Search Result
Surname: Bigley
First Name: Daniel
Ship: Somersetshire 1814
Date: -
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4005]; Microfiche: 635
Details: Daniel Bigley, age 33. Tried at Northampton Peterboro Liberty Quarter Sessions 10 January 1810. Sentenced to transportation for 7 years. Occupation labourer
Surname: Bigley
First Name: Daniel
Ship: Somersetshire 1814
Date: 11 December 1813
Place: Retribution Hulk, Woolwich
Source: Home Office: Convict Prison Hulks: Registers and Letter Books; Class: HO9; Piece: 4 Ancestry
Details: Daniel Bigley, age 29. Tried at Peterborough 10 January 1810. Sentenced to transportation for 7 years for stealing pigs. Transferred to Somersetshire 5 March 1814
Surname: Bigley (Begley)
First Name: Daniel
Ship: General Hewitt; Somersetshire 1814
Date: 1817 18 August
Place: Newcastle
Source: Colonial Secretary Index
Details: On list of prisoners sent to Newcastle per Mary. Note - This is probably Daniel Bigley who arrived on the Somersetshire