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Surname: Logan
First Name: William R
Ship: -
Date: 12 June 1869
Place: Morpeth
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Appointed landing waiter at Morpeth

Surname: Logan
First Name: William R
Ship: -
Date: 16 April 1870
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Appointed Sub-collector of Customs at Newcastle

Surname: Logan
First Name: William R
Ship: -
Date: 2 March 1871
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: William R. Logan, Sub-Collector of Customs, advertising sale of goods at the back of the Custom-house

Surname: Logan
First Name: William R
Ship: Eden 1842 from Hobart to Sydney
Date: 4 July 1896
Place: Newcastle
Source: The Daily Telegraph
Details: Mr. William R. Logan, who on Wednesday last vacated the position of Sub-Collector of Customs at Newcastle, was. In point of length of service, the second in seniority among the members in the entire civil service. His first connection with the State dates back to 1st February, 1847, when he entered the office of the Executive Council as a cadet. Twelve months later he was transferred to a position In the Immigration Department, under Mr. F. L. S. Merewether, then Clerk of the Council, as well as head of that department. Mr. Logan s association therewith continued for 21 years, during which time he gradually rose until he reached the rank of chief clerk. In addition to his other duties he performed the work of Immigration officer under the Passenger Act, while the gold rush to California and New Zealand prevailed. The Immigration Department was brought into frequent communication at the time with Super- intendent Latrobe, of Port Philip, and Captain Wickham, R.N., of Moreton Bay, both places being then centres of districts of New South Wales. Among the members of the immigration staff who served under Mr. Logan were Mr. A. C. Fraser, late Under-Secretary for Justice; Colonel Macdonnell, Secretary of the Post Office, Brisbane ; Mr. Newcome, Receiver at the Colonial Treasury; the late Mr. Eldershaw, Assistant Clerk of the Assembly; Mr. Keightley, late police magistrate at Albury; Mr. F. S. McDermott, formerly of the Australian Joint Stock Bank, Newcastle; Mr. E. Marryatt, police magistrate at Walgett; and Mr. Greville, late of the Bankrupt cy Court. In 1869 the post held by Mr. Logan was abolished, and on June 1 of that year he was appointed by Sir Saul Samuel landing waiter at Morpeth, in the Customs branch of the service, which position he filled until April 1, 1870, when he was promoted to be Sub-Collector of Customs at Newcastle, an office the duties of which he has discharged for the long period Intervening with tact, courtesy, and ability, and with un qualified satisfaction to those with whom he has been brought into contact. The subject of this notice was born In Dublin, and arrived with his parents, when quite young, In Tasmania, Colonel Arthur being Governor, and Captain Montague Colonial Secretary, at the time. The family came to Sydney in 1842, when Sir George Gipps was Governor, and young Logan received his education at the Sydney College (now the Sydney Grammar School), where he had as fellow-pupils Mr. J. N. Brunker (Colonial Secretary), Sir George Innes, Mr. Justice Stephen, and Messrs. H. and W. Dangar. In 1854 he, with Sir George (then Mr.) Dibbs, joined the first volunteer rifle corps, the commanding officer of which was Captain Maclean, Superintendent of Convicts. After his long and honourable career in the civil service, Mr. Logan retires on a well-earned pension, with the good wishes of all who know, or who have had official dealings with, him.

Surname: Logan
First Name: William Robert
Ship: -
Date: 29 November 1870
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Gave evidence in the court case of Alexander Mackenzie, chief officer of the ship Kirkwood who was charged with smuggling

Surname: Logan
First Name: William Robert
Ship: -
Date: 3 April 1875
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Chairman at the meeting of shareholders of the Newcastle Civil Service Co-operative Society

Surname: Logan
First Name: William Robert
Ship: -
Date: 9 March 1878
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: Correspondence. Churchwarden for Christ church

Surname: Logan
First Name: William Robert
Ship: -
Date: 9 March 1880
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: Complaint to Council of the damage to his property in Wolfe street by reason of the alterations carried out by council

Surname: Logan
First Name: William Robert
Ship: -
Date: 20 September 1882
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: Death, on 19th September, at Newcomen street, after a long and painful illness, Edgar William, second son of William Robert Logan, Sub-Collector of Customs. Aged 19 years

Surname: Logan
First Name: William Robert
Ship: -
Date: 5 September 1894
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: May Walker charged with having stolen from the residence of William R. Logan, Newcomen street, a gold and diamond ring and gold brooch, the property of Edith Logan

Surname: Logan (obit)
First Name: William R
Ship: -
Date: 15 February 1919
Place: Sydney
Source: NMH
Details: Mr. William R. Logan, a former resident of Newcastle, died at his late residence, Mosman, Sydney. Mr. Logan, who was in his 89th year, had been ailing for some time, and his death was not unexpected. For 27 years he filled the position of Sub-collector of Customs at Newcastle, and while thus acting he saw the port make maked advancement. Mr. Logan, during his residence in Newcastle, took a keen and active initerest in all public matters, and for many years was a member of the committee of the Newcastle hospital. He laboured hard for the institution and also gave a lot of time to church matters