Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Almorah 1817
Date: 1818
Place: -
Source: The Asiatic journal and monthly register for British India
Details: Arrived at Port Jackson in the unusually short time of four months and one day from the Nore. Capt. McKessock. Not a single instance of mortality had occurred on board and all the convicts were landed in health and spirits; such had been the excellent regulations of the master and surgon, that the necessity of inflicting punishment had not arisen

Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Almorah 1817
Date: 1817
Place: -
Source: British and Foreign Bible Society
Details: The British and Foreign Bible Society forwarded 30 Bibles and 10 Testaments to E.J. Bromley, surgeon of the Almorah to distribute to Convicts under his charge bound for NSW

Surname: Appleby
First Name: George
Ship: Almorah 1817
Date: 1821 7 July
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of prisoners transported to Newcastle per 'Mermaid'

Surname: Appleby
First Name: George
Ship: Almorah 1817
Date: 1822 January
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Punished at Newcastle

Surname: Appleby
First Name: George
Ship: Almorah 1817
Date: 1823 15 September
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of convicts removed from Newcastle to Pt. Macquarie per 'Mermaid'

Surname: Appleby
First Name: George
Ship: Almorah 1817
Date: 1829 28 February
Place: Brighton, VDL
Source: The Hobart Town Courier
Details: Charged with Felony. Escaped from custody at Brighton on Sunday 13th Feb., Reward of 20 guineas offered for his apprehension. Arrived in Sydney on the 'Almorah' and to VDL on the 'Pilot' in 1817. 5 ft 8 in, light brown hair, grey eyes, 31 years old. Native of Manchester, stonemason by trade. Sentenced to transportation for Life at Lancaster in 1816

Surname: Appleby
First Name: George
Ship: Almorah 1817
Date: January 1822
Place: Newcastle
Source: Colonial Secretary's Papers, State Records of New South Wales. Special Bundles
Details: George Appleby, John Matear, Edward McCracken, James Flynn and William Callaghan all sentenced to 100 lashes for cutting their irons and breaking away from their gang and taking to the bush

Surname: Appleby
First Name: George
Ship: Almorah 1817
Date: 5 January 1817
Place: Retribution Hulk Woolwich
Source: UK Prison Hulk Registers (Ancestry)
Details: George Appleby age 17 tried at Lancaster 31 August 1816 and sentenced to transportation for life. Received onto the Retribution hulk on 5th January 1817 and transferred to the convict ship Almorah for transportation to New South Wales on 15 April 1817

Surname: Appleby
First Name: George
Ship: Almorah 1817
Date: 20 February 1830
Place: VDL
Source: The Hobart Town Courier
Details: George Appleby who being under sentence of the Supreme Court to be transported beyond the seas was feloniously at large before the expiration of his sentence, had stated that he did not know of the law at the time, and also that he had been forced into the commission of the crime. At present, however His Honour had no choice but to pass upon him the sentence of death

Surname: Appleby
First Name: George
Ship: Almorah 1817
Date: 19 March 1830
Place: Hobart
Source: Colonial Times Hobart
Details: George Appleby who received sentence of death a few weeks ago under the Colonial Act for returning from his transportation at Macquarie Harbour, and whose case has stood over in order to investigate the weight of the defence set up at the trial, that he was not aware of the existence of such an Act, has been ordered for execution on Monday next

Surname: Appleby
First Name: George
Ship: Almorah 1817
Date: 27 March 1830
Place: Hobart
Source: The Hobart Town Courier
Details: On Monday morning George Appleby who had been sentenced to die under the colonial act for returning from transportation before the expiration of his sentence and remaining a long time a bushranger in the country about Port Dalrymple, suffered the penalty of the law. He died very penitent

Surname: Appleby
First Name: George
Ship: Almorah 1817
Date: 21 September 1816
Place: Lancaster
Source: The Leeds Mercury
Details: Lancaster Assizes - William Taylor, George Appleby, Francis Collins, Owen Boyle and William Howard for highway robbery at Manchester - Howard admitted evidence; Taylor, Appleby, Collins and Boyle sentenced to death

Surname: Appleby
First Name: George
Ship: Almorah 1817
Date: 16 June 1821
Place: George Town VDL
Source: Hobart Gazette
Details: George Appleby was charged with absconding from George Town and with being at large for three or four months until apprehended; and being found guilty was sentenced to be transported to Newcastle for the remainder of his original term of transportation

Surname: Appleby
First Name: George
Ship: Almorah 1817
Date: 22 June 1829
Place: Launceston
Source: Launceston Advertiser
Details: On the 5th instant a daring highway robbery was committed a short distance from Launceston by two armed men, supposed to be John Bevan and George Appleby, the former charged with several felonies, the latter a runaway from Macquarie Harbour, a reward of fifty pounds will be given etc etc.

Surname: Bridge
First Name: Henry
Ship: Almorah 1817
Date: 1821 21 February
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of prisoners transported to Newcastle

Surname: Bridge
First Name: Henry
Ship: Almorah 1817
Date: 1822 23 September
Place: -
Source: CSI
Details: Sentence of death commuted to transportation to Macquarie Harbour

Surname: Butler
First Name: Henry
Ship: Almorah 1817
Date: 1821 11 June
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of prisoners transported to Newcastle per Governor Bligh

Surname: Clarke
First Name: Daniel
Ship: Almorah 1817
Date: 1821 7 July
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of prisoners transported to Newcastle per 'Mermaid'

Surname: Clarke
First Name: Daniel
Ship: Almorah 1817
Date: 1822 23 September
Place: -
Source: CSI
Details: Sentence of death commuted to transportation to Macquarie Harbour

Surname: Collins
First Name: Francis
Ship: Almorah 1817
Date: 1821 21 February
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of prisoners transported to Newcastle per 'Elizabeth Henrietta'