Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

Search Result

Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Indispensable 1809
Date: -
Place: -
Source: The Convict Ships - Charles Bateson
Details: Master Henry Best; Surgeon William Evans; 62 female convicts

Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Indispensable 1809
Date: 1809 20 August
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: Arrived 19 August 1809. 'Departed England 2nd March, touched at Rio from whence she sailed 12 weeks since for Sydney'. 61 female prisoners arrived. Captain Best. Passengers Rev Cowper and family, Mr. Heartley RN and family

Surname: Buffy
First Name: Mary
Ship: Indispensable 1809 (probably Indispensable 1796)
Date: 1820 15 June
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: To be transported to Newcastle 14 years

Surname: Dale
First Name: Mary
Ship: Indispensable 1809
Date: 14 September 1808
Place: London
Source: The Proceedings of the Old Bailey Online
Details: Age 23. Sentenced to 7 years transportation for stealing on 13th August, a gown and pelisse, the property of John Weatherall

Surname: Dale
First Name: Mary
Ship: Indispensable 1809
Date: 1808
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4004]; Microfiche: 632
Details: Mary Dale tried Middlesex Gaol Delivery 14 September 1808. Sentenced to 7 years transportation

Surname: Dale (?Deale)
First Name: George
Ship: Indispensable 1809
Date: 1831 29 September
Place: Newcastle
Source: NGE
Details: Labourer. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Maitland. To be sent to Sydney for trial at Supreme Court on a charge of felony. Forwarded 11 October

Surname: Dale (alias Darby)
First Name: George
Ship: Indispensable 1809
Date: 1 February 1836
Place: Maitland Quarter Sessions
Source: Maitland Quarter Sessions Feb 1836 - May 36. MF 2409
Details: Richard Lewis per 'Speke', prisoner for life sentenced to transportation for life for stealing cattle. His accomplice George Dale (alias Darby) sentenced to 14 years in VDL for receiving the cattle

Surname: Deale
First Name: George
Ship: Indispensable 1809
Date: 1828
Place: Ashgrove, Luskintyre
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Came free. Labourer employed by Thomas Pendergast

Surname: Evans
First Name: Dr. William
Ship: Indispensable 1809
Date: 1810
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Came Free. Imprisoned for debt to W. H. Mansel

Surname: Evans
First Name: Dr. William
Ship: Indispensable 1809
Date: 1811
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Assistant surgeon/ settler

Surname: Evans
First Name: Dr. William
Ship: Indispensable 1809
Date: 1822
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Resigned from position of assistant surgeon

Surname: Evans
First Name: Dr. William
Ship: Indispensable 1809
Date: -
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Came free. Assistant surgeon and settler at Newcastle

Surname: Evans
First Name: William
Ship: Indispensable 1809
Date: 1817
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Injured when gun misfired. Lost use of left hand.

Surname: Evans
First Name: William
Ship: Indispensable 1809
Date: 1823
Place: Bellevue Estate
Source: -
Details: Granted 2000 acres.

Surname: Evans
First Name: William
Ship: Indispensable 1809
Date: 1823
Place: -
Source: Historical Records of Newcastle
Details: Free selector of land in Newcastle/ Hunter Valley

Surname: Gee
First Name: Mary
Ship: Indispensable 1809
Date: 30 November 1808
Place: London
Source: The Proceedings of the Old Bailey Online
Details: Age 24. Sentenced to 7 years transportation for feloniously stealing, on 19th November, 21 yards of calico, the property of Walter Foy

Surname: Gee
First Name: Mary
Ship: Indispensable 1809 (?)
Date: 1811 21 May
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Sent to Newcastle per 'Governor Hunter'

Surname: Hardy (Storer) (Kelly)
First Name: Mary
Ship: Indispensable 1809
Date: 1825
Place: Newcastle
Source: New South Wales and Tasmania, Australia Convict Musters. Class: HO 10; Piece: 19
Details: Mary Kelly born c. 1782. Arrived per Indispensable in 1809. Free by servitude. Wife of John Kelly of Newcastle

Surname: Hardy (Storer) (Kelly)
First Name: Mary
Ship: Indispensable 1809
Date: 24 October 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: (Wife of John Kelly) Mary Kelly, free by servitude charged with being a public nuisance by keeping her house open at irregular hours; of being riotous and disorderly; and obstructing the military in the performance of their duty; and of being frequently in a state of intoxication. Corporal Otway of the 3rd or Buffs states - On Saturday night last I was going round with the relief and on passing the residence of Mrs. Kelly, she came across the street and laid hold of one of the Guard. She was intoxicated at the time; two or three times during the same night she interrupted the relief as I went round with them. I have seen her in the streets upon various occasions in a state of intoxication. About midnight of Saturday last, soon after her husband was sent to the watch house for striking the sentry, I saw her at the Kings Store. She was then addressing herself to the sentry there in very improper terms. When I relieved him at two o clock he reported to me that he had been much annoyed all the time he had been on his post by Mrs. Kelly. Patrick Keggan, soldier in the Buffs states - I was on guard on Saturday last, and was Sentry at the Stores between the hours of midnight and two o clock, during which time Mrs. Kelly repeatedly came to me to get some men away from her house. She was drunk at the time. I cleared her house of the men she complained of after which she went out at the back door and brought them in again and I sent them away a second time. She then went into her house and shortly after a stone was thrown in the direction in which I was - it struck against the paling. I did not see any one about when the stone was thrown. I think it must have been thrown by some person in the house. The accused makes no defence; throws herself on the mercy of the court. The charged against the accused being fully proved, she is ordered to find sureties to be of good behaviour for twelve months in default of which to be committed to the gaol at the House of Correction for three months. N.B. Security given on the 26 October 1826

Surname: Robinson
First Name: Hannah
Ship: Indispensable 1809
Date: 1812
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Sent to Newcastle as prisoner