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Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Experiment 1804
Date: -
Place: -
Source: The Convict Ships - Charles Bateson
Details: The Experiment, 568 ton was built at Stockton UK in 1798. She departed England on 4 December 1803 under master, Francis J Withers with 136 female convicts and 2 males. She encountered a violent gale in the Bay of Biscay and sustained considerable damage, springing the bowsprit and carrying away the main topgallant mast. In no condition to continue she limped back to Cowes for repairs. Sailing again on 2 January 1804. This time she encountered favourable weather except for adverse winds which kept her from entering Port Jacksonfor three days. Six female convicts died on the voyage and there were 21 prisoners sick on arrival.
Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Experiment 1804
Date: 1804 24 June
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: Arrival of the 'Experiment' on 12th June, Captain Withers. In sight since previous Thursday but could not get into the harbour because of strong winds. She brought 130 female convicts with 2 male convicts one of whom Anthony Rowson had previously escaped from the colony. She lost 4 or 5 women who were prisoners and 2 wives of free settlers. The Experiment departed England 2nd January. Damaged in a violent gale in the Bay of Biscay. Arrived at Rio 8th March and departed there 8th April. Brought news of the death of William Balmain
Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Experiment 1804
Date: 1803 Nov - Dec
Place: Portsmouth
Source: Portsmouth Report, The Naval Chronicle by James Stanier Clarke
Details: Several more females sent on board the 'Experiment'
Surname: Dalton
First Name: Richard
Ship: Experiment 1804
Date: 1814 30 April
Place: Newcastle
Source: SG
Details: Came free per 'Experiment'. Constable and deputy gaoler.Paid from the Police and Orphan Funds for apprehending 8 runaway convicts from Newcastle
Surname: Dalton
First Name: Richard
Ship: Experiment 1804
Date: -
Place: -
Source: The Bicentenary Pioneer Register, Second Edition, Volume 111
Details: Born July 1770 St. Martins in the Field, London. Spouse Sarah Brown. Died June 1833 in Sydney. Issue 1).Mary Ann b. c 1794. 2). Richard b. c 1798. 3) Samuel William b. c. 1800. 4) Sarah Jane b. 1802. 5) William b. 1805. 6)Charlotte b. c 1808. 7) Charles b. c. 1808. 8) Caroline b. c. 1812
Surname: Dalton
First Name: Richard
Ship: Experiment 1804
Date: 1810 29 December
Place: Sydney
Source: CSI
Details: Appointed a constable in Sydney (Reel 6038; SZ758 pp.151-2)
Surname: Daniels
First Name: Mary
Ship: Experiment 1804
Date: 1806
Place: Parramatta
Source: 1806 muster
Details: Prisoner. How employed? Self
Surname: Daniels
First Name: Mary
Ship: Experiment 1804
Date: 26 May 1810
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: All persons having claims or demands against Ann Parsons or Mary Daniels are requested to present the same for payment immediately they being about to leave the colony in the ship Ann
Surname: Daniels
First Name: Mary
Ship: Experiment 1804
Date: 12 February 1810
Place: -
Source: CSI. Fiche 3164; 4/1846 p.60
Details: Petition for mitigation of sentence....The memorial of Mary Daniels most respectfully sets forth - That she was put in goal at the early age of 11 years. She was scarcely conscious of the guilt, where she remained for 2 years before she was brought to trial. That she was then found guilty of the same and condemned to die; but was subsequently reprieved. That your memorialist remained still in goal for 5 years longer, when she was sent to this colony in the ship Experiment and has been here for near 6 years. That upon a representation of the above circumstances, your memorialist obtained from the late Lieut-Governor, emancipation. That Memorialist has aged parents and relatives in England from whom she has a considerable expectation; that during the time she has been in this colony she has borne an upright and honest character; Therefore begs leave most humbly to implore that Your Excellency will be graciously pleased to take her case into consideration and that from the circumstances above related particularly her having served so long a servitude, Your Excellency may be induced to grant her an absolute Pardon that she may be enabled to return to her aged parents to be some comfort to them in their old age and for such humane favour memorialist will ever prove herself grateful ......
Surname: Daniels
First Name: Mary
Ship: Experiment 1804
Date: -
Place: -
Source: Convict Indent
Details: Tried in Essex 23 July 1801 and sentenced to transportation for life
Surname: Daniels
First Name: Mary
Ship: Experiment 1804
Date: 25 May 1810
Place: -
Source: Convict Register of Conditional and Absolute Pardons. Ancestry (State Records NSW)
Details: Tried in Essex 22 July 1801 and sentenced to transportation for life. Granted an Absolute Pardon 25 May 1810
Surname: Hunt
First Name: Mary
Ship: Experiment 1804
Date: 1825
Place: Newcastle district
Source: New South Wales and Tasmania, Australia Convict Musters. Class: HO 10; Piece: 19
Details: Ticket of leave holder. Wife of Thomas Hunt
Surname: Hunt (Morgan) (Mears)
First Name: Mary (Molly)
Ship: Experiment 1804
Date: 1828
Place: Wallis Plains
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Aged 60 in 1828. Free. Cattle holder and farmer
Surname: Mears
First Name: Mary
Ship: Experiment 1804
Date: 1814
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of prisoners to be sent to Newcastle
Surname: Mears
First Name: Mary
Ship: Experiment 1804
Date: 1822
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Re permission to marry at Newcastle
Surname: Mears
First Name: Mary
Ship: Experiment 1804
Date: 29 April 1814
Place: Newcastle
Source: Colonial Secretary's Correspondence. (NRS 937) Copies of letters sent within the Colony, 1814-1825
Details: Free. Tried at Criminal Court 2nd April and sentenced to 7 years transportation to Newcastle. On list of prisoners sent to Newcastle on 29 April 1814
Surname: Mears (Morgan)
First Name: Mary (Molly)
Ship: Experiment 1804
Date: 1814 29 April
Place: -
Source: CSI
Details: On list of prisoners to be sent to Newcastle per 'Endeavour'
Surname: Morgan (Hunt) (Mears)
First Name: Molly (Mary)
Ship: Neptune 1790. Experiment 1804
Date: 1846 2 July
Place: -
Source: SMH
Details: Details of land owned by Molly Morgan and the successful search for her heir James Morgan in England
Surname: Wilson
First Name: Caleb
Ship: Experiment 1804
Date: 1834
Place: Paterson
Source: -
Details: Arrived as a free settler on the 'Experiment' in 1804. Purchased estates 'Tocal' and 'Brisbane Grove' from J.P. Webber in 1834
Surname: Wilson
First Name: Felix
Ship: Experiment 1804
Date: 1834
Place: Paterson
Source: -
Details: Arrived as a free settler on the 'Experiment' in 1804. Purchased estates 'Tocal' and 'Brisbane Grove' from J.P. Webber in 1834