Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

Search Result

Surname: Turner
First Name: James
Ship: Somersetshire 1814
Date: 1815 14 September
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: On list of prisoners to be sent to Newcastle

Surname: Waite
First Name: Thomas
Ship: Somersetshire 1814
Date: 1820 27 July
Place: -
Source: CSI
Details: To be transported to Newcastle for 7 yrs

Surname: Waite
First Name: Thomas
Ship: Somersetshire 1814.....
Date: 1825
Place: Newcastle
Source: New South Wales and Tasmania, Australia Convict Musters. Class: HO 10; Piece: 20
Details: Employed by T.W.M. Winder in the district of Newcastle

Surname: Watson
First Name: Moses
Ship: Somersetshire 1814
Date: 1819 25 March
Place: Newcastle
Source: Convict Settlement
Details: Punished for running away, plundering and threatening the lives of the settlers and resisting a party sent after him

Surname: Welch
First Name: John
Ship: Somersetshire 1814
Date: 1833 7 February
Place: Hunter River
Source: SG
Details: Labourer. Assigned to P.G. Ogilvie

Surname: Welch (Walsh)
First Name: John
Ship: Somersetshire 1814
Date: 1835 20 March
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: NGE
Details: Laborer from Mayo. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Patrick Plains. Committed for trial at the Quarter Sessions. Sent to Maitland 2 May

Surname: Welch (Walsh)
First Name: John
Ship: Somersetshire 1814
Date: 1835 9 May
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: NGE
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Maitland Quarter Sessions. Acquitted at the Quarter Sessions. To Sydney and to be sent to his master Ben Hooghan 21 June

Surname: Welch (Welsh)
First Name: John
Ship: Somersetshire 1814
Date: 1832 22 August
Place: -
Source: 1832 GG
Details: Ticket of leave cancelled for gross prevarication in giving evidnce