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Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Morgan
First Name: Mary (Molly)
Ship: Neptune 1790
Date: 9 November 1794
Place: Sydney Cove
Source: An account of the English colony in New South Wales: with remarks ..., Volume 1 By David Collins
Details: On the morning of the 9th the ships Resolution and' Salamander left the cove, purposing to sail on their fishing voyage; soon after which, it being discovered that three convicts Mary Morgan and John Randall and his wife, were missing, at boat was sent down the harbour to search the Resolution, on board of which ship it was- said they were concealed. No person being found, the boat returned for further orders, leaving a serjeant and four men on board; but before she could return, Mr. Locke the master, after forcing the party out of his ship, got under way and stood out to sea. Mr. Irish, the master of the Salamander, did not accompany him ; but came up to the town, to testify to, the lieutenant-governor his uneasiness at its being supposed that he could be- capable of taking- any person, improperly from the colony. ' On the day following it appeared. that several persons were missing, and two convicts in the night swam oft' .to the Salamander, one of whom was supposed to have been drowned, but was afterwards found concealed in her hold and sent on shore. The Resolution during this time was seen hovering about the coast,. either waiting for her companion, or to pick up a boat with the runaways

Surname: Morgan (Hunt) (Mears)
First Name: Molly (Mary)
Ship: Neptune 1790. Experiment 1804
Date: 1846 2 July
Place: -
Source: SMH
Details: Details of land owned by Molly Morgan and the successful search for her heir James Morgan in England

Surname: Terrant
First Name: Private Henry
Ship: Neptune 1790
Date: 1805
Place: Newcastle
Source: The Second Fleet
Details: Private in NSW corps. Stationed at Newcastle 1805

Surname: Wentworth (obit.,)
First Name: D'Arcy
Ship: Neptune 1790
Date: 10 July 1827
Place: Homebush
Source: The Monitor
Details: DEATH. DIED at his Estate of Home-bush, Aged 65, after a severe attack of Influenza, universally regretted, D'Arcy Wentworth, Esq. the oldest Magistrate in the Colony, many years Surgeon-General, Colonial Treasurer of the Colony, and Chief Police Magistrate of Sydney; all of which important offices he filled with singular credit to himself, and satisfaction to the public, of all classes and degrees.- We feel real grief in recording the death of such a man as Mr. Wentworth. He was a lover of freedom; a consistent steady friend of the people; a kind and liberal master; a just and humane Magistrate; a steady friend; and an honest man. Mr. Wentworth's talents were not brilliant, but they were very solid. To a great measure of prudence- and caution, he joined a stern love 0f independence. He was a lover of liberty, on whom the people could rely. He was one of the greatest land-holders in the Colony, and perhaps the wealthiest man. But he considered his possession as calling upon him the more to support the true welfare of the people by maintaining their rights. Therefore, whenever the Colonists wanted a friend to address the King, the Parliament, or the Governor, Mr. Wentworth never shrank from the station allotted to him by Providence. He felt that by his wealth, talents, and experience, he was the natural protector of the people's rights. He was therefore a steady attend- ant on all public conventions of the Colonists, and the first to place his name at the head of a Requisition to the Sheriff, when grievances required to be redressed, or the people wished to make certain things known to the Colonial or the King's Government. At the great dinner given by the people to Sir Thomas Brisbane, after some of the very principal Colonists had sent the Governor a message to de- cline the honour of his company, (a kind of political crisis in New South Wales) Mr. Wentworth accepted the Chair : by which act of patriotism he upheld the spirit of the people and did a public good which has been and will be attended with benefits that will be enjoyed, when their connexion with that incident will not be perceived, or will be forgotten. In short, considering the paucity of men of wealth in this Colony sincerely attached to the people, we consider Mr. Wentworth's premature death (for his looks bade fair for ten years longer, of life) a national loss