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Surname: Goddard
First Name: Rev.
Ship: -
Date: 13 July 1895
Place: Morpeth
Source: Maitland Weekly Mercury
Details: Departure of the Rev. Canon Goddard. On Tuesday evening, in the School of Arts, Morpeth, the Rev. Canon Goddard was entertained at a farewell social arranged by the ladies of the parish under the presidency of Mrs. Lart, of Bishopscourt, The rev. gentleman, as our readers will remember has accepted the incumbency of All Saints Petersham, in the diocese of Sydney. He leaves the diocese of Newcastle and the parish of Morpeth followed by the regrets of all who have been privileged to work with and to know him. Mrs Goddard was detained at home through illness, but she was mentioned with affection, and will also be held in kindly remembrance. There was a large gathering of parishioners of both sexes from all parts of the district — Morpeth, Hinton, Woodville, and Seaham being fully represented. On the table on the platform were exhibited the farewell presents which had been made to Rev. Canon and Mrs. Goddard: A handsome edition in four volumes in a case of the Revised Version of the Bible, the gift of the pupils of the Morpeth Sunday School to the departing incumbent; Church Hymns, presented by the same pupils to Mrs. Goddard ; a volume of Tennyson s Poems with autotype reproductions of Dores pictures, from the Hinton congregation ; and a silver inkstand in the shape of an eagle with outstretched wings, and bearing in its seal; a shield with the presentation inscription, from the people of Woodville. And beside these was the hand some silver salver to be handed over at the meeting, the gift of the parish at large, with the inscription : Presented to the Rev. Canon and Mrs. Goddard, in affectionate appreciation by the parishioners of Morpeth, Hinton, Woodville, and Seaham, July 9, 1895. A purse of sovereigns, the purse being of blue velvet, adorned with gold beads, lay upon the salver. The clergymen present were — The Venerable Archdeacon White, the Rev. Canon Shaw, the Revs. W. Tollis, A. C. Thomas, and T. R. Regg. Tea was served under the superintendence of Mrs. Lart, and Miss Lart directed the execution of a musical and vocal program.

Surname: Goddard
First Name: Rev. E
Ship: -
Date: 1886 20 March
Place: St. James Morpeth
Source: MM
Details: Marriage of John Denavon of London, England and Ruth Eliza, second eldest daughter of Henry Geary of Morpeth on 9th February 1886. Minister Rev. E .Goddard