Search Result
Surname: Delany (Delaney) (alias Dunne)
First Name: John (Alias Thomas)
Ship: Calcutta 1837
Date: 1841 19 October
Place: Port Stephens
Source: SG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave
Surname: Dunn
First Name: Constable Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 5 January 1833
Place: Invermein
Source: Invermein Court of Petty Sessions. Deposition Books 1833 -1834 (Ancestry)
Details: Thomas Morgan per ship Prince Regent, assigned to John Bingle, charged with neglect of duty and disobedience. John Bingle states - that upon the prisoner complaining that he was unwell, he was detained at the farm to be sent to Newcastle to see Dr. Brooks. That when I ordered him to assist in taking the teams down the previous evening to their leaving at this time he was working on the farm. Next morning he was sick and would not go and Monday before Xmas Day I sent him some sickles to take up to the farm and to go as watchman over the sheep and two days after I found he had not gone. He came that morning to go to his station but I would not let him, he then shammed sick and would do nothing. I then sent him to the lock up where he has been ever since. Thomas Dunn, lockup keeper states that last Wednesday was a week I received the prisoner into my charge, he was then walking a little lame I asked if he was unwell he said he had been but was getting better, and since h has been in my charge he has done several little jobs from which I should say he was properly able to do the duties of a watchman. The prisoner states in his defence that he was not able to go with the teams and that he was not able to watch sheep. The Bench is of the opinion that the prisoner is perfectly culpable in not proceeding with the teams to Newcastle, which afforded him an eligible opportunity of obtaining medical advice and of procuring a truss to relieve the rupture of which he complains and the circumstances of under which he refused to go to work are very suspicious thought no amounting to a proof. The Bench find Thomas Morgan guilty and sentence him to receive 25 lashes.
Surname: Dunn
First Name: Constable Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 12 January 1833
Place: Invermein
Source: Invermein Court of Petty Sessions. Deposition Books 1833 -1834 (Ancestry)
Details: Jeremiah Haragan, assigned to Potter Macqueen, charged with insolence to the constable in performing his duty. Constable Thomas Dunn, lockup keeper states that about two hours ago I went out and saw the prisoner and asked him for his pass. He said he had enough to pass him over here. I asked him to show it to me. I told him I would take him before the Bench. ....The prisoner states in his defence he thought the constable could not make him show his pass without taking him before the Bench. The Bench find the prisoner guilty of insolence and disrespect to the constable and sentence him not to receive his ticket of leave until six months after the usual period
Surname: Dunn
First Name: Constable Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 21 March 1833
Place: Invermein
Source: Invermein Court of Petty Sessions. Deposition Books 1833 -1834 (Ancestry)
Details: Joseph Watkins, free, charged with stealing a cask out of the brook....Thomas Dunn, constable states that Mr. Buchanans overseer left a cask in my charge and I put it into the brook. About last New Years Day I found it was gone. About three or four weeks ago I went to Joseph Watkins to purchase some meat from him. In going into the house I saw the cask which I had lost as aforesaid, half sunk in the ground containing meat I asked him how long he had had it. He replied a good while. I told it was one which was left in my charge. He said if it was he would take it home to me. I said no, I did not exactly want it then. I then went and got a search warrant and got the cask. Which I now swear positively is the same which was in my charge....Joseph Watkins states in his defence that he was on intimate terms with the sawyers at Red Bank and I believed that the cask alluded to in Dunns deposition was theirs. I went on purpose to their residence to ask them for the loan of it but they were form home and I took the cask thinking there would be no objection made to my using it. I have not had one opportunity of speaking to them since. And that I made no attempt to conceal the cask that my hut is small and any person entering must see it. And that the people on Red Bank were in the constant habit of visiting my hut. Remanded until next court
Surname: Dunn
First Name: Constable Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 3 April 1833
Place: Invermein
Source: Invermein Court of Petty Sessions. Deposition Books 1833 -1834 (Ancestry)
Details: William Shearman per ship England, James Simpson per ship Portland, John Connor per ship Georgiana all charged with bushranging. Constable Thomas Dunn states that Williamson the farm constable on Segenhoe estate delivered the prisoners up to him as runaways on Monday night. The Bench find the prisoners guilty and sentence them to receive fifty lashes each
Surname: Dunn
First Name: Constable Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 10 April 1833
Place: Invermein
Source: Invermein Court of Petty Sessions. Deposition Books 1833 -1834 (Ancestry)
Details: Cornelius Wilby per ship Midas, assigned to W.H. Warland, charged with being at large. Thomas Dunn, constable and lockup keeper states - The prisoner came to me this morning and I asked him who he belonged to he said he once was Mr. Warland s servant but that he is now free but having no certificate I brought him before the Bench. The prisoner states in his defence that he reported himself to this Bench in January last as being free in March last, and that he came down to ascertain if his certificate had arrived. The prisoner refusing to return to Mr. Warland until we could get an answer from Sydney, the Bench direct that he shall be detained and an application be sent to the Principal Supt. of Convicts forthwith
Surname: Dunn
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1831 11 January
Place: Liverpool Plains
Source: SG
Details: Servant to John Rotton
Surname: Dunn
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1846 14 January
Place: Murrurundi
Source: MM
Details: Constable
Surname: Dunn
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1846 18 March
Place: Murrurundi
Source: MM
Details: Constable
Surname: Dunn
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1846 11 July
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: Granted hawkers licence
Surname: Dunn
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1846 18 July
Place: Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Unclaimed letter in the General Post Office, Sydney
Surname: Dunn
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1846 19 September
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: Subscriber for the Irish Relief Fund
Surname: Dunn
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1846 21 October
Place: New England
Source: MM
Details: Unclaimed letter held at Sydney Post Office
Surname: Dunn
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1836 6 December
Place: Invermein
Source: SG
Details: To be lock up keeper in room of John Handibo
Surname: Dunn
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1850 17 July
Place: Raymond Terrace and Dungog
Source: MM
Details: Elected councillor
Surname: Dunn
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1852 6 November
Place: Forwich
Source: MM
Details: Shearer employed by A. Blaxland. Made Donation to Maitland hospital
Surname: Dunn
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: -
Place: Glennies Creek
Source: Singleton Pioneer Register p. 31
Details: Born 1842, son of Thomas Dunn and Rose McGarry. Occupation Livestock dealer. Spouse Anne Jane Irvin. See Pioneer Register for details of descendants
Surname: Dunn
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 25 February 1833
Place: Invermein
Source: Invermein Court of Petty Sessions. Deposition Books 1833 -1834 (Ancestry)
Details: This day appeared before me Thomas Dunn and being sworn states that he has every reason to believe a cask stolen from him the beginning of last month is now in the possession of Joseph the Gardener living on Mr. Dangars farm, late servant to Col. Dumaresq....Search warrant granted (signed John Bingle J.P.)
Surname: Dunn
First Name: Thomas
Ship: Countess of Harcourt 1822
Date: 1824 March
Place: Newcastle
Source: State Records NSW. Colonial Secretary's Correpondence. Special Bundles, 1794-1825. Series 898
Details: Assigned to John Rotton. Sentenced by the Commandant to 25 lashes for disobedience of orders in being at a prisoner's house at unseasonable hours
Surname: Dunn
First Name: Thomas
Ship: Countess of Harcourt 1822
Date: 1832 27 April
Place: Newcastle
Source: Register Book of Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle p.34
Details: Marriage of Thomas Dunn of Invermein to Rose Magarry of Newcastle