Search Result
Surname: Olden
First Name: Rev. C
Ship: -
Date: 1882 13 April
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: Marriage of Samuel, third son of Thomas Mitchell of Raymond Terrace and Lizzie, third daughter of Benjamin Hodgson of West Maitland on 5th April. Minister Rev. C. Olden
Surname: Olden
First Name: Rev. C
Ship: -
Date: 1880 21 August
Place: West Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Marriage of William, only son of the late Alexander McArthur and stepson of W.Collard of Bolwarra to Frances Louisa, third surviving daughter of Robert Coward of Bolwarra, on 12th August 1880. Minister Rev. C. Olden
Surname: Olden
First Name: Rev. Charles
Ship: -
Date: 1867 6 July
Place: Newcastle
Source: SMH
Details: Marriage of John James Kittson, of Newcastle, eldest son of George Kittson of Waterloo, and formerly of Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland, to Maria, daughter of the late Isaac Winn, and stepdaughter of W. Clarke of Blane St. Newcastle on 2nd July 1867. Minister Rev. Clarles Olden
Surname: Olden
First Name: Rev. Charles
Ship: -
Date: 22 February 1868
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: The Rev. Charles Olden to preach a funeral sermon in the Wesleyan Church, Tyrrell-street on the death of the late Mr. James Steel one of the oldest residents of Newcastle