Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

Search Result

Surname: Madden
First Name: Michael
Ship: Larkins 1829
Date: 1838 24 March
Place: Paterson
Source: SG
Details: Obtained Ticket of Leave

Surname: Madden
First Name: Michael
Ship: Larkins 1829
Date: 1837
Place: Raymond Terrace
Source: GRC
Details: Assigned to Richard Lang. Age 30

Surname: Madden
First Name: Michael
Ship: Larkins 1829
Date: 1842
Place: Maitland
Source: Application to Marry
Details: Michael Madden per 'Larkins' application to marry Mary Carey (came free per 'Gilbert')

Surname: Madden
First Name: Michael
Ship: Larkins 1829
Date: 1829
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4015]; Microfiche: 674
Details: Michael Madden, age 24. Native place Tipperary. Occupation ploughs, reaps. Tried at Tipperary 26 March 1829. Sentenced to transportation for life for fire arms offences. Assigned to Richard Lang in Sydney on arrival

Surname: McGann
First Name: William
Ship: Larkins 1829
Date: 1837
Place: Maitland
Source: GRC
Details: Assigned to J.T. Baker

Surname: McGann
First Name: William
Ship: Larkins 1829
Date: 1839 24 July
Place: Maitland
Source: GG 1839
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave

Surname: McGann
First Name: William
Ship: Larkins 1829
Date: 1829
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4015]; Microfiche: 674
Details: William McGann, age 30. Married with 5 children. Native place Roscommon. Occupation labourer, shears, reaps, shepherd. Tried in Roscommon 13 March 1829. Sentenced to transportation for life for ribbonman activities. Assigned to John Jamieson at Argyle on arrival. Note - died in 1840

Surname: Mulvihill
First Name: Michael
Ship: Larkins 1829
Date: 1829
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4015]; Microfiche: 674
Details: Michael Mulvihill age 18. Native place Kerry. Occupation carpenter s apprentice. Tried at Kerry 21 March. Sentenced to 7 years transportation for house robbery. Assigned to J.T. Lamb at Hunter River on arrival. Daniel Mulvihill age 68, father, and John Mulvihill age 28, brother, were also transported on the Larkins

Surname: Murray
First Name: James
Ship: Larkins 1829
Date: 1836 - 37
Place: Newcastle
Source: GRC
Details: Age 25. Assigned to the gaol at Newcastle

Surname: Murray
First Name: James
Ship: Larkins 1829
Date: 1829
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4015]; Microfiche: 674
Details: James Murray, age 18. Native place Co. Cork. Occupation labourer, reaps, milks. Tried Co. Cork 1 April 1829. Sentenced to 7 years transportation for cow stealing. Assigned to McKenzie at Bathurst on arrival

Surname: Nowlan
First Name: James
Ship: Larkins 1829
Date: 1837
Place: Raymond Terrace
Source: GRC
Details: Age 26 Assigned to Richard Lang

Surname: Nowlan
First Name: James
Ship: Larkins 1829
Date: 30 April 1842
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Gaol Entrance Book, Item: 2/2020; Roll: 757 (Ancestry)
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Paterson on a charge of disobedience of orders. Sentenced to 2 months on the treadmill and return to government service

Surname: Nowlan (Nowland)
First Name: James
Ship: Larkins 1829
Date: 1830 29 December
Place: Newcastle
Source: NGE
Details: Sentenced to 7 days in solitary confinement for being absent from district

Surname: Nowland
First Name: James
Ship: Larkins 1829
Date: 1840 27 July
Place: Williams River
Source: GG
Details: Apprehended after absconding from Richard Lang

Surname: Nowland
First Name: James
Ship: Larkins 1829
Date: 1829
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4015]; Microfiche: 674
Details: James Nowland, age 20. Native place Carlow. Occupation errand boy. Tried Carlow 26 March 1829. Sentenced to transportation for life for assault and robbery. Assigned to Richard Lang on arrival

Surname: Nowland (Nowlan)
First Name: James
Ship: Larkins 1829
Date: 1837 12 April
Place: Williams River
Source: GG
Details: Errand boy from Co. Carlow. 5ft 7 in, ruddy fair, and freckled complexion, light brown hair, hazel eyes, small scar at top of head. Absconded from Richard Lang 31st March

Surname: Nugent
First Name: Patrick
Ship: Larkins 1829
Date: 1834 May
Place: Paterson
Source: SG
Details: Obtained Ticket of Leave

Surname: Nugent
First Name: Patrick
Ship: Larkins 1829
Date: 1829
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4015]; Microfiche: 674
Details: Patrick Nugent, age 30. Native place Tipperary. Occupation gardener, reaps. Tried 28 March 1829. Sentenced to 7 years transportation for cow stealing. Assigned to Jacob Newton at Hunter River on arrival

Surname: O Hara
First Name: Daniel
Ship: Larkins 1829
Date: 22 March 1837
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book - State Archives NSW; Roll: 136
Details: Labourer from Cork. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Paterson. Sent to Hyde Park Barracks

Surname: O Hara
First Name: Daniel
Ship: Larkins 1829
Date: 1829
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4015]; Microfiche: 674
Details: Daniel O Hara, age 45. Married with 6 children. Native place Co. Cork. Occupation ploughs shears, reaps. Tried at Cork 9 April 1829. Sentenced to 14 years transportation for passing forged notes. Assigned to W. Jamison at Parramatta on arrival