Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Gibson
First Name: Maria
Ship: Elizabeth 1836
Date: 1837
Place: Hunter River
Source: GRC
Details: Assigned to Mrs. Kelman

Surname: Gibson
First Name: Maria
Ship: Elizabeth 1836
Date: 1836
Place: London
Source: Central Criminal Court. Minutes of Evidence by Henry Buckler
Details: Sentenced to 7 years transportation for stealing a purse belonging to Camilla Briggs

Surname: Gibson
First Name: Maria
Ship: Elizabeth 1836
Date: 1836 29 October
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: Sentenced to the Female Factory at Parramatta for 2 months for 'basking in the sun and snoring delightfully at 3 in the afternoon' Had only been landed from the Elizabeth 3 days previously

Surname: Gibson
First Name: Maria
Ship: Elizabeth 1836
Date: 23 November 1835
Place: London
Source: The Proceedings of the Old Bailey Online
Details: MARIA GIBSON was indicted for stealing, on the 18th of November, 1 purse, value 1s.; 9 shillings; and 4 sixpences; the goods and monies of Samuel Briggs. Camilla Briggs . I am the wife of Samuel Briggs. On the 18th of November, I went into a furrier s shop, in Regent-street I had my reticule, which contained my purse, with nine shillings and four sixpences in it. It was day-time. I was looking at some boas. I did not see the prisoner in the shop. I saw her when she returned with the policeman the reticule was not taken, but my purse was taken out. I had laid on a chair by me. Cross-examined by MR. PHILLIPS. Q. Might the purse have fallen out of the reticule? A. It might, but I think it was stolen. William Ridley . I am shopman at Mr. Waits, in Regent-street. I recollect the prosecutrix being there. I saw the reticule on the chair, the prisoner came in while Mrs. Briggs was there. I desired her to wait a short time, as I was engaged, she said she would call again, and was about to leave, when she put her hand into the reticule, and took something out. I asked Mrs. Briggs if she had lost anything? she said, Yes. I followed the prisoner, and caught her by the Bull and Mouth. I gave her in charge. John Kent . I am police-constable. I took the prisoner into custody, and saw something drop from her hand. I stooped and picked up the purse. (Property produced and sworn to.) Prisoner s Defence. I picked up the purse in the shop. I kicked it with my feet. I told the shop-woman, if she could not serve me, I would come again. I was nearly ten minutes out of the shop. I had never so much as opened the purse. he asked me to come back, I said, Certainly, and came back with him, the policeman was coming along, he said, I give you this woman in charge. He gave me a sudden push, and the purse fell out of my hand, he took me in Coventry-street. (Mrs. Butler, Holland-street; Margaret Pears, No. 26, York-street; Matilda Butler, Mr. Dolland, Chapel-street, Oxford-street, tailor, and W. Pears, shoe-maker, No. 20, York-street, gave the prisoner a good character. Guilty . Aged 24. Transported for Seven Years.