Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

Search Result

Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Ocean 1818
Date: 1818 17 January
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: Arrived from England with 180 male prisoners having lost two on the passage. Sailed from Spithead 21st August.. Called at St. Helena en route. Two deceased person Augustus Golding and William Tarry

Surname: Abrahams
First Name: John
Ship: Ocean 1818
Date: 1818 19 October
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of prisoners forwarded to Newcastle per 'Lady Nelson'

Surname: Abrahams
First Name: John
Ship: Ocean 1818
Date: 1821 16 April
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of prisoners forwarded to Newcastle per 'Elizabeth Henrietta'

Surname: Adams
First Name: Thomas
Ship: Ocean 1818
Date: 1818 11 November
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of prisoners forwarded to Newcastle per 'Lady Nelson'

Surname: Adams
First Name: Thomas
Ship: Ocean 1818
Date: 1819 February
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Punished at Newcastle

Surname: Adams
First Name: Thomas
Ship: Ocean 1818
Date: 1819 10 February
Place: Newcastle
Source: Convict Settlement
Details: Punished for losing part of government herds

Surname: Aeir
First Name: Christian Friederick
Ship: Ocean 1818
Date: 1818
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4005]; Microfiche: 638
Details: Christian Friederick Aeir age 33. Musician from Vienna. Tried at Middlesex Gaol Delivery 19 February 1817. Sentenced to 7 years transportation

Surname: Aeir (Ayres)
First Name: Christian Friederick (Frederick)
Ship: Ocean 1818
Date: 1818 9 June
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of prisoners sent to Newcastle per Lady Nelson

Surname: Aeir (Weir) (Ayres)
First Name: Christian Frederick
Ship: Ocean 1818
Date: 19 February 1817
Place: Old Bailey, London
Source: Old Bailey Online
Details: CHRISTIAN FREDERICK WEIR was indicted for stealing, on the 5th of February , one cheese, value 7s. , the property of William Stidolph . JOHN HUGHES . About eleven o clock in the morning of the 5th of February, I saw the prisoner, with two boys, he was making signs to them to take a ham - They attempted it two or three times, but did not take it; the prisoner appeared to be in a passion with them; he was about four yards from the cheese; one of the boys was about four years of age, the other about eighteen. My wife told me that the cheese was taken, I turned round, and saw the prisoner put it under his arm. MARY HUGHES . I am the wife of the last witness. I saw the prisoner directing the two boys; I saw him take the cheese, and put it under his arm. GUILTY . Aged 36. Transported for Seven Years .

Surname: Allen
First Name: James
Ship: Ocean 1818
Date: 1841 19 March
Place: Scone
Source: GG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave

Surname: Beard
First Name: James
Ship: Ocean 1818
Date: 1818 August
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On monthly returns of prisoners punished at Newcastle

Surname: Beard
First Name: James
Ship: Ocean 1818
Date: 1819 10 April
Place: Newcastle
Source: SG
Details: Absconded from Newcastle Settlement

Surname: Beard
First Name: James
Ship: Ocean 1818
Date: 1818 15 August
Place: Newcastle
Source: Colonial Secretary's Papers. (NRS 898) Special bundles, 1794-1825 (Ancestry)
Details: Punished for running from the settlement - sentenced to 100 lashes

Surname: Bell
First Name: John
Ship: Ocean 1818
Date: 1819 20 November
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of prisoners to be sent to Newcastle per Elizabeth Henrietta

Surname: Bolton
First Name: William
Ship: Ocean 1818
Date: 1824 21 December
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of runaways from Port Macquarie forwarded to Newcastle

Surname: Bolton
First Name: William
Ship: Ocean 1818
Date: 1818 31 December
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of prisoners sent to Newcastle

Surname: Booker (Brooker)
First Name: William
Ship: Ocean 1818
Date: 1828
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Landholder

Surname: Bowley
First Name: Edmond
Ship: Ocean 1818
Date: 1822 28 February
Place: Bellmont
Source: AR
Details: Bricklayer. Assigned to A. Bell

Surname: Brook
First Name: Stephen
Ship: Ocean 1818
Date: 4 December 1816
Place: London
Source: Old Bailey Online
Details: STEPHEN BROOK , and JAMES FRANKS , were indicted for burglariously breaking and entering the dwelling-house of Eliza Robertson , about twelve o clock, on the night of the 4th of November , with intent to steal, and stealing therein, eight tea-spoons, value 18s.; two salt-spoons, value 4s.; one pair of sugar-tongs, value 6s.; two pair of stockings, value 4s.; one pair of boots, value 1s.; one pelisse, value 1l.; one pillow-case, value 1s.; one pint of brandy; value 3s.; one quart of gin, value 2s.; one quart of peppermint, value 2s.; three decanters, value 6s.; one quart of rum, value 3s.; three bottles, value 6d.; and fifteen shillings in copper , goods and monies of the said Eliza Robertson . Brooks Defence. On the 5th of November I was coming from Stepney, and fell in with this boy. We were talking together, and he blacked my face in the fields. I had a stick in my hand, and I pushed it into the ground to get up a turf to heave at him, and I rose the spoons up. They were buried in the ground. I went to Petticoat-lane, and bought the boots; they gave me the farthings in change. As I was going down Rosemary-lane I saw a boy, who asked me if I had any thing to sell; I gave him the spoons, and they sent for an officer. BROOKS - GUILTY . - DEATH . Aged 15. FRANKS - GUILTY . - DEATH . Aged 16

Surname: Brook (Brooks)
First Name: Stephen
Ship: Ocean 1818
Date: 1828
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Shepherd. Assigned to R. Lethbridge