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Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Alcock
First Name: Frederick
Ship: -
Date: 1863 11 August
Place: Christ Church, Newcastle
Source: Marriages Register Book of Christchurch Cathedral, Newcastle 1856 - 1868 p.29
Details: Marriage of Frederick Alcock of Worcester, England and Ann Rosenia Huxley of Worcester

Surname: Alcock
First Name: Frederick
Ship: -
Date: 1873 27 February
Place: Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: Charles Henry Beddoes Eagles charged with having obtained money from Frederick Alcock by false pretences

Surname: Alcock
First Name: Frederick
Ship: -
Date: 1917 10 July
Place: -
Source: SMH
Details: Private J.F. Eaton, son in law of the late Frederick Alcock, killed in France

Surname: Alcock
First Name: Frederick
Ship: -
Date: 5 February 1870
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: New Buildings.— We were yesterday favoured with a view of the new building which has been erected for Mr. Frederick Alcock, adjoining the new premises of Mr. Broughton. It is certainly a very fine building, and not only does credit to the town, but to the builder and contractor, Mr. Prosser, who has faithfully carried out his contract to the letter, and left nothing about which the slightest complaint can be made. The building was designed by Mr. Alcock for himself, for the purpose for which it is intended, namely, for carrying on an extensive, drapery and milinery business, and for such is admirably adapted. The shop is very large, being at least thirty feet broad by forty feet in length. At the rear is a room a stop higher than the shop, on the ground floor, for the millinery department, which is lighted by skylights. The rooms above are large and lofty, and contain ample accommodation for Mr. Alcock s family and assistants. Commodious cellarage is below the shop. We wish Mr. Alcock every success in his new premises.

Surname: Alcock
First Name: Frederick and Anne Rosina
Ship: -
Date: -
Place: Hunter Street Newcastle
Source: 1820 to 1890 Family Register Book of Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle, NSW, Australia. See records 89-92
Details: Linen draper