Search Result
Surname: Atkinson
First Name: Henry
Ship: Hero 1835
Date: 1836 2 December
Place: Paterson
Source: SM
Details: Groom and dragoon from Leicestershire. Absconded from the service of M Henderson
Surname: Atkinson
First Name: Henry
Ship: Hero 1835
Date: 1837
Place: Raymond Terrace
Source: GRC
Details: Assigned to M. Henderson
Surname: Atkinson
First Name: Henry
Ship: Hero 1835
Date: 1838 6 June
Place: Raymond Terrace
Source: GG
Details: Groom etc aged 32. Tried Leicestershire. 5'7"; ruddy compl; brown hair, sandy whiskers meeting under chin. Absconded from M. Henderson since May 5
Surname: Atkinson
First Name: Henry
Ship: Hero 1835
Date: 1837 4 January
Place: Williams River
Source: GG 1837
Details: Apprehended after absconding from service of Mr. Henderson
Surname: Bannon
First Name: Hugh
Ship: Hero 1835
Date: 1836 7 September
Place: Strathallan
Source: GG
Details: House carpenter aged 21 from Co. Down. 5' 5 1/2"; ruddy freckled compl., light brown hair, dark hazel eyes, scar over inner corner of right eyebrow, another on same eyebrow. tattoos. Absconded from F.M. Munday 15 August
Surname: Bannon
First Name: Hugh
Ship: Hero 1835
Date: 4 January 1842
Place: Newcastle
Source: Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930; Item: 2/2020; Roll: 757
Details: Free. Committed for trial by coroner J.S. Parker for manslaughter. Admitted to Newcastle gaol
Surname: Barry
First Name: John
Ship: Hero 1835
Date: 1837
Place: Port Stephens
Source: GRC
Details: Assigned to Australian Agricultural Company
Surname: Barry
First Name: John
Ship: Hero 1835
Date: 1836 27 July
Place: Port Stephens
Source: GG
Details: Apprehended after absconding from the A.A. Company
Surname: Brady
First Name: John
Ship: Hero 1835
Date: 1841 10 August
Place: Scone
Source: GG
Details: Car driver aged 22 from Co. Wexford; 5'2"; dark and a little pockpitted compl., brown hair, brown eyes, tattoos. Ticket of leave holder absent from his district since 1st January
Surname: Brady
First Name: John
Ship: Hero 1835
Date: 1840 6 May
Place: Invermein
Source: GG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave
Surname: Brennan
First Name: Patrick
Ship: Hero 1835
Date: 1839 23 October
Place: Maitland
Source: GG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave
Surname: Brennan
First Name: Thomas
Ship: Hero 1835
Date: 12 July 1844
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Gaol Entrance Book, Item: 2/2020; Roll: 757 (Ancestry)
Details: James Stevens, Daniel Dillon, Thomas Brennan, George Keighton, Thomas Rogers and James Hopkins admitted to Newcastle gaol. All from the Maitland Stockade. To be sent to Hyde Park Barracks
Surname: Bryan
First Name: Martin
Ship: Hero 1835
Date: 1843 4 November
Place: Cassilis
Source: MM
Details: Obtained ticket of leave.
Surname: Buckley
First Name: John (?James)
Ship: Hero 1835
Date: 17 October 1839
Place: -
Source: AO NSW. Bench of Magistrates, Newcastle & Hunter. Film 680
Details: Assigned to Dr. James Bowman. Sentenced to 7 days in the cells for insolence
Surname: Bunting
First Name: William
Ship: Hero 1835
Date: 8 April 1841
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Gaol Entrance Books. State Archives NSW; Item: 2/2009; Roll: 757 (Ancestry)
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Maitland on a charge of receiving stolen goods. Sent for trial
Surname: Campbell
First Name: Patrick
Ship: Hero 1835
Date: 1837 23 October
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: GG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave
Surname: Cashion
First Name: Patrick
Ship: Hero 1835
Date: 1838 16 May
Place: Upper Williams River
Source: GG
Details: Laborer aged 23. Tried King's County. 4'11"; ruddy, freckled, pockpitted; small mouth; absconded from A.A. Company since May 10
Surname: Cavanagh
First Name: Darby
Ship: Hero 1835
Date: 1842 25 November
Place: Newcastle
Source: GG
Details: Town labourer aged 29 from Dublin. 5' 3 3/4"; ruddy freckled complexion, light sandy hair, grey eyes, carrotty whiskers metting under the chin, DR inside lower left arm, angular scar back of left hand, two scars left side of neck. Absconded from the A.A. Company 8th November
Surname: Cavenagh
First Name: Darby
Ship: Hero 1835
Date: 1840 5 August
Place: Newcastle
Source: GG
Details: Apprehended after absconding from the A.A. Company
Surname: Cavenagh
First Name: Darby
Ship: Hero 1835
Date: 1842
Place: Newcastle
Source: Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930; Item: 2/2020; Roll: 757
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol having been committed by J.H. Crummer of Newcastle for being absent without leave. 10 days in the cells