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Surname: Corner
First Name: Rev. C
Ship: -
Date: 1887 19 March
Place: Ash Island
Source: MM
Details: Marriage of William Charles, fourth son of the late John Markwell of Richmond to Finetta Ellwood (Nettie), youngest daughter of William Milham, Errington, Ash Island on 23 February 1887. Minister Rev. C. Corner

Surname: Corner
First Name: Rev. Kerton
Ship: -
Date: 5 April 1889
Place: Morpeth
Source: NMH
Details: A tea and public meeting was held in the Morpeth School of Arts on Tuesday, to bid farewell to the Rev. Kerton Corner, who, for the past three years, has had charge of the Morpeth Station in the Wesleyan Church. Mr, Corner passed the early part of his life in Morpeth, and, consequently, when he came back to take charge of the church, met many old friends, and the increase of his popularity seems to belie the old saying about a prophet receiving no honour in his own c6untry. The farewell meeting must have been very gratifying to him, as not only the members of his church, but numbers of other denominations, met to bid him God speed. The tea meeting was in every way a success, the ladies who provided the good things and attended to the wants of the visitor vying with each other to make everyone as happy as possible, and when all were satisfied the tables were removed. In a very short time the hall was filled, whilst numbers could not gain admission

Surname: Corner
First Name: Rev. Kerton A
Ship: -
Date: 1868 5 November
Place: Dungog
Source: MM
Details: Marriage of James Hassard of Merriwa and Henrietta, youngest daughter of Thomas Hanna of Dungog on 28 October 1868. Minister Rev. K.A. Corner

Surname: Corner
First Name: Rev. Kerton A
Ship: -
Date: 4 September 1933
Place: Narrabri
Source: The North Western Courier
Details: Methodism which began at Narrabri as far back as 1866, when the Rev. Kerton A. Corner was appointed the first Minister of the Narrabri - Wee Waa Circuit, has in the past years contributed not a little to the spiritual life of the north west.....In those early days, Narrabri was remote from Sydney nearly a weeks journey. Its population was merely 250. Wee Waa possessed a hundred souls and Moree 56. The Rev. Kerton A. Corner was the pioneer of the North West, not only for the Methodist Church but also as far as other Churches were concerned, for he was the first Minister in the whole of the district. The nearest Minister of any other denomination was 60 miles away. The Rev. Corner spared not himself in service, and during his two years appointment travelled the whole are from the Nami to the Barwon and beyond. His immediate successor was the Rev. J. E. Carruthers D.D., then a young man of twenty just beginning his term of probation

Surname: Corner
First Name: Rev. W
Ship: -
Date: 6 April 1869
Place: Dungog
Source: Maitland Mercury
Details: DEPARTURE OF THE REV. W. CORNER - This esteemed minister left us to-day for his new circuit, Tenterfield and Glen Innes, after a successful year s labour in this. Yesterday after- noon and evening afforded a concluding display of the fruition of his abilities, zeal, and up- rightness ; for neither distance nor a lowering sky hindered an animated gathering of his friends well of other communions as of his own to share in the tea meeting festivities ; and the enjoyment afterwards afforded by several lively and edifying addresses, and sacred music, under the presidency of James Cornish, Esq., J.P.,