Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Guildford 1812
Date: -
Place: -
Source: The Convict Ships - Charles Bateson
Details: Master Magnus Johnson. 200 male convicts

Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Guildford 1812
Date: 1812 25 January
Place: Port Jackson
Source: SG
Details: Arrived on Saturday 18th January from England in four months and 15 days. Captain Johnston . Passengers Captain Coan and Lieut. Atkins of 73rd regt., and Capt. Brabyn, Lieuts. Lawson and Bell of the Veteran Company as well as 30 non commissioned Officers and Privates of the 73rd regt.,.

Surname: Brown
First Name: Charles
Ship: Guildford 1812
Date: 1828
Place: Dartbrook
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Sawyer. Assigned to Stephen Coxen

Surname: Craig
First Name: William Harrison
Ship: Guildford 1812
Date: 1812 22 September
Place: Newcastle
Source: Colonial Secretarys Papers. Series: (NRS 936) Copies of letters sent to Newcastle, 1810-1813 Item:4/3492 Page 159
Details: Sent on the 'Estramina' to Newcastle settlement under sentence of 7 years. Others sent on this day on the 'Estramina' included John Jones, J.F. Moody, Angelo Popello (?Parcello) and William Farrell

Surname: Craig
First Name: William Harrison
Ship: Guildford 1812
Date: 20 November 1812
Place: Newcastle
Source: Colonial Secretary's Papers. Monthly return of Corporal Punishments
Details: William Craig, James Cannon and Garret Armstrong sentenced to 25 lashes for absconding from the settlement on 20th November 1812

Surname: Craig
First Name: William Harrison
Ship: Guildford 1812
Date: 1812 29 August
Place: -
Source: SG
Details: Convicted of forgery. Sentenced to 50 lashes in public market place and hard labour at Newcastle for 7 yrs.

Surname: Craig
First Name: William Harrison
Ship: Guildford 1812
Date: 1814 9 March
Place: -
Source: Colonial Secretary's Papers. Series: (NRS 937) Copies of letters sent within the Colony, 1814-1825 Item: 4/3493 Page: 82
Details: Sentenced to serve the remainder of his time in Van Diemen's Land. Proceeding there on the vessel 'Active'. Originally 14 men were to be transported on the Active, however as apprehensions that they would make themselves troublesome on so small a vessel only seven were sent on this day.....John Jones, James Canon, Edward Edwards, Patrick Riley, Thomas Chester, Edward Hinds and William Harrison Craig

Surname: Craig
First Name: William Harrison
Ship: Guildford 1812
Date: 1816 10 July
Place: VDL
Source: CSI
Details: Asking Governor's permission to make two drawings of the settlements and to present them to him

Surname: Craig
First Name: William Harrison
Ship: Guildford 1812
Date: 1817 25 October
Place: -
Source: The Hobart Town Gazette
Details: William Harrison Craig proceeding to India via Port Jackson, requesting claims be presented

Surname: Craig
First Name: William Harrison
Ship: Guildford 1812
Date: 19th September 1810
Place: Kensington, London
Source: The Proceedings of the Old Bailey Online
Details: Tea merchant charged with stealing, on 14th July, articles belonging to Hannah Ball from her lodging room. Prisoner's defence....... Gentlemen of the jury, It is my humble hope and trust, knowing that I am come before a jury of my countrymen, to offer these few observations; although they may appear foreign to the charge, yet they are inseperably connected with the groundwork of my conduct. Gentlemen, I am unfortunately deserted and persecuted, and the persons I mean to ailude to are the appointed guardians to my wife and family. In their views they are fulfilling the voice of a dying parent, in persecuting the children. My brother was sent on board a ship at the Nore. I am the husband of the eldest child. I have been insulted by them in the grossest manner, and by them treated with indignation; our quarterly salary was diminished; not having it in my power to have redress from the law, I threatened them with manual punishment. I was plunged into a prison fourteen weeks by their power. I began to think I was to be sent after my unfortunate brother, and the only thing left for me to do, they told me, was by signing a certain deed to our disadvantage. I refused to do it, and at the same time I got bail; I absconded, and was a prey to the greatest distress. This was my fatal epoch; I was unable to appear in public, I was friendless and deserted; my infant son and dying wife made me do acts of the greatest dishonour; nothing but the most imperious necessity prompted me to act as I have done. I have a letter from the honourable Mr. Wilbeiforce, Member of Parliament, I beg leave to forward it to your Lordship, that you may be satisfied. Found guilty of the offence and sentenced to 7 years transportation. Aged 20.

Surname: Craig (alias Kenyon)
First Name: William Harrison
Ship: Guildford 1812
Date: 1813 30 October
Place: Newcastle
Source: SG
Details: Absconded from Newcastle settlement and supposed to have obtained a false Certificate. Said to have a Certificate in the name of Turley

Surname: Craig (alias Kenyon)
First Name: William Harrison
Ship: Guildford 1812
Date: -
Place: Prison hulk Retribution
Source: UK Prison Hulk Registers and Letter Books. Ancestry
Details: Age 20. Tried at Middlesex 19 September 1810 and sentenced to 7 years transportation. Received on board the Retribution hulk on 19th March 1811 and transferred to the Guildford on 14th August 1811

Surname: Craig (alias Kenyon) (alias Farley)
First Name: William Harrison
Ship: Guildford 1812
Date: 4 September 1813
Place: Newcastle
Source: Colonial Secretary's Papers Series: (NRS 935) Copies of letters sent: local and overseas, 1809-1813 Item: 4/3491 Page: 540
Details: Absconded from Newcastle Settlement, possibly with William Lansden. Both were believed to have false certificates, Craig's being in the name of Farley (or Turley)

Surname: Craig (Kenyon)
First Name: William Harrison
Ship: Guildford 1812
Date: 1813 4 September
Place: Newcastle
Source: SG
Details: Absconded from Newcastle settlement

Surname: De Santo
First Name: Fortesto
Ship: Guildford 1812
Date: 1815 10 February
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of prisoners to be sent to Newcastle

Surname: De Santo
First Name: Fortesto
Ship: Guildford 1812
Date: 1822 18 June
Place: Port Stephens
Source: CSI
Details: Simeon Lord of Sydney permitted to employ for the procurement of a cargo of timber

Surname: De Santo (boat builder)
First Name: Fortesto
Ship: Guildford 1812
Date: 6th August 1818
Place: Newcastle
Source: Lachlan and Elizabeth Macquarie Archives. Source Macquarie, Lachlan. Tour to and from Newcastle. 27 July 1818 - 9 August 1818. Original held in the Mitchell Library, Sydney. ML Ref: A781 15-35 pp. [Microfilm Reel CY303 Frames #141-161].}
Details: Governor Macquarie s visit to Newcastle......Thursday 6. Augt. ! Bespoke a vessel to be built of 60 or 70 Tons Wm. Santos has promised to launch in 8 months

Surname: Edsall
First Name: Richard
Ship: Guildford 1812
Date: 1853 25 May
Place: Newcastle stockade
Source: Register Book of Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle. Burials p25
Details: Prisoner of the Crown. Died aged 73

Surname: Edsall
First Name: Richard
Ship: Guildford 1812
Date: 1821 8 September
Place: ?
Source: CSI
Details: Clerk, Lumber Yard. On list of persons victualled from HM Magazines

Surname: Edsall (Edsale)
First Name: Richard
Ship: Guildford 1812
Date: 1853 24 May
Place: Newcastle
Source: CDR
Details: Died Newcastle Stockade. Burial date