Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Coxen
First Name: Stephen and Charles
Ship: -
Date: 10 January 1855
Place: -
Source: Maitland Mercury
Details: Death of a Civilized Aboriginal - We have recently heard of the death of an aboriginal native, whose history is so remarkably distinct from the usual career of his countrymen that it deserves to be briefly recorded. The aboriginal alluded to was generally known by the name of "Young Bungaree." He was a native of Namoi, and about twenty years ago was taken into the service of the late Mr. Stephen Coxen, with whom and his brother, Mr. Charles Coxen, now of Brisbane, Bongaree remained for about thirteen years. He was educated at the cost of Messrs. Coxen, and was for a long time under the tuition of the Rev. Henry Carmichael, at the Normal Institution, in Sydney, where he evinced much capacity, and gained the prize at one of the examinations for his proficiency in geography. After leaving Mr. Coxen s service, Bungaree lived for some time with other gentlemen, usually in the capacity of shepherd, and ultimately joined the native police force as a corporal. He was employed as storekeeper, and kept the accounts of the station to which he was attached, in the Port Curtis district. He died a few weeks ago, very much regretted by all who knew him, and who had become attached to him in consequence of his intelligence and amiable disposition. The case of this native at all events proves that if the blacks of Australia are incapable of civilisation, that rule, like others, is not without exception. He never evinced the slightest desire to return to savage life, but when, owing to those commercial disasters which a few years back so much disarranged the affairs of this colony, It became necessary that he should fall back upon his own resources, be at once betook himself to the ordinary industrial pursuits of a working man, and sought employment wherever he could find it. His death should not pass without a record, and the history of his life should stimulate other colonists to follow the worthy example of Messrs. Coxen whenever an opportunity offers.-

Surname: Coxen
First Name: Stephen and Sarah
Ship: -
Date: 4 January 1833
Place: Invermein
Source: Invermein Court of Petty Sessions. Deposition Books 1833 -1834 (Ancestry)
Details: Case heard before John Bingle....Mary Hall, came free per Red Rover, engaged by Stephen Coxen Esq.,as a yearly servant, charged with neglect of duty and insolence. Mrs. Coxen states that last Monday afternoon I called the defendant from the hut. When she came in I desired her not to go to that hut again. She said she had business there and would go when she thought proper and she did not care what I should say to her, she was not going to stay more than two or three weeks. I told her she would have to remain her twelve months. She replied she would not stay for me or any one else. I told her she would find the difference when she saw the Magistrates. She replied she did not care any more for the Magistrates than she did for me. I told her she must go to court. She said she would not for me or Magistrates or anyone else. She then went off to the kitchen snapping her fingers at me saying she did not care for me or anyone else. She said I had been accustomed to factory women and that she would see me there before long. Her general conduct has been dreadfully bad.. Signed Sarah Coxen

Surname: Coxen
First Name: Stephen Henry
Ship: -
Date: 1839 14 December
Place: -
Source: Commercial Journal and Advertiser
Details: From Hunter River.Senior at Normal Institution. Awarded large silver medal for superiority in the classics

Surname: Coxen (Coxhead)
First Name: Robert
Ship: Lady Feversham 1830.....
Date: 26 July 1842
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Gaol Entrance Book, Item: 2/2020; Roll: 757 (Ancestry)
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol for non payment of hospital dues. Sent to Hyde Park Barracks

Surname: Coxen (obit.,)
First Name: Charles
Ship: -
Date: 3 Jun 1876
Place: Bulimba Qld
Source: Sydney Mail
Details: Mr. Charles Coxen died at his residence, Omega Cottage, Bulimba, Queensland, on the 17th May last, aged 67. He was a native of Kent, England, and at the age of 27, in the year 1836, he emigrated to New South Wales. He was there engaged for some time in collecting specimens of natural history for his brother-in-law, Mr. J. G. Gould. During that period Mr. Coxen made one of the most curious discoveries in the records of Ornithology, known as the play-ground of the bower bird. He afterwards engaged in pastoral pursuits, on the Hunter River, and after wards on the Darling Downs, where he took up and occupied Jondaryan station, in which enterprise, however, he was far from fortunate, as has been the case with too many of our earliest pioneer settlers. He was elected to represent the district of Northern Downs in the first Parliament of Queensland. In July, 1863, he was appointed Chairman of Committees to the Legislative Assembly, and he held this office until his defeat by Mr. H. Thorn in the general election of 1SS7. After that he spent some time at Gympie, in the early days of that gold-field. In March, 1868, he began his career in connection with the Crown Lands Office, where his strict integrity and ceaseless desire to assist and further the interests of settlers won for him the respect and esteem of all with whom, in his official capacity, he was brought into contact. He was first appointed Commissioner for Crown Lands for the settled district of Moreton, including East, and West Moreton; and this position he filled until January 1870, when Mr. R. J. Smith was made Acting-Commissioner for West Moreton and Mr. Coxen was appointed Acting-Commissioner, for East Moreton, taking also the position of Land Agent for that district. In May, 1872, Mr. Persse took the position of Land Agent, and Mr. Coxen was gazetted Land Commissioner for the district of East Moreton and Inspecting Commissioner for the settled districts of the colony. In October 1874, he became Acting-Land Commissioner for the settled district of Darling Downs, in the room of Mr. A. McDowall, but was relieved of the duties of this office during the early part of 1876. Up to the time of his death he continued to hold the position of Land Commissioner for East Moreton and Inspecting Commissioner for the settled districts; but, owing to failing health, he was obliged to obtain sick leave at intervals during the past few months. Notwithstanding the numerous duties attaching to his connection with the Lands Department, Mr. Coxen found time for the pursuit of his favourite study of natural history, as well as the promotion of science in other directions beneficial to the colony. In 1873 he was gazetted a member of a commission, appointed under the great seal of the colony, to inquire into the condition of the aborigines of this colony. He was also a leading member of the Queensland Philosophical Society, where his energy and knowledge concerning a variety or matters was of great assistance. In connection with that society he has done much towards the formation of the Queensland Museum, in which he took a great interest, and he was one of the trustees recently appointed to the care of that institution. He was a man of very sound constitution and cheerful temper, and, although he has reached within three years of the allotted span of man s life on earth, it is probable that his career of usefulness has been shortened by the hardship and privations which he necessarily bore while seeking to establish a home beyond the limits of civilization. Mr. and Mrs. Coxen for some years past resided in the Bulimba district, where especially, we feel sure, many sorrowing friends will mourn the loss of a kindly neighbour and worthy gentleman

Surname: Coxen v. Rapsey
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1838 27 June
Place: Morpeth
Source: GG
Details: Sheriff's Office. Supreme Court case. Extensive brick built store adjoining steam packet wharfs

Surname: Wilcockson (Wilcoxen)
First Name: John
Ship: Shipley 1820
Date: 1824 16 December
Place: Hunter River
Source: SG
Details: Aged 52; native of Nottingham; hazel eyes, brown hair, dark sallow complexion; absconded from Government service