Search Result
Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Mangles 1820
Date: 1820 12 August
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: Arrived previous Monday (7th August) with male prisoners under Captain Cogill. Departed Falmouth 11th April and came direct to Sydney. 189 prisoners arrived having lost one boy on the passage. Surgeon Superintendent Dr. Anderson R.N., Lieut. Matthews of the 59 regt., commanded the guard which consisted of a party of the 48th
Surname: Ady
First Name: William
Ship: Mangles 1820
Date: 1837 24 June
Place: Maitland
Source: SG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave
Surname: Anderson
First Name: Henry
Ship: Mangles 1820
Date: 1834 19 July
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: SG
Details: Obtained Ticket of Leave
Surname: Anderson
First Name: Henry
Ship: Mangles 1820
Date: 1842 29 April
Place: -
Source: GG
Details: Granted Conditional Pardon
Surname: Anderson
First Name: Henry
Ship: Mangles 1820
Date: 30 May 1838
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: Application to Marry
Details: Henry Anderson, 37 per Mangles, application to marry Ann Flinn per Mary. Allowed
Surname: Bennett
First Name: John
Ship: Mangles 1820
Date: 1820 8 December
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of prisoners transported to Newcastle per Lady Nelson
Surname: Bennett
First Name: John
Ship: Mangles 1820
Date: 1821 July
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On monthly returns of prisoners punished at Newcastle
Surname: Bowerman
First Name: David
Ship: Mangles 1820
Date: 1832
Place: Newcastle
Source: Register Book of Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle
Details: Marriage of Ellen Tinson (Timson) aged 21 of Newcastle and David Bowerman aged 31 of Williams River
Surname: Bowerman (Bowman)
First Name: David
Ship: Mangles 1820
Date: 1832 7 July
Place: Newcastle
Source: Application to marry
Details: Free. Application to marry Ellen Timson
Surname: Brooks
First Name: James
Ship: Mangles 1820
Date: 1822 20 March
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of prisoners transported to Newcastle per Elizabeth Henrietta
Surname: Brooks
First Name: James
Ship: Mangles 1820
Date: 13 April 1825
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825 (Ancestry)
Details: William Fisher per Asia, Michael McCormick per Ocean and James Bohan per Earl St. Vincent, all in service to James Reid, charged with theft of maize belonging to their master. James Brooks per Mangles charged with receiving the same knowing it to be stolen. Mr. James Reid, states....I bought yesterday from my farm to the wharf about 58 bushels of maize. On moving it and re measuring it at HM. Store, it only turned out 53 bushels. I had a private intimation my servant had robbed me which I communicated to the Chief Constable. William Turvey, a constable states....I was directed to search amongst the prisoners houses for maize. At John Bentleys house I found the grain now produced. It was also ascertained that Brooks had sold some maize yesterday to one or two persons in the town. John Bentley states...Fisher brought about a bushel of maize to my house yesterday. McCormick came also and asked me to let him bake a cake at my fire which I permitted. Bohan came also. He bought a bag of provision. Brooks came in and at the request of Fisher took the maize away to sell. When Brooks returned we all went except Bohan to a public house and drank some beer. Fisher is the man who brought the maize to my house. James Brooks states in his defence - I got the corn I sold from the three men. I cannot say precisely from which. They told me their master had given it to them for extra work. I sold the maize at 4 shillings per bushel and gave the money to Fisher. When the constable asked me where I had obtained the maize I told him the same story I now tell. I had no reason to disguise it. The other prisoners deny having committed the theft and state they know nothing of the corn before the court. Sentence - William Fisher and Michael McCormick 50 lashes each and to be transported to Port Macquarie for two years. James Bohan acquitted. James Brooks - remanded and discharged 14th April 1825
Surname: Campbell
First Name: James
Ship: Mangles 1820
Date: 1831 20 September
Place: -
Source: NGE
Details: Labourer from England. Admitted to Newcastle gaol 20 September. Sentenced to 5 days solitary for striking and abusing the senior wardsman at the Hospital. Returned to his duty at Newcastle Hospital 25 September
Surname: Campbell
First Name: James
Ship: Mangles 1820
Date: 27 December 1831
Place: Newcastle Gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW; Kingswood, New South Wales; Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930; Series: 2372; Item: 2/2004; Roll: 134
Details: James Campbell, mariner from Greenwich, admitted to Newcastle Gaol under sentence of 3 months in an iron gang. Sent to Sydney Gaol
Surname: Carabine
First Name: John
Ship: Mangles 1820
Date: -
Place: Newcastle
Source: General Muster of New South Wales 1823, 1824, 1825
Details: Prisoner under sentence of 7 years transportation. Government servant assigned to Alexander McLeod
Surname: Carabine
First Name: John
Ship: Mangles 1820
Date: 15 November 1826
Place: -
Source: SG
Details: Granted Certificate of Freedom
Surname: Carabine (Carbine)
First Name: John
Ship: Mangles 1820
Date: 1823 25 July
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Convict servant of A. McLeod. Permitted to proceed to Newcastle per Fame
Surname: Chapman
First Name: John
Ship: Mangles 1820
Date: 1825 4 August
Place: Patterson's Plains
Source: SG
Details: Aged 26; native of Clifton; 5'7"; hazel eyes, sandy flaxen hair, dark pale complexion; absconded from J. Boughton
Surname: Charles
First Name: Joseph
Ship: Mangles 1820
Date: 1831 18 June
Place: Paterson Plains
Source: SG
Details: Obtained Ticket of Leave
Surname: Charles
First Name: Joseph
Ship: Mangles 1820
Date: 1828
Place: Patterson's Plains
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Aged 29. Stockman employed by John Tucker senior
Surname: Charles
First Name: Joseph
Ship: Mangles 1820
Date: 1823 28 October
Place: -
Source: CSI
Details: Convict servant of John Earl. To be victualled from the Stores for 6mths