Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Boyce
First Name: William Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1848 13 September
Place: Sydney
Source: MM
Details: Marriage of William Thomas Boyce to Miss Elizabeth Ann Livingstone on 5th September 1848 at St. Phillips Church Sydney

Surname: Boyce
First Name: William Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1851 28 May
Place: Cooranbong near Lake Macquarie; commencing at Dora Creek on the Western boundary of Percy Simpson's 2000 acres
Source: MM
Details: Claim for grant of land. 1500 acres granted to Patrick F. Campbell 17th November 1829 now advertised at his request in favour of William Thomas Boyce

Surname: Boyce
First Name: William Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1851 27 August
Place: At 'Coorumbung'
Source: MM
Details: Claim for deed of grant by William Thomas Boyce for 1500 acres granted to Patrick Francis Campbell ready for examination

Surname: Boyce
First Name: William Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1842 10 May
Place: Newport Lake Macquarie
Source: SG
Details: Advertising the Newport Hotel

Surname: Boyce
First Name: William Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1842 13 October
Place: Newport
Source: SG
Details: Settler and Innkeeper. New insolvent

Surname: Boyce
First Name: William Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1842 1 January
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: SG
Details: Correspondence re the Brisbane Water Steam Company and Mr. Hargrave's wharf

Surname: Boyce
First Name: William Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1844 30 July
Place: Lake Macquarie
Source: GG
Details: Settler and innkeeper. Insolvent estate

Surname: Boyce
First Name: William Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1856 16 May
Place: Maitland Quarter Sessions
Source: SMH
Details: William Thomas Boyce fined 5 pounds for assaulting Henry Mayhew at Newcastle

Surname: Boyce
First Name: William Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1856 5 January
Place: -
Source: SMH
Details: On List of Electors of the Counties of Northumberland and Hunter supporting Alexander Walker Scott as a candidate in the approaching general election

Surname: Boyce
First Name: William Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1855 15 December
Place: Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: Signed petition supporting Edward Flood in the forthcoming elections

Surname: Boyce
First Name: William Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1855
Place: Freehold. Address - near the A.A. Company pits
Source: NMH
Details: On a list of electors in the police district of Newcastle who had the right to vote for elections in the county of Northumberland in 1855. Printed in the Newcastle Morning Herald 11 October 1911

Surname: Boyce
First Name: William Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1855
Place: Freehold - Address Charles Town
Source: NMH
Details: On a list of electors in the police district of Newcastle who had the right to vote for elections in the county of Northumberland in 1855. Printed in the Newcastle Morning Herald 11 October 1911

Surname: Boyce
First Name: William Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 6 May 1863
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: William Thomas Boyce, auctioneer, indicted for committing an indecent assault on Mary McDonald, a widow residing at the back of the post office

Surname: Boyce
First Name: William Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 31 December 1859
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Coroner s Inquest into the death of Isaac Pitroon who drowned in a boating accident. Witnesses William Thomas Boyce, captain of the steam dredge Hunter, Thomas Francis and Thomas Edwards

Surname: Boyce
First Name: William Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 26 January 1869
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Richard Richards charged with keeping a disorderly house in Pacific Street. Witnesses William Thomas Boyce who owned a house in Pacific street; Henry Augustus Smith who lived near the house occupied by Richards; Rebecca Radford also gave evidence. Prisoner committed to stand trial on the charge at Maitland Quarter Sessions

Surname: Boyce
First Name: William Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 23 August 1873
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Death on 21st August at his residence, Newcomen street, Mr. William Thomas Boyce, in the 57 th year of his age

Surname: Boyce
First Name: William Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 10 September 1870
Place: Maitland Quarter Sessions
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Henry Malone found not guilty of having at Newcastle on 26th May assaulted William Thomas Boyce with the intention of doing him grievous bodily harm

Surname: Boyce
First Name: William Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 21 August 1873
Place: Christ Church Burial Ground, Newcastle
Source: Burial Register 1861 - 1884. Living Histories
Details: BOYCE - William Thomas - abode Newcomen-street. Occupation Agent. Died aged 57 on 21 August 1873

Surname: Boyce
First Name: William Thomas
Ship: Bencoolen 1837
Date: 14 February 1861
Place: Maitland Gaol
Source: Maitland Gaol Description Book. State Archives NSW; Roll: 2371
Details: William Thomas Boyce born 1818, 5ft 3 1/4 inches, strong build, dark sallow complexion. Admitted to Maitland Gaol

Surname: Boyce
First Name: William Thomas
Ship: Bencoolen 1837
Date: 14 2 1861
Place: Maitland Gaol
Source: Maitland Gaol Entrance Books State Archives NSW; Roll: 2370
Details: William Thomas Boyce, occupation ship captain. Native place London. Admitted to Maitland gaol from Newcastle under sentence of 2 months imprisonment