Search Result
Surname: Calcott
First Name: Harriett
Ship: Surry 1819 to England
Date: 26 June 1819
Place: Sydney
Source: Sydney Gazette
Details: Harriett Calcott proceeding to England in the ship Surrey requests all Claims to be presented immediately. Ensign King leaving the Colony by the ship Surry, requests Claims to be presented
Surname: Clark (Clarke)
First Name: William
Ship: Surry 1819
Date: 31 May 1824
Place: Newcastle
Source: Colonial Secretary's Correspondence - Commandant Henry Gillman to Colonial Secretary
Details: William Clarke Included in a list of 19 convicts transported to Newcastle who appear unaccounted for in the Returns from that Settlement and not in the last General Muster - Ran from the settlment 18th November 1821
Surname: Clarke
First Name: William
Ship: Surry 1819
Date: 1819 22 October
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of prisoners sent to Newcastle per 'Princess Charlotte'
Surname: Clarke
First Name: William
Ship: Surry 1819
Date: 1821 September
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On monthly return of prisoners punished at Newcastle
Surname: Edwards
First Name: Edward
Ship: Surry 1819
Date: 1819 6 April
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Servant at Govt. House. On list of prisoners sent to Newcastle per 'Lady Nelson' and 'Elizabeth Henrietta'
Surname: Edwards
First Name: Edward
Ship: Surry 1819
Date: 1819 6 April
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Sentenced to Newcastle for 2 yrs by the Governor after stealing linen from Govt. House
Surname: Edwards
First Name: Edward
Ship: Surry 1819
Date: 1819 July/August
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On monthly return of prisoners punished at Newcastle
Surname: Edwards
First Name: Edward
Ship: Surry 1819
Date: 1819 1 July
Place: Newcastle
Source: Convict Settlement
Details: Punished for being absent from work
Surname: Edwards
First Name: Edward
Ship: Surry 1819
Date: 1819 4 August
Place: Newcastle
Source: Convict Settlement
Details: Punished for refusing to work
Surname: Hewitt
First Name: Thomas
Ship: Surry 1819
Date: 1819 29 December
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of prisoners sent to Newcastle per 'Elizabeth Henrietta'
Surname: Humphreys (Humphries)
First Name: Thomas
Ship: Surry 1819
Date: 1825
Place: Newcastle district
Source: New South Wales and Tasmania, Australia Convict Musters. Class: HO 10; Piece: 19
Details: Assigned servant to Vicars Jacobs in the district of Newcastle
Surname: Humphries
First Name: Thomas
Ship: Surry 1819
Date: 1821 16 October
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of prisoners transported to Newcastle per Elizabeth Henrietta
Surname: Maybury
First Name: William
Ship: Surry 1819
Date: 1834
Place: Newcastle
Source: Register Book of Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle
Details: Marriage of William Maybury of Williams River and Mary Hall (Hale)
Surname: Maybury
First Name: William
Ship: Surry 1819
Date: -
Place: -
Source: Maitland Family History Circle's Pre 1900 Pioneer Register
Details: Born c 1799 Sheffield. Spouse Mary Hale. For more information see Pioneer Register Entry No. 960
Surname: Maybury
First Name: William
Ship: Surry 1819
Date: -
Place: -
Source: Maitland Family History Circle's Pre 1900 Pioneer Register
Details: William was a soldier in France. Court-martialled and sentenced to transportation. Assigned to G.W. Evans on arrival. Issue Mary Ann b. 1834; James b 1837; Elizabeth b. 1839; Jane b. 1841. William died c. 1842
Surname: Rawlins (Rawlings)
First Name: James
Ship: Surry 1819
Date: 1819
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Chair maker. On list of prisoners to be sent to Newcastle
Surname: Ryne
First Name: Richard
Ship: Surry 1819
Date: 1821
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Convict from VDL under sentence to Newcastle
Surname: Ryne
First Name: Richard
Ship: Surry 1819
Date: August 1821
Place: Newcastle
Source: Colonial Secretarys Papers. New South Wales Government. Special Bundles, 1794-1825. Series 898, Reel 6023
Details: John Ryan, Richard Ryne and Joseph Saunders sentenced to 100 lashes for attempting to break out of their cells at the jail
Surname: Ryne (Ryna)
First Name: Richard
Ship: Surry 1819
Date: 1828
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Ploughman aged 46. Free by servitude. Employed by Henry Hewitt