Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Cole
First Name: William
Ship: Lady Feversham 1830
Date: 1839 27 November
Place: Invermein
Source: GG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave

Surname: Cole
First Name: William
Ship: Lady Feversham 1830
Date: 13 March 1833
Place: Invermein
Source: Invermein Court of Petty Sessions. Deposition Books 1833 -1834 (Ancestry)
Details: William Cole, per ship Lady Feversham, assigned to William Dangar, charged with conspiracy...John Button states - I am overseer to William Dangar; that having heard that a plot was laid to rob the house, I made enquiry at George Hodges who informed me that the prisoner wished James McCormick to assist him in robbing the house. McCormick also corroborated that information. Last Sunday fortnight was the day appointed....George Hodges assigned to William Dangar, states - That last Saturday week McCormick was washing wheat; I went for some wheat to him; he told me that the prisoner came out to him overnight for the purpose of inducing him to take the bush - I advised him not to take the bush and he said he would not; he then told me if he, the prisoner came out to him again he would take him into the overseer; the station where McCormick resides is three miles from the house. And on Tuesday following McCormick told me the prisoner should state to him that they should go and rob the house; that he would get the double barrelled gun and ammunition and shoot Mr. Button....James McCormick assigned to William Dangar, states - On last Friday fortnight the prisoner came to my station about three miles from the farm and asked me if I would take the bush and if I did he would rob the house and kill Mr. Button....William Jones, free states - I reside in John Buttons kitchen; last Monday week we were sitting at supper when the prisoner stated to me that I might think myself a happy man to be sitting where I was that six of Mr. Dangar s men were going to rob the house and kill John Button and cut my arm off. The prisoner states in his defence that the witnesses in this case have frequently applied to him for meat and flour which he has refused and that it is all a made up concern against him.....James Spencer, assigned to William Dangar, states - last Thursday week after I had done milking I went to the river for water; I saw the prisoner leave and when he house with a bag and a piece of beef. I was coming back with the water; I saw Cole go into the house and the dairyman asked him where he had been; he said he had been at W. Cox s ; the dairyman gave him the key of the dairy and went up to the milking yard - after which the prisoner went out for a short time and returned with a bundle; I sat down in the veranda and saw him open the bundle which contained two or 3 pair of shoes; a pair of moleskin trousers; a pair of fustian; a white shirt and a coloured one; the white one had muslin in the bosom with several other little things. I am aware that two of my masters servants have lately taken to the bush....James Price, free - states - I am dairy man to William Dangar; that about last Thursday week the prisoner was grinding at the mill with another man who has since taken to bush, when I heard the prisoner say that there was one man more to go and that on Monday week when I was at supper with W. Jones, I heard the prisoner say he ought to think himself a lucky man as they intended to cut his arm off; on last Thursday there was nobody at home, the prisoner left the house between nine and ten o clock and returned about two hours before sundown. I know that two of his masters servants have lately taken the bush. On his return I asked him where he had been; he said at Mr. Cox s; and the morning before yesterday as I was bringing the cows home found a piece of beef that had been hanging in the chimney. Prisoner remanded until a full Bench...Corporal Keeling of the Mounted Police states that he has every reason to believe that stolen property is in the huts named and near Waybong and requests a search warrant accordingly. Warrant granted

Surname: Cole
First Name: William
Ship: Lady Feversham 1830
Date: 18 July 1839
Place: Muswellbrook
Source: Criminal Court Records. Muswellbrook Court of Petty Sessions, Letter Books, 1838-1851. Ancestry
Details: Request by Magistrate Edward Denny Day that the applications for tickets of leave by the following prisoners be submitted - Jacob Ashford, Richard Goodwin, William Cole, John Bevans, Francois Noyou

Surname: Cole
First Name: William
Ship: Lady Feversham 1830.....
Date: 1830
Place: -
Source: State Archives NSW. Convict Indents. Microfiche 676
Details: Age 20. Native of Bolston. Essex. Shoemaker. Tried at Chelmsford 1 August 1829 and sentenced to transportation for life for house breaking. Assigned to William Dangar at Hunter River on arrival

Surname: Cole
First Name: William
Ship: Lady Feversham 1830.....
Date: 27 March 1833
Place: Invermein
Source: Invermein Court of Petty Sessions. Deposition Books 1833 -1834 (Ancestry)
Details: In the case of William Cole, remanded....The evidence having been re considered and the prisoner called upon to state if he has anything further to urge in his defence, states that he has not. The Bench are therefore of opinion that the prisoner is guilty of endeavouring to induce other fellow servants to rob his overseer and abscond from his masters employment and therefore sentence him to receive fifty lashes