Search Result
Surname: Driscal (Driscoll)
First Name: Denis (Dennis)
Ship: Forth 1830 (1)
Date: 1834 11 November
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: SG
Details: Obtained Ticket of Leave
Surname: Driscoll
First Name: Denis
Ship: Forth 1830 (1)
Date: 1830
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4015]; Microfiche: 675
Details: Denis Driscoll, age 14. Native place Cork. Occupation errand boy. Tried at Cork 24 August 1829. Sentenced to 7 years transportation for stealing money from a shop. Assigned to Carters Barracks on arrival
Surname: Driscoll
First Name: Dennis
Ship: Forth 1830 (1)
Date: 9 March 1836
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: Gosford (Brisbane Water) Court of Petty Sessions, Letter Books, 1826 - 1874 (Ancestry)
Details: Correspondence from Magistrate Jonathan Warner to the Superintendent of Convicts...Sir, With reference to your letter enclosing a ticket of leave for delivery to Dennis Driscoll, I have the honor to return the same as the man has not as yet made his appearance in this district and having been absent without leave upwards fourteen months, I consider him as a prisoner at large and report him as such for your information
Surname: Driscoll (Driscal)
First Name: Denis
Ship: Forth 1830 (1)
Date: 1836 16 March
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: GG 1836
Details: Errand boy aged 20 from Cork; 4ft10 in. Absconded from service