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Surname: Bauer
First Name: Ferdinand
Ship: -
Date: 1804 1 April
Place: Newcastle
Source: SG
Details: Sailing on the Lady Nelson to the new settlement at Newcastle
Surname: Bauer
First Name: Ferdinand
Ship: -
Date: 1804 19 April
Place: Newcastle
Source: HR NSW, Vol. V, King 1803, 1804, 1805. Ed by F. M. Bladen, Lansdowne Slattery & Company, Mona Vale, N.S.W.,1979, pp. 367 - 368
Details: Lieutnenat Menzies to Governor King....Mr. (Ferdinand) Bauer will present you with a sketch of this delightful spot, which I have taken the liberty of naming after your Excellency
Surname: Bauer
First Name: Ferdinand
Ship: -
Date: -
Place: -
Source: State Library of NSW. Discover Collections
Details: Images from Bauer s Illustrations Florae Novae Hollandiae
Surname: Bauer
First Name: Ferdinand
Ship: -
Date: -
Place: -
Source: The Literary World, Volume 4 (Google Books)
Details: Excerpt from the announcement of the death of Dr. Stephen Endlichr, Professor of Botany at Vienna.....In 1837 he commenced the publication of a work containing descriptions and drawings of new species of plants. The drawings for this work were from the pencil of the celebrated Ferdinand Bauer, who died in Vienna in 1826, and who, like his brother Francis in England, left behind him a great number of drawings of plants such as had never been equalled during their lives and have scarcely been surpassed since. Endlicheer published a Flora of Norfolk Island in 1833 consisting of descriptions of plants which were collected by Ferdinand Bauer in 1804 and 1805.
Surname: Bauer
First Name: Ferdinand
Ship: -
Date: -
Place: -
Source: Bulletin of the British Museum. volume 29. 25 November 1999
Details: Pencil drawings of Norfolk Island landscapes Although unsigned, these drawings are attributed to Bauer (see Introduction). Bauer is known to have drawn at least one landscape sketch in Australia, but this, of Newcastle, New South Wales, is now lost, a surviving tracing being that published by Norst