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Surname: Gallaghar (Gallagher)
First Name: Michael
Ship: Cawdry 1826
Date: 7 June 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Michael Gallaghar, per ship Cawdry, in government service, charged with improperly removing coals from the wharf. George Ireland, Buffs, states - I was sentry yesterday at the wharf. The prisoner asked me if it was allowed to take a few coals for the prisoners barracks. I told him no. He went away and shortly after returned and had gathered some coals together to take away when I detected him. The prisoner states - I did not know there was anything wrong in my taking a few coals to warm myself. Michael Gallaghar sentenced to the gaol gang for three weeks.
Surname: Gallaghar (Gallagher)
First Name: Michael
Ship: Cawdry 1826
Date: 23 October 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Michael Gallaghar per ship Cawdry, in government service, charged with neglect of duty. Patrick Tully, signal man, states - The beacon light on the Hill was nearly extinguished last night at about ten o clock. It was the prisoner s duty to attend the fire at that hour. The fire had been bad during the evening and I reprimanded him for allowing it to be so. When I discovered that the fire was out at the time I have just mentioned, I gave him in charge of Mr. Muir. The fire is frequently bad in consequence of the prisoners neglect. The prisoner in his defence states - that he used every means to make the fire burn, but could not on account of the bad quality of the coals and the absence of wind. Sentenced to the gaol gang for 3 months
Surname: Gallagher (Gallaghar)
First Name: Michael
Ship: Cawdry 1826
Date: 1826
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW. Microfiche 627. (Ancestry)
Details: Native place Co. Leitrim. Age 41. Occupation labourer and soldier. Tried Madras 9 July 1824 and sentenced to transportation for life. Assigned to John Thorpe at Sydney on arrival. Lost in the bush and appeared to have perished from the cold on the night of 24 May 1840.