Search Result
Surname: Davis
First Name: Rev. Dr
Ship: St. George 1848
Date: 9 December 1848
Place: Sydney
Source: The Peoples Advocate and NSW Vindicator
Details: Ship St. George, arr. 8 December from the Downs. Passengers included Rev. Dr. Davis, Roman Catholic Bishop of Maitland, Edward Moriarty, Isaac Lee, Mr. B. W. Lee
Surname: Lee
First Name: Isaac
Ship: St. George 1848
Date: 9 December 1848
Place: Sydney
Source: The Peoples Advocate and NSW Vindicator
Details: Ship St. George, arr. 8 December from the Downs. Passengers included Rev. Dr. Davis, Roman Catholic Bishop of Maitland, Edward Moriarty, Isaac Lee, Mr. B. W. Lee