Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

Search Result

Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Deborah 1843
Date: 13 December 1843
Place: Sydney
Source: Sydney Morning Herald
Details: Arrival - from Auckland via the Bay of Islands, having left the former 22nd and the latter 29th November, the schooner Deborah, 121 tons, Captin Wing with plank etc. Passengers Mr. and Mrs. Odell and child, Mrs. Watson and two children, Colonel Thomas, Dr. Norway, Mr. Cook, Mr. Graham, Mr. Dubois, Mr. and Mrs. King, Mr. Fox and child, Mr and Mrs Bean and three children, and Monsieur Baptiste

Surname: O'Dell
First Name: Thomas Jones
Ship: Deborah 1843
Date: -
Place: Morpeth
Source: Maitland Family History Circle's Pre 1900 Pioneer Register
Details: Born c 1815 Ireland. Spouse Maria Delaney. For information about descendants see Pioneer Register Entry No. 1110