Search Result
Surname: McGill (Magill)
First Name: John
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835......
Date: 20 February 1840
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW. Roll 136
Details: Labourer from Co. Antrim. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Patrick Plains with Christopher Cooper. Both charged with highway robbery and sent for trial. Sentenced to work in the iron gang at No. 3 Stockade Newcastle on 31 May 1840
Surname: McGinnes (Magennis)
First Name: John
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 23 December 1843
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Gaol Entrance Book, Item: 2/2020; Roll: 757 (Ancestry)
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol from New England on a charge of breach of agreement. Sentenced to 2 months hard labour
Surname: McGoulden
First Name: Daniel
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 1838 19 September
Place: Raymond Terrace
Source: GG
Details: Farm Labourer aged 25. Tried County Antrim. Absconded from service of Charles Windeyer since Aug 26
Surname: McGoulden
First Name: Daniel
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 1840 15 January
Place: Raymond Terrace
Source: GG 1840
Details: Farm labourer aged 27 from County Antrim. 5'10"; Sallow, freckled compl., dark brown hair, grey eyes. Absconded from Archibald Windeyer 31 December
Surname: McGoulden
First Name: Daniel
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 1840 9 September
Place: Raymond Terrace
Source: GG
Details: Apprehended after absconding from Archibald Windeyer
Surname: McGoulden
First Name: Daniel
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 1837 9 August
Place: Williams River
Source: GG
Details: Absconded from Charles Windeyer on 12th August 1837
Surname: McGoulden
First Name: Daniel
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 1837 15 November
Place: Williams River
Source: GG
Details: On List of Runaways apprehended during the previous week
Surname: McGoulden
First Name: Peter(?Daniel)
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 1836 6 January
Place: Maitland
Source: GG 1836
Details: Apprehended after absconding from service of B. Hudson
Surname: McGoulding (McGoulden)
First Name: Daniel
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 5 January 1840
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW. Roll 138
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Newcastle charged with being illegally at large. Sent to the Bench at Raymond Terrace to be dealt with
Surname: McGuire
First Name: Patrick
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 5 May 1858
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930
Details: Patrick McGuire, labourer from Fermanagh. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Singleton. Sentenced to 3 months imprisonment
Surname: McGuire
First Name: Patrick
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835.......
Date: 1843 25 November
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: MM
Details: Ticket of Leave granted
Surname: McGuire (Maguire)
First Name: Patrick
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835......
Date: 1837
Place: Maitland
Source: GRC
Details: Assigned to John Plaistowe. Aged 44
Surname: McNulty (?McNally)
First Name: Patrick
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 9 January 1857
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930
Details: Patrick McNulty, labourer from Armagh. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Singleton. Sentenced to 1 month hard labour
Surname: McShaine (McShane)
First Name: James
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 1836 5 October
Place: Paterson
Source: GG
Details: Apprehended after absconding from William Bucknell
Surname: McShane
First Name: James
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 1841 22 June
Place: Paterson
Source: SG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave
Surname: McShane
First Name: James
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 1837
Place: Paterson
Source: GRC
Details: Aged 18. Assigned to William Bucknell
Surname: McShane
First Name: James
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: -
Place: -
Source: Convict Indent
Details: Painter's Boy. Sentenced to 7 years transportation for stealing coppers.
Surname: Minton
First Name: Hugh
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 1845 29 March
Place: Scone
Source: MM
Details: Obtained Ticket of Leave
Surname: Minton
First Name: Hugh
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 1850 6 April
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: Granted Conditional Pardon
Surname: Monaghan
First Name: Patrick
Ship: Lady McNaughten 1835
Date: 1840 6 May
Place: Maitland
Source: GG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave