Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

Search Result

Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Mary 1823
Date: 1823 23 October
Place: Port Jackson
Source: SG
Details: Departed London 16th June under Captain Steel. 67 female prisoners landed at Hobart and 59 female prisoners and 29 children landed at Port Jackson. Surgeon Superintendent Dr. Cochrane RN. Passengers Mrs. Rapsey and John Moore and wife

Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Mary 1823
Date: 20 October 1823
Place: Sydney Cove
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4009A]; Microfiche: 653
Details: Muster of Female Convicts who arrived in Sydney Cove on Saturday 18th day of October 1823, on board the transport ship Mary, Steel Master, from England, held on board the said ship on Monday 20 of said month by Command of His Excellency the Governor, by Frederick Goulburn Esq., Colonial Secretary

Surname: Rapsey
First Name: Mrs Charlotte
Ship: Mary 1823 (came free)
Date: 1823 23 October
Place: Port Jackson
Source: SG
Details: Passenger on the Mary from London

Surname: Smith
First Name: Elizabeth
Ship: Mary 1823
Date: 1828
Place: Lake Macquarie
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Aged 25. Housemaid assigned to Rev. Threlkeld

Surname: Smith
First Name: Elizabeth
Ship: Mary 1823
Date: 1823
Place: -
Source: State Archives NSW. Bound Indents. Microfiche 650. (Ancestry)
Details: Makes butter and cheese. Age 20. Native of Melburn. Unmarried, no children. 5ft 2 3/4in, grey eyes, brown hair, brown complexion, freckled. Tried Middlesex Gaol Delivery 4 December 1822

Surname: Smith
First Name: Elizabeth
Ship: Mary 1823(?)
Date: 4 December 1822
Place: London
Source: The Proceedings of the Old Bailey Online
Details: Elizabeth Smith was indicted for stealing, on the 27th of November , three sovereigns and a seven-shilling piece, the monies of Nathaniel Shackle , from his person ......Age 19. Transported for seven years

Surname: Smith
First Name: Mary
Ship: Mary 1823
Date: 1825
Place: Newcastle
Source: New South Wales and Tasmania, Australia Convict Musters. Class: HO 10; Piece: 20
Details: Assigned servant to James Mudie at or near Newcastle

Surname: Smith
First Name: Mary
Ship: Mary 1823
Date: 15 June 1825
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825 (Ancestry)
Details: Mary Smith per Mary, in the service of James Mudie charged with refusing to return to her service and for general misconduct....Miss Emily Mudie states...At the request of my father I this morning directed Mary Smith to hold herself in readiness to proceed with us to our farm at Patrick Plains. She positively refused to go and added that if she did go she would go dead. I have frequently had occasion to complain of her improper language and behaviour towards me and her repeated disobedience of my orders....Mary Smith states in her defence as follows. My reasons for refusing to return to Mr. Mudies farm are 1st. That Mr. Mudie came to the skilling where I slept and without any provocation knocked me down on my bed. 2nd. That frequently for three weeks out of a month I have been obliged to drink siftings coffee instead of tea; 3rd. I have been obliged to eat bread baked in the ashes. 4th. That when I have bread at breakfast, I had not any butter allowed me. 5th. That the only tea I ever got was that which was left from the Parlour breakfast table. Mary Smith admits that anything coming from the Parlour dinner table was allowed to be eaten in the kitchen but adds that so little was in general left that it was but a trifling addition to the dinner of her and the overseer who always partook with her. Mr. Mudie denies most solemnly ever having struck Mary Smith States that upon the occasion alluded to the prisoner called him an old rascal and using other insolent expressions very much irritated him and he laid hold of her to push her away and she fell on her bed ....Miss Emily Mudie corroborated Mr. Mudies statement and stated Mary Smith lived in every respect like ourselves. On one occasion when our stock of tea was extinguished and none was to be procured at Patrick Plains, the family for a short time had to drunk siftings coffee. Mary Smith had always as much sugar as she chose to ask for but was desired not to waste it in making lolly pops. I always put fresh tea in the pot for the servants in the kitchen and the prisoner has always till now expressed herself satisfied with the treatment she receives from me but her conduct has upon various occasions been most insulting. She has shook her fist and spit at me. She has called me and my sisters pigs and hogs....I have detected her taking wine and spirits from the decanter clandestinely and yesterday she left the house without leave and returned in a state of intoxication. Mary Smith being found guilty of the charges preferred against her is sentenced to three weeks solitary confinement in the cells of the Factory at Parramatta and then to be employed at government labour.

Surname: Welding
First Name: Mary
Ship: Mary 1823
Date: 1838
Place: Maitland
Source: Application to Marry
Details: John Wilding per 'Ocean' application to mary Mary Welding per 'Mary'

Surname: Welding
First Name: Mary
Ship: Mary 1823
Date: 20 October 1823
Place: Sydney Cove
Source: Convict Indents State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4009A]; Microfiche: 653
Details: Mary Welding, Occupation Cook and Kitchen girl age 21. Native place Worcestershire. Unmarried, no children. 4ft 11 1/2in, blude eyes, sandy hair, fresh complexion.

Surname: Welding (Wyldin)
First Name: Mary Ann
Ship: Mary 1823
Date: 1824 20 May
Place: Parramatta
Source: CSI. (Reel 6013; 4/3511 p.71)
Details: 1824 May 20 Re permission to marry at Parramatta. Mary Ann Wyldin to John Cooper per Eliza