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Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Black Harry (Indigenous)
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 4 November 1861
Place: East Maitland
Source: SMH
Details: The execution of the aboriginal murderer Harry to take place in the gaol at East Maitland

Surname: Black Harry (Indigenous)
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 6 December 1842
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: State Archives NSW. Gaol Entrance Books. Item: 2/2020; Roll: 757
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol on a charge of assault. Sentenced to 14 days hard labour

Surname: Black Harry (Indigenous)
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1861
Place: Maitland
Source: Maitland Weekly Mercury 14 March 1896
Details: After execution, his body was buried in the RC cemetery East Maitland. The grave was opened by sculptor and the head severed from his body for the purpose of having a cast taken which was done by Wattle McGill. A cast was kept for many years by Major Sloan and then donated to the Techological Museum, the forerunner of the Powerhouse Museum. In 1896 the cast had been freshened up with a coat of lamp black. The lips were very thick and prominent, the jawbones heavy, the nose broad and flat, the eye brows prominent and the head developed in an extraordinary degree (quote)

Surname: Black Harry (Indigenous)
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1861
Place: Maitland
Source: Maitland Weekly Mercury 30 November 1895
Details: The most sensational case tried at the Maitland Circuit Court in September 1861 was that of an aborigine known as Black Harry who had in a short but desperate and inhuman career of crime committed a series of diabolical murders and outrages and robberies to no end. He was the terror of the district between Merriwa and Gunnedah during his reign but at length after cunningly eluding his pursuers he was captured by Mr. John Humpries a squatter residing on his station called Borah and lodged in the Gunedah lockup. Harry was a native of the McIntyre River tribe of aborigines about 5ft 7in and said not to be bad looking. He spoke English well and was very intelligent. The story of his crimes and capture may be interesting. It appears that a shepherd named Richard Mills was living un Gundabri station, Halls Creek with his wife and two children, the latter aged nine and five years. On the 16th July Mills legt his hut and was away shepherding all day. Black Harry, who was engaged on the same station, came to the place about 11 oclock that morning and he and the boy went out into the bush to look for possums taking with them a tomahawk . The blackfellow caught some possums and the boy lit a fire on which they were roasted. While the boy was sitting down watching the operation of cook, Harry without a word of warning struck him on the back of the head with a tomahawk twice and left him for dead. Harry then returned to Mills hut and brutally murdered Mrs. Mills nearly severing her head from her body with several blows of the tomahawk. He then ransacked the place and carried away with hi the little girl who was never aterwards seen and it is supposed that she too met with the same awful fate as her mother. After this he committed a series of outrages and robberies and though a reward was offered for his capture , he managed to elude the vigilance of his pursuers for a considerable time

Surname: Black Harry (Indigenous)
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 14 March 1896
Place: Maitland
Source: Maitland Weekly Mercury
Details: A Cast of Black Harry. - Black Harry was hanged in East Maitland in 1861 for a murderous outrage committed on a boy in the Hunter district and which led up to a series of diabolical crimes perpetrated between the offence mentioned and his capture some few months afterwards. His grave in the Roman Catholic Cemetery at East Maitland being opened by a well known scuptor, and Black Harrys head severed from his body for the purpose of having a cast taken from it. Several casts were taken in plaster of Paris by Mr. Wattie McGill, and one of these was shown by Major Sloan who had it in his possession for many years notwithstanding the fact of its being in 1893 floods, the cast was almost as good as new, freshed up with a coat of lamp black.....The cast was handed over to the Tecnhological Museum by Major Sloan etc.

Surname: Harry (Indigenous)
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 18 March 1843
Place: -
Source: Maitland Mercury
Details: Apprehended after a battle. Identified as being near Bulwarra where two children and a black boy, servant of Mr. Boydell were murdered

Surname: Harry (Indigenous)
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1 April 1843
Place: Maitland
Source: Maitland Mercury
Details: Committed for trial for the murder of two children

Surname: Harry (Indigenous)
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1843 14 October
Place: Maitland
Source: MM
Details: To be executed in front of new gaol wall. East Maitland at 12 o clock Wednesday 18/10/43

Surname: Harry (Indigenous)
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 14 March 1846
Place: McLeay River
Source: MM
Details: Aborigine. Sentenced to be transported for 15 yrs to penal settlement for assault on Peter Davis

Surname: Harry (Indigenous)
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 7 November 1838
Place: Paterson
Source: Government Gazette
Details: Apprehended after absconding from service of A. Lang

Surname: Harry (Indigenous)
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 8 April 1843
Place: -
Source: CO
Details: Described as having a large scar on his thigh caused by a burn. Committed for trial for murder an forwarded to Newcastle gaol

Surname: Harry (Indigenous)
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 6 November 1837
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Bench Books. AONSW Reel 2722
Details: Brown, Harry, Big Jemmy and Boatman fined 5/- or 6 hrs in the stocks for drunkenness and rioting

Surname: Harry (Indigenous)
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 27 December 1841
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Gaol Entrance Book, Item: 2/2020; Roll: 757 (Ancestry)
Details: Harry and Billy Blue, aborigines, admitted to Newcastle gaol under sentence of 14 days for assaulting a constable in the execution of his duty

Surname: Long Harry (Indigenous)
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1843 1 March
Place: -
Source: CO
Details: Hunted by chief of the Glendon tribe Jemmy