Search Result
Surname: Dennison
First Name: James
Ship: -
Date: 1837 7 April
Place: Newcastle
Source: BB
Details: Returned Sarah Perkins to John Smith's dairy in a boat after she absconded
Surname: Dennison
First Name: James
Ship: Sesostris 1826
Date: 1837
Place: Newcastle
Source: GRC
Details: Aged 26. Tried in London. Assigned to John Smith
Surname: Dennison
First Name: James
Ship: Sesostris 1826
Date: 1833 September
Place: Maitland
Source: Secondary Punishment
Details: Return of Corporal Punishment inflicted by Sentence of the Bench in the presence of P.N. Anley, Magistrate. 25 lashes for absenting. Bled much
Surname: Dennison
First Name: James
Ship: Sesostris 1826
Date: 1836 15 June
Place: Maitland
Source: GG
Details: Apprehended after absconding from John Smith
Surname: Dennison
First Name: James
Ship: Sesostris 1826
Date: 2 February 1836
Place: Maitland Quarter Sessions
Source: Maitland Quarter Sessions Feb 1836 - May 36. MF 2409
Details: Charged with forgery and uttering a Pass with intent to evade service of his sentence. Not tried? (illegible)
Surname: Dennison
First Name: James
Ship: Sesostris 1826
Date: 1826
Place: -
Source: AO NSW Convict Indent Fiche No. 660
Details: Age 15. Reads and writes. Plaisterer. Tried in London 16 September 1825 and sentenced to transportation for 14 years for street robbery. No place of assignment listed in the indents. Probably sent to Carter's Barracks..
Surname: Dennison
First Name: James
Ship: Sesostris 1826
Date: 28 December 1835
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW; Roll: 136
Details: Plaisterer from London. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Newcastle. Committed for trial and the Maitland Quarter Sessions. Sent to Maitland 30th January 1836
Surname: Dennison (Denison)
First Name: James
Ship: Sesostris 1826
Date: 1835 28 December
Place: Newcastle
Source: BB
Details: Assigned to John Smith. Charged with being in a public house
Surname: Dennison (Denison)
First Name: James
Ship: Sesostris 1826
Date: 9 July 1836
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW; Roll: 136
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Maitland. Sentenced to 28 days in the cells for drunkkenness. Discharged to his master 6th August
Surname: Villiers or Dennison
First Name: James
Ship: Ann and Amelia 1825
Date: 1825
Place: -
Source: Warrants of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 1156; Item: [X30]
Details: James Villers or Dennison age 18. Tried Dublin May 1824. Sentenced to 7 years transportation for felony wearing apparel