Search Result
Surname: Caswell
First Name: Captain Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 19 August 1862
Place: Hastings River
Source: Empire
Details: Died on 2nd August after a long illness age 64
Surname: Caswell
First Name: Lieut. Thomas R.N
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Port Stephens
Source: GRC
Details: Samuel Johnstone per 'England' assigned servant
Surname: Caswell
First Name: Lieutenant Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 3 January 1861
Place: Port Macquarie
Source: SMH
Details: Marriage on 29 December of Thomas youngest son of Lieutenant Thomas Caswell R.N., of Hastings River to Cathcart Anderson, second daughter of John McIver
Surname: Caswell
First Name: Lieutenant Thomas R.N
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Port Stephens
Source: GRC
Details: James Slade per 'Hive' assigned servant
Surname: Caswell
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Paterson
Source: GRC
Details: John Carter per 'John' assigned servant
Surname: Caswell
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1838 4 July
Place: Black Creek, Hunter River
Source: GG
Details: Assigned 4 convict labourers
Surname: Caswell
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1838 26 December
Place: Raymond Terrace
Source: GG
Details: John Fahy per 'Hero' absconded from service since Dec 11
Surname: Caswell
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1837 25 January
Place: Paterson
Source: GG 1837
Details: Assigned 1 convict shoemaker
Surname: Caswell
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1837 22 February
Place: Paterson
Source: GG 1837
Details: Assigned 1 convict sawyer. Indifferent. 1 - 19 Jan.,
Surname: Caswell
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Paterson
Source: GRC
Details: William Roberts per 'Lady Kennaway' assigned servant
Surname: Caswell
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Paterson
Source: GRC
Details: Moses White per 'Lady Kennaway' assigned servant
Surname: Caswell
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 28 December 1840
Place: River Hastings
Source: SH
Details: On the morning of 21st instant, Fanny Caswell eldest daughter of Thomas Caswell Esq., aged 12 years and 3 months, after a short illness from dysentery
Surname: Caswell
First Name: Thomas RN
Ship: -
Date: 9 February 1843
Place: Gloucester, Macquarie, Stanley electorate
Source: SMH
Details: On list of landed proprietors of the electoral district of Gloucester, Macquarie and Stanley supporting Charles Windeyer in the forthcoming election