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Surname: (Indigenous) Brisbane Water Tribe
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 16 April 1827
Place: Gosford district
Source: The Gosford Times and Wyong District Advocate 6 September 1934
Details: Extract from Gosford Bench Books - While it is not possible to give the exact number of each tribe of blacks in the district, says a letter of April 16 1827, there are five tribes viz., the Mial or Broken Bay tribe, the Tuggerah Beach tribe, the Wyong tribe, and the Narara and Erina tribes. The three first as well as I am able to judge consist of about fifteen each and the two last of about ten each, being in all about sixty five men, women and children

Surname: Abraham (Indigenous) Brisbane Water
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 25 October 1834
Place: Brisbane Waters
Source: R v Long Dick, Jack Jones, Abraham & Gibber Paddy
Details: Aboriginal indicted for stealing property of Alfred William Jacques and William Ross. Found guilty.

Surname: Abraham (Indigenous) Brisbane Water
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 19 May 1835
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: Sydney Gazette
Details: Sentence of death recorded against Long Dick, Jack Jones, Abraham and Gibber Paddy for stealing property belonging to Alfred William Jacques

Surname: Abraham (Indigenous) Brisbane Water
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 9th August 1838
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: Registers of Coroners Inquests and Magisterial Inquiries (Ancestry)
Details: Died of natural causes

Surname: Abraham (Indigenous) Brisbane Water
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 28 April 1835
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: Gosford (Brisbane Water) Court of Petty Sessions, Letter Books, 1826 - 1874 (Ancestry)
Details: Correspondence from Magistrate Jonathan Warner re depositions of William Rust, Moses Carroll and George Turner against aboriginal natives Jago, Paddy and Abraham who had been forwarded to Sydney gaol

Surname: Abraham (Indigenous) Brisbane Water
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 9 September 1838
Place: Wyong, Brisbane Water
Source: Gosford (Brisbane Water) Court of Petty Sessions Bench Books, 1835 - 1842
Details: Enquiry relative to Abraham, black native....G.K. Mann states - I recollect having seen the deceased whose name I believe to be Abraham in a very debilitated state. About a fortnight ago he was suffering from decline and I ordered him to call for some medicine. It was reported to me last night that his man had died between 12 and 2 o clock yesterday at the saw pits. Today I have seen the corpse at the saw pits and I am of opinion that he had died from the disorder above mentioned as he appears in the most emaciated state and apparently had no arks of violence about him... Joseph Ball having been sworn stated - I and Allcock have been working at the saw pits lately. The deceased came to the saw pits on Tuesday last; he was then very ill. He remained til yesterday about 11 o clock then went away for some rations. When we came back about 2 we found him dead. He has been ill to my recollection about two years past. Peter Allcock states...I knew the deceased. He came to the saw pits on Friday night, he was very ill then. He has been very ill a length of time. We went for rations. When we returned about three hours afterwards we found him dead. No blacks were with him that day nor any one but ourselves that I know of. I and Bell buried him today after the Police Magistrate had viewed the body. There were no marks of violence on him.

Surname: Billy Boy (Indigenous) (Brisbane Water)
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 24 April 1879
Place: Wyong
Source: Newcastle Morning Herald
Details: In an account of the life of Old Margaret of Lake Macquarie, Robert Talbot mentioned Billy Boy of the Wyong tribe as a relative of old Margaret

Surname: Billy Boy (Indigenous) Brisbane Water
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 3 February 1842
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: SG
Details: A body of some ten or twelve natives attempted one afternoon to force open a hut belonging to some men employed on the estate of Mr. Hely. They were luckily however perceived just as they had broken in the door and were commencing their plunder. After a desperate struggle, in which the blacks fought most savagely six were taken into custody handcuffed and marched under escort into the township of East Gosford. Amongst them were Quart Pot, a notorious vagabond, Billy Boy and Jackey Nerang. Quart Pot was the leader in the attack on the house and on arriving in the town he was confronted with the owner of the hut when to the astonishment of all he stoutly denied knowing anything aboutt the matter. Their bindings had unfortunately been taken off on their arrival in the town and they armed themselves with legs of tables with which they commenced a furious attack on the two or three who were present. They were also reinforced by several other blacks who were in the neighbourhood or who had followed the escort from Helys. On the arrival of the constables the blacks decamped. One man was severely wounded by the vagabonds but recovering

Surname: Billy Boy Indigenous) (Brisbane Water)
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 18 February 1851 (inquest date)
Place: Gosford
Source: Register of Coroners inquests and magisterial inquiries, Gosford Library
Details: Found dead

Surname: Brisbane Water Hotel
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 13 June 1840
Place: Boorong Point
Source: Commercial Journal and Advertiser
Details: Edward Smith obtained license for Brisbane Water Hotel

Surname: Brisbane Waters to Newport
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1842 3 March
Place: -
Source: SG
Details: -

Surname: Buker (Indigenous) Brisbane Water
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 24 April 1879
Place: Wyong
Source: Newcastle Morning Herald
Details: In an account of the life of Old Margaret of Lake Macquarie, Robert Talbot mentioned Buker of the Wyong tribe as a relative of old Margaret

Surname: Bumble (Indigenous) Brisbane Water
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: October 1834
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: CSIL 34/7915
Details: Aborigine who had lived for years among white people. Raided the farm of William Cape

Surname: Camingbong (Carningbong) (Indigenous) Brisbane Water
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 14 February 1835
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: SG
Details: Aborigine convicted of felony and sentence of death recorded against him

Surname: Carbone Jemmy (Kurrangbong Jemmy) (Indigenous) Brisbane Water
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 14 February 1835
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: Sydney Monitor
Details: Found guilty of robbing the station of Mr. Jaques

Surname: Carbone Jemmy (Kurrangbong Jemmy) (Indigenous) Brisbane Water
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 14 February 1835
Place: Brisbane Waters
Source: Sydney Monitor
Details: Carbone Jemmy, Monkey, Whipemup, Major Little Dick, Leggemy, Tom Jones, and Litte Freeman, aboriginal natives, indicted for housebreaking and robbery at the house of Alfred Hill Jaques on 25 October 1834. Rev. Threlkeld interpreter. The attacked the house and kept throwing stones until they effected an entrance by a window, after which Mr. Jaques and his servant escaped but not till the servant had been speared. The natives gutted the house carrying off provisions, clothing etc. As the appearance of the prisoners had been much altered, their hair having been cut off in gaol, the identity of four of the prisonerss only was established. Carbone Jemmy, Whipemup, Tom Jones and Monkey found guilty and remanded. The other five were remanded on other charges

Surname: Charley Myrtle (Muscle) (Indigenous) Brisbane Water
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 2 January 1835
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: Gosford and the Kendall Country p20
Details: Apprehended and forwarded to Sydney gaol with Little Dick and Monkey

Surname: Cherabout (Indigenous) Brisbane Water
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 24 April 1879
Place: Wyong
Source: NMH
Details: In an account of the life of Old Margaret of Lake Macquarie, Robert Talbot mentioned Cherabout of the Wyong tribe as a relative of old Margaret

Surname: Ellen (Indigenous) Brisbane Water
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1849
Place: Gosford, Kincumber
Source: Australia Birth Index (Ancestry)
Details: Daughter of Margaret and Ned. Birth registered Gosford district

Surname: Flathead (Indigenous) Brisbane Water
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 18 August 1853
Place: East Gosford
Source: Register of Coroners inquests and magisterial inquiries, Gosford Library
Details: Died by the Visitation of God