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Surname: Dunne
First Name: Rev. J.T
Ship: -
Date: 1862 27 December
Place: St. Johns Church, West Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Marriage of Joseph Tyrrell and Miss Mary Donovan, both of West Maitland on 6th December 1862. Mininster Rev. J.T. Dunne

Surname: Dunne (obit)
First Name: Rev. John Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 16 November 1867
Place: Manley
Source: Freeman s Journal
Details: The Rev. J. T. Dunne, passed into a happier and better world, after a protracted and a. painful illness, on Tuesday last. The few particulars which we could gather of his life and labours among us, we subjoin, beseeching all to pray for the eternal repose of his soul. The Rev. Father Dunne was 38 years of age, and, like most of his fellow-priests in the British colonies, he claimed Ireland as his birth-place, having been born in Callan, County of Kilkenny. At a very early age he showed dispositions which indicated that he was chosen by the Almighty for the service of the altar, and his pious parents in order to cherish this feeling, sent him when very young to a school in his native place, conducted by a community of Augustinians. Here he remained a few years giving every satisfaction to his superiors, until he was removed to the diocesan college of Kilkenny, where he went through the necessary classical course to fit him for the higher studies, which were to prepare him for the priesthood. With age the same happy dispositions increased, until he was convinced that his lot was casts among the few who are to labor for the spiritual benefit of their fellow-beings. While pursuing his studies he began to experience a desire to| devote himself to foreign missions, and when the moment of choice arrived he willingly sacrificed country, friends and relatives, and decided to attach himself to the mission of New South Wales. For this purpose he entered the Missionary College of Carlow, where for five years he studied his theology and prepared him self by prayer and study for his future life. He was ordained at the close of 1854, by the late Right Rev. Dr. Healy, Bishop of Kildare, and Leighlin; the successor to the celebrated and talented J. K. L., Bishop Doyle. After a few weeks spent in visiting his friends and preparing for the voyage, Father Dunne embarked for Australia and arrived in Sydney in 1855, in company with Fathers Birch and White, both of whom are now engaged on this mission. On his landing he was at once sent to assist his former college companion, the Rev. T. McCarthy of Armidale, where he was principally occupied in ministering to the spiritual wants of the Catholics of the northern portion of New England, and the districts of the Clarence and Richmond Rivers. After passing six years in the labor of this extensive mission he was appointed first to the Singleton and afterwards to the important district of West Maitland. Apparently of a robust constitution, the privations and hardships of so many years of bush life had told against his constitution, and while in West Maitland the symptoms of the disease which eventually terminated in his death began to show themselves. After a few months of suffering his medical advisers recommended a change of air, and as the mission of Penrith was vacant he was appointed to it in hopes that his health would improve in that salubrious district, lying at the foot of the Blue Mountains. The disease was too deep seated and baffled all the skill of the doctor, and slowly but surely Father Dunne was sinking under the consumption which was destroying his vital organs. Very often he was unable to perform his spiritual duties and latterly he has been compelled to have the assistance of a fellow-priest. A few months since symptoms of an enlargement of the liver began to show themselves and greatly aggravated the original disease. Three weeks ago he was seized with a more serious attack than on any previous occasion and was visited by his Grace the Archbishop, who recommended his removal for a few days to Manly Beach. He followed the advice and went to reside at the Clarendon Hotel, Manly Beach, kept by the Misses Homer, where he received every care and attention. Dr. Gilhooly visited him there and did all that medical skill could to alleviate his sufferings. His days were, however, numbered, for on yesterday week the symptoms became alarming, and his friends could see that he had not many days to live. He was daily visited by some of the clergy and by none oftener than his fellow labourer and college companion, Father M cCarthy of St. Benedicts. His Grace the Archbishop also went to Manly to see him. During his parting hours he I received the last rites of the church and during the afternoons of Tuesday last he calmly expired, and gave up his soul into the hands of its Maker