and a few minutes afterwards the crew took to the rigging for safety. There had been heavy rains preceding the gale which caused a heavy fresh to run out of the harbour and this together with the gale caused a tremendous sea upon the bar. Various expedients were suggested to rescue the distressed men but by common consent it was admitted that no boat propelled by oars could make back against the fresh and gale even if the barque was reached. At length Pilot Beacher a seaman of the old school, made a start in the direction of rescuing the men. In those days there were three large buoys in the fairway one of them being outside the bar, to which the coasters frequently made fast on arrival while waiting for the flood tide to work themselves into port. One of these buoys was situated abreast where the old lightship used to be moored and to this buoy Captain Beacher made fast the pilot boat having first coiled in an immense quantity of rope. His idea was to slack away until the boat reach the barque, take the men out and then haul back again. But the best made plans are sometimes spoilt by interference of others. While these preparations were being made the captain of a large foreign barque came on the scene. He possessed a ships lifeboat which he had manned with the intention of pulling to the wreck and rendering assistance. As the latter boat came past the buoy where the pilot boat was moored making final preparations Beacher hailed the shipmaster with the lifeboat and said For Gods sake don t go out there you will never get back again. The captain thought otherwise and started away with his lifeboat but soon got into difficulties and realising how impossible it was for him to get to the wreck attempted to come back. A terrific struggle ensued in which the lifeboat battled among the seas until the crew were well nigh spent. It was then Pilot Beacher decided to go to the rescue of the lifeboat and put in operation the very plan which had been designed to save the crew of the barque. The pilot boat was slacked away from the buoy and in time reached the lifeboat when the two crafts were hauled back to the buoy. These exciting feats were not carried out without loss of time, and when the two boats got back to the buoy it was pitch dark. An attempt was then made to reach the shore, the lifeboat starting first but so strong was the rush of the outgoing fresh and so fierce the gale that no progress could be made and in the storm a return had to be made to the buoy where the bitterness of the breeze, rain and darkness the boats crews remained all night. It was 8 o clock next morning when they succeeded ni landing all thoroughly worn out with exposure. The crew of the pilot boat was a volunteer one and as far as can be ascertained their names were Messrs. H. Gilmour, J. May, Daniels, McPhail, and a man named Yankee Jack. Of these Mr. Hugh Gilmour is still living. He was formerly a member of the pilot service but on the arrival of Mr. Moriarty at Newcastle to make the first survey for improving the port was transferred to what afterwards became the harbours and Rivers Department in which he is employed as storekeeper at Carrington - From the Newcastle Morning Herald 22 April 1902

Surname: Gilmour
First Name: Hugh
Ship: -
Date: 11 February 1862
Place: Newcastle
Source: Maitland Mercury
Details: An accident, that fortunately was not attended with fatal results occurred to a man named Hugh Gilmour, who was employed as a diver to examine the moorings of the White Star, on Wednesday It ap- pears that Gilmour had gone down, a person named Andrew Collins having hold of the string at the time, when the latter felt a tug at the rope, and at the same time remarked that he saw no bubbles coming up Fear- ing that something had happened to Hugh Gilmour, he was at once pulled up, and the dress cut open, when it was found that his face was purple, and he himself in- sensible. No water, however, had got in, but it would seem that there was something the matter with the valve at the back of tho helmet, whioh preventod the foul air escaping. Dr. Bowker was at once sent for, and upon arrival, he immediately bled Gilmour, who, how- ever, did not come to for a quarter of an hour. He has since been progressing favourably

Surname: Gilmour
First Name: Hugh and Mary
Ship: -
Date: 1855 11 February
Place: Newcastle
Source: Register Book of Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle. Baptisms p. 53
Details: Mariner. Baptism of daughter Agnes Gilmour

Surname: Gilmour
First Name: Hugh and Mary
Ship: -
Date: 1855 11 February
Place: Newcastle
Source: Register Book of Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle. Baptisms p. 53
Details: Mariner. Baptism of daughter Hannah Gilmour

Surname: Gilmour
First Name: Hugh and Mary
Ship: Agenoria 1849
Date: 25 May 1849
Place: Sydney
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896 Ancestry
Details: Arrival of Hugh Gilmour age 25, farm labourer of Stevendson, Ayreshire, wife Mary age 23 and daughter Mary aged 1 on the Agenoria.

Surname: Gilmour (obit)
First Name: Hugh
Ship: -
Date: 22 October 1913
Place: Newcastle
Source: Sydney Morning Herald
Details: The funeral of Mr Hugh Gilmour, an old resident of Newcastle, who died last Saturday night, took place on Monday afternoon Mr Gilmour was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, on April, 20, 1820, and had lived in this city for 65 years. In 1852, when 12 years of age, he left his home to go to sea. Eventually, he landed in America in 1911 he came to Sydney with his wife, but, after remaining there a few months, he left for Moruya, where he intended to settle. The sea life was too fascinating for him, and he had not been at Moruya for any length of time before he joined the crew of a ketch adding to the Shoalhaven The little ketch was wrecked near Newcastle, and the crew was rescued by a boat sent out by Captain Livingstone, who at that time was harbour master. From that time Mr Gilmour made his home in Newcastle He was in the government service for many years, and carried out several contracting work in the city and district For any information relating to the early days Mr Gilmour was frequently referred to He remembered the wreck of the Cawarra at the entrance to the port, and also many other vessels that had been lost along the coast Deceased leaves a widow, who is 80 years of age, and two daughters and one son