Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Clohasy (Classey) (also Clohesy)
First Name: James
Ship: Somersetshire 1814
Date: -
Place: -
Source: AO NSW Convict Indent Fiche No. 635
Details: Tried Southampton Portsmouth Quarter Sessions 27 July 1813. Native place Cork. Occupation Stonemason aged 29; 5ft 5 3/4in, ruddy complexion, black hair, hazel eyes.Sentenced to 7 years transportation.

Surname: Clohesy
First Name: James
Ship: -
Date: 1819 Oct - Dec
Place: Newcastle
Source: Convict Settlement
Details: Overseer, stone cutters

Surname: Clohesy
First Name: James
Ship: -
Date: 3 August 1818.....
Place: Christ Church, Newcastle
Source: Church of England Marriage Register Book 1818 - 1825. University of Newcastle
Details: No. 10. Marriage of James Clohesy, stone mason, widower, to Maria Wilson. Witnesses James Hargraves and John Smith. Minister Rev. William Cowper

Surname: Clohesy
First Name: James
Ship: Somersetshire 1814
Date: 1816
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Convict sent to Newcastle

Surname: Clohesy
First Name: James
Ship: Somersetshire 1814
Date: 1821
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Overseer of Stone masons and builders

Surname: Clohesy
First Name: James
Ship: Somersetshire 1814
Date: January 1820......
Place: Newcastle
Source: The Evidence Before Commissioner J.T. Bigge
Details: EVIDENCE OF JAMES CLOHESY, STONE MASON JANUARY 1820. 1. How long have you been in this settlement? Four years next August. 2. Were you employed by Captain Wallis to build the church, the gaol and the hospital? I was particularly employed in building the church and I cut the stone for the other buildings. 3. Had you any promise of freedom from Captain Wallis in consequence of your exertions in these works? I had no promise of freedom, but only of a recommendation to the Governor when they were finished which recommendation was made on his Excellency s last visit to this place, but I have received no indulgence as yet. 4. Do you know why the recommendation of Captain Wallis has not been carried into effect? Only I believe, that the Governor wished me to assist in forwarding and finishing the pier that is now in hand. 2 5. Who drew the plan of the church? I drew the first plan, but it has been altered and amended by Captain Wallis. 6. What number of persons was it calculated at first to contain? Two hundred men, at first as there were not more than 85 in the settlement exclusive of the limeburners and the settlers and the military. 158 7. What year was that in? In 1816.

Surname: Clohesy
First Name: James
Ship: Somersetshire 1814
Date: 3 August 1818
Place: Newcastle
Source: Colonial Secretary's Papers. State Records of NSW Special Bundles
Details: Marriage of James Clohesy age 36 arrived per Somersetshire, to Maria Wilson age 40 arrived per Alexander

Surname: Clohesy
First Name: James
Ship: Somersetshire 1814
Date: 5 October 1813
Place: Perseus hulk at Portsmouth
Source: -
Details: Tried at Winchester on 27 July 1813. Admitted to the Perseus hulk on 5th October 1813. Sent to the Somersetshire for transportation to NSW March/April 1814.

Surname: Clohesy
First Name: James and Maria
Ship: -
Date: 12 August 1822
Place: Church of England, Newcastle
Source: Church of England Marriage Register Book 1818 - 1825. University of Newcastle
Details: No. 25. Marriage of Anthony Dwyer to Margaret Cuddy, both of Newcastle. Witnesses James and Maria Clohesy. Minister Rev. Middleton

Surname: Clohesy (Clohessy)
First Name: James B
Ship: -
Date: 9 July 1823
Place: Newcastle
Source: Colonial Secretarys Papers Reel 6067; 4/1809 p.88
Details: Sydney, July 9th 1823 Most Honored Sir, I thus humbly take the liberty to inform you that I am a man recently returned from the settlement of Newcastle after a lapse of nearly eight years that I held the situation of Overseer of stone masons and builders nearly seven years that I drew the plan and Executed the Church erected there in the year 1818; that I laid the foundation stone of the pier there to Under Knobbys Island to the Mainland and other public works there as the gaol, Hospital, Officers Quarters then under the command then of Captain Wallis 46th regiment; that in consequence of my services Governor Macquarie was pleased to grant me a conditional pardon with an allotment of ground then vacant to build a stone house on where the Officers Quarters now stands erected by Major Morriset, the present Commandant, I being disabled to finish the house by a severe fall I received from the steeple of said Church then at a height of 65 feet - He was pleased to give me a house situated at No. 8 George St. opposite the Commissariat Stores for this unfinished house which he constructed as the present officers Quarters that the Governor Wishing to retain me in Government employ in forwarding the pier was pleased to allow me a Crown Servant to work on the farms on Hunters River (in lieu of labour), that in the course of Major Morissets Command in an unguarded moment disobeyed his Command for which he ordered me off the settlement at a days notice; that there is a years wages due to me from a Mr. Brown for my Government Servant; that I leased the aforementioned house to a Mrs. Pennington both emigrant settlers, neither of which would pay me a penny for either house or money which induced me to send my wife ( a free woman) to Newcastle to dispose of the house when another gentleman named McLeod starts up and tells the poor woman that he got a grant of the ground from Major Goulbourn and if she would not be satisfied to take twenty five pounds for the house in fourteen days he would take possession of it; she sent me a note from Newcastle begging me to apply to you your Honour to know whether such grant has been given to be guided accordingly as the house cost me near forty pounds besides my own labour. Permit me Sir to beseech your Honour to grant us a knowledge of the truth of his assertion and to subscribe myself your Honorable most persecuted humble and obedient servant J.B. Clohesy

Surname: Clossey (Clohesy)
First Name: James
Ship: -
Date: 1816 29 June
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: Found guilty of burglary in the house of Mr. Wilfod of Clarence St. Sydney

Surname: Clossey (Clohesy)
First Name: James
Ship: -
Date: 1816 6 July
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: Sentenced to hard labour at Newcastle for life for burglary