Search Result
Surname: Bruce
First Name: John
Ship: Henry 1823
Date: 1828
Place: Pickering
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Sailor. Assigned to John Pike
Surname: Bruce
First Name: John
Ship: Henry 1823
Date: 1825 12 May
Place: Emu Plains
Source: SG
Details: From Belfast. 5'2" hazel eyes, black hair, dark freckled complexion. Absconded from Emu Plains
Surname: Bruce
First Name: John
Ship: Henry 1823
Date: 8 July 1824
Place: Hunter River
Source: Colonial Secretary's Papers. NRS 898 Special Bundles. Ancestry
Details: Joseph Bentley, John Buckley, John Bruce and Thomas Butler assigned to Andrew Dickson at the Hunter River