Search Result
Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: 1810 22 December
Place: -
Source: SG
Details: Arrival of the convict ship Indian on 16th December from England. Captain Barclay. 192 male prisoners. Seven prisoners lost on the passage out.
Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: -
Place: -
Source: The Convict Ships - Charles Bateson
Details: Master And. Barclay; 200 male convicts
Surname: Acton (alias Ogle)
First Name: Thomas (alias Joseph)
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: 1820 15 June
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Sentenced to death. Commuted to life to Newcastle
Surname: Acton (alias Ogle)
First Name: Thomas (alias Joseph)
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: 10 March 1810
Place: York
Source: The Leeds Mercury
Details: On Tuesday week, was committed to York Castle, Thomas Action, alias Joseph Ogle charged by William Wilks of Wetherby, licensed hawker, Bridget Stephenson and Thomas and William Smith of Sheffield, Constables, with feloniously stealing, taking and carrying away from the warehouse of William Wilks of Wetherby aforesaid, a quantity of linen and woollen cloth, his property. Acton is the eleventh person who has been committed on a charge of being concerned in the robbery at Wetherby
Surname: Acton (alias Ogle)
First Name: Thomas (alias Joseph)
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: 10 March 1810
Place: York
Source: The Leeds Mercury
Details: The following is a Calendar of the prisoners who are to take their trials at the assizes for the county of York which commences this day.......{Extract} - Richard Baker, Philip Mason, Ellen Richardson, George Stephenson, Isaac Houseley, Isaac Houseley sen, Joseph Ridge, Flora Hunter Joseph Houseley, Thomas Acton - All charged with having been concerned in the robbery committed upon the premises of William Wilks of Wetherby, licensed Hawker, on the night of the 18th January or with having in their possession sundry pieces of cotton, linen and woollen goods, the property of the said William Wilks knowing them to be stolen.
Surname: Acton (alias Ogle)
First Name: Thomas (Joseph)
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: 1823 15 September
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Removed from Newcastle to Port Macquarie
Surname: Baker
First Name: Richard
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: 1814 6 April
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of prisoners to be sent to Newcastle
Surname: Baker
First Name: Richard
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: 1817 10 March
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Prisoner at Newcastle. Claiming his term of transportation had expired
Surname: Beattie
First Name: Francis
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: 1817 20 November
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of prisoners to be sent to Newcastle per Elizabeth Henrietta
Surname: Beattie
First Name: Francis
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: 1828
Place: Newcastle
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Free by Servitude. Sheriff's Bailiff
Surname: Beattie
First Name: Francis
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: 1809 23 March
Place: -
Source: CI
Details: Sentenced to 14 yrs transportation at Lancaster
Surname: Beattie
First Name: Francis
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: -
Place: Perseus Hulk
Source: UK Prison Hulks
Details: Francis Beattie, Charles Booth, John Barker and John Dewhurst sentenced to 14 years transportation for forging notes. Tried Lancaster 23 March 1809. Sent to the Perseus hulk from Lancaster Castle on 23 May 1809 and transferred to the Indian convict ship which departed England on 18 July 1810
Surname: Best
First Name: Anthony
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: -
Place: -
Source: The Bicentenary Pioneer Register, Second Edition, Volume 111
Details: Spouse Hannah Blakefield nee Clothier. Issue Samuel b. 1812 at Windsor 2) William Scott b. 1814 at Windsor
Surname: Best
First Name: Anthony
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: 1815 9 December
Place: -
Source: CSI
Details: On return of horned cattle issued from the Government Herds between 8 May 1814 and 9 Jan 1819; payment for horses
Surname: Best
First Name: Anthony
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: 1821 21 September
Place: -
Source: CSI
Details: On account of claims against the estate of Annisley Magraw & David Bell
Surname: Best
First Name: Anthony
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: 3 November 1809
Place: Captivity Hulk
Source: UK Prison Hulk Registers and Letter Books 1802 - 1849
Details: Age 32. Tried at Beverley on 3 October 1809 and convicted of felony. Admitted to the Captivity hulk on 3 November 1809. Sent to the Indian convict ship on 27 June 1810 for transportation to NSW
Surname: Best
First Name: Anthony
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: 30 May 1826
Place: Sydney Gaol
Source: Sydney Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW; Roll: 851 Ancestry
Details: Free. Admitted to Sydney Gaol for receiving stolen property. At Criminal court found guilty and sentenced to 14 years transportation. Sent to the hulk 28 September 1826
Surname: Bonham (Boneham)
First Name: Joseph
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: 1811 11 May
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Sent to Newcastle
Surname: Bonham (Boneham)
First Name: Joseph
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: 1812 13 August
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Sentence remitted. Proceeding to Sydney from Newcastle
Surname: Bonham (Boneham)
First Name: Joseph
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: 1811 4 May
Place: -
Source: SG
Details: Servant to John Thomas Campbell in Sydney. Sentenced to 2 yrs hard labour in Newcastle for repeatedly robbing his master