Search Result
Surname: McConnell
First Name: John
Ship: Roslin Castle 1834
Date: 1837
Place: Paterson
Source: GRC
Details: Assigned to Lieutenant F. Bedwell
Surname: McConnell
First Name: John
Ship: Roslin Castle 1834
Date: 1 November 1841
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Gaol Entrance Book, Item: 2/2020; Roll: 757
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Scone. Useless in service. Returned to Government. Sent to Hyde Park Barracks
Surname: McGuire (?McQuade)
First Name: Bernard
Ship: Roslin Castle 1834
Date: 1837 29 August
Place: Newcastle
Source: BB
Details: Attendant at hospital. Sentenced to 50 lashes on the breech for being about Newcastle at 9 pm on a Saturday night without a pass
Surname: McQuade
First Name: Bernard
Ship: Roslin Castle 1834
Date: 1847
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Item: 2/2009; Roll: 757. New South Wales, Australia, Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930
Details: Labourer from Armagh. Admitted to Newcastle gaol
Surname: McQuoid (McQuade)
First Name: Bernard
Ship: Roslin Castle 1834
Date: 1838 20 July
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Bench Books. AONSW Reel 2722
Details: Assigned to the General Hospital at Newcastle. Charged with taking government shingles from the hospital. Prisoner stated he got the shingles from the beach below the house latey occupied by the Col. Surgeon (Newcastle beach). Sentenced to 50 lashes
Surname: Parkes
First Name: Joseph
Ship: Roslin Castle 1834
Date: 17 February 1841
Place: West Maitland
Source: Application to Marry
Details: Joseph Parkes age 32 arrived per 'Roslin Castle, application to marry Sarah Perkins age 28 arrived per 'Pyramus' under sentence of 14 years transportation. Disallowed
Surname: Penny
First Name: Joseph
Ship: Roslin Castle 1834
Date: 1843 27 May
Place: Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: Obtained Ticket of Leave
Surname: Penny
First Name: Joseph
Ship: Roslin Castle 1834
Date: 1837
Place: Sydney
Source: GRC
Details: Age 25. Assigned to J. Blanch in Sydney
Surname: Quoid (?McQuade)
First Name: Bernard
Ship: Roslin Castle 1834
Date: 1837
Place: Newcastle
Source: GRC
Details: Age 40. Assigned to the General Hospital at Newcastle
Surname: Reed (Reid)
First Name: Thomas
Ship: Roslin Castle 1834
Date: 1837
Place: Maitland
Source: GRC
Details: Age 22. Assigned to J.B. Humphrey
Surname: Robinson
First Name: John
Ship: Roslin Castle 1834
Date: 5 February 1842
Place: Newcastle
Source: Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930; Item: 2/2020; Roll: 757.
Details: Free. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Singleton on a charge of sheep stealing. Sent for trial
Surname: Robinson
First Name: John
Ship: Roslin Castle 1834
Date: February 1842
Place: Newcastle
Source: Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930; Item: 2/2016; Roll: 759.
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol. Born 1811. 5ft 2in, Stout build, fresh complexion. dark hair, grey eyes. Fourth finger of left hand crooked.
Surname: Robinson
First Name: John
Ship: Roslin Castle 1834
Date: 1834
Place: -
Source: Annotated printed indents Microfiche: 710.
Details: Age 22. Butcher from Manchester. Tried Lancaster quarter sessions 21 October 1833 and sentenced to 7 years transportation. 5ft 1in, dark ruddy complexion. dark brown hair, grey eyes. Eyebrows partially meeting, breast hairy, small scar upper part of nose. Two men by the name of John Robinson by the Roslin Castle
Surname: Scrimshaw
First Name: William
Ship: Roslin Castle 1834
Date: 1839 16 January
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: GG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave
Surname: Scrimshaw
First Name: William
Ship: Roslin Castle 1834
Date: 1837
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: GRC
Details: Age 46. Assigned to Archibald Bell
Surname: Sheldon
First Name: William
Ship: Roslin Castle 1834
Date: 1838 9 February
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Bench Books. AONSW Reel 2722
Details: Assigned to A.A. Company. Sentenced to 50 lashes for absconding
Surname: Sheldon
First Name: William
Ship: Roslin Castle 1834
Date: 1838 22 August
Place: Newcastle
Source: GG
Details: Apprehended after absconding from service of A.A. Company
Surname: Sheldon
First Name: William
Ship: Roslin Castle 1834
Date: 1839 11 September
Place: Newcastle
Source: GG
Details: Coal miner aged 25 from Staffordshire. 5'5 3/4"; ruddy complexion, light brown hair, grey eyes, tattoos, top of little finger of left hand crooked. Absconded from the A.A. company 4 September
Surname: Sheldon
First Name: William
Ship: Roslin Castle 1834
Date: 1839 2 October
Place: Newcastle
Source: GG
Details: Apprehended after absconding from the A.A. company
Surname: Sheldon
First Name: William
Ship: Roslin Castle 1834
Date: 1838 10 August
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Bench Books. AONSW Reel 2722
Details: Assigned to the A.A. Co., Sentenced to 12 months in irons for absconding, being the 2nd offence