Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

Search Result

Surname: Grey
First Name: Ann
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: April 1840
Place: Bathurst
Source: Application to Marry
Details: Ann Grey aged 34 arrived per 'Lucy Davidson', application to marry James Bridge aged 30 arrived per 'Hooghley' as Ann stated on arrival she was married with two children

Surname: Grey (Gregg)
First Name: Ann
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 1831 14 March
Place: -
Source: NGE
Details: Native of Manchester. Servant. Arrived at Newcastle gaol from Sydney 14 March. Sent to private service of E.C. Close on 14 March.

Surname: Grey (Greigh) (Gregg)
First Name: Ann
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: -
Place: -
Source: A.O. N.S.W. Convict Indent Fiche 673 p. 257
Details: Aged 23. Native of Leeds. Tried in Newark 2 May 1829 for shoplifting and sentenced to transportation for 14 years. 5'2"; ruddy and pockpitted complexion, brown hair, light hazel eyes. Assigned to John Redman in Sydney

Surname: James
First Name: Jane
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 1831 3 February
Place: Windsor
Source: SG
Details: Cook aged 37 from York. 5' 1 1/2"; grey eyes, brown hair, ruddy freckled complexion. Absconded from Archibald Bell at Windsor

Surname: James
First Name: Jane
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 8 February 1831
Place: Windsor
Source: SG
Details: Age 37. Cook from York, 5ft 1 1/2in, grey eyes, brown hair, ruddy freckled complexion. Absconded from Archibald Bell at Windsor

Surname: Jones
First Name: Ann
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: -
Place: -
Source: A.O. N.S.W. Convict Indent Fiche 673 p. 257
Details: Aged 23. Native of Hereford. Occupation Dairymaid. Offence: stealing money. Tried at Warwick 4 April 1829 and sentenced to transportation for Life. 2 prior convictions. 5' 1. Note: ran from her husband Patrick Sheehan

Surname: Jones
First Name: Ann
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 21 April 1831
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: Age 25 . Housemaid from Herefordshire. 5ft 1in, hazel eyes, brown hair, ruddy freckled complexion. Absconded from T. Smith at Sydney

Surname: Jones
First Name: Mary
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 5 December 1832
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW. Roll 134
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Newcastle. Sentenced to 7 days solitary confinement and kept in the gaol 3 months. Sent to the private service of Mrs. Hughes on 23 January 1833

Surname: Jones (alias Goss)
First Name: Mary (alias Ann)
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: -
Place: -
Source: A.O. N.S.W. Convict Indent Fiche 673 p. 257
Details: Aged 28. Married, no children. Native of Westminster. Occupation all work. Tried in London 11 June 1829 for child stealing and sentenced to transportation for Life. 2 prior convictions. Assigned to R. Bogg. Granted conditional pardon 10 July 1848

Surname: Jones (alias Goss)
First Name: Mary (alias Ann)
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 1840 18 August
Place: Newcastle
Source: GG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave

Surname: Jones (alias Goss)
First Name: Mary (alias Ann)
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 6 March 1833
Place: Newcastle
Source: Application to Marry
Details: Mary Jones (alias Ann Goss) aged 31 arrived per 'Lucy Davidson', application to marry Peter Chick aged 27, arrived per 'Hercules'

Surname: Jones (alias Goss)
First Name: Mary (alias Ann)
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 24 May 1833
Place: Newcastle
Source: Application to Marry
Details: Mary Jones (alias Ann Goss) aged 31, application to marry Thomas Hyde aged 35 arrived per 'Batavia'

Surname: Jones (alias Goss) (Hyde)
First Name: Mary (Ann)
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 1833
Place: Newcastle
Source: Register Book of Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle
Details: Marriage of Thomas Hyde aged 35 of Maitland and Mary Jones (Goss) aged 31 of Newcastle

Surname: Kean (Keen) (Keane)
First Name: Catherine
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 1835
Place: Sydney
Source: Application to Marry
Details: William Carr (free emigrant) application to marry Catherine Kean aged 27 arrived per 'Lucy Davidson'

Surname: Keane
First Name: Catherine
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: -
Place: -
Source: A.O. N.S.W. Convict Indent Fiche 673 p. 257
Details: Aged 27. Native of Limerick. Occupation: all work. Offence stealing from the person. Tried in Surry 1 December 1828. Assigned to Henry Cooper at Cockle Bay

Surname: Keane (Keen)
First Name: Catherine
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 20 November 1843
Place: Parramatta
Source: Application to Marry
Details: Robert Giddens aged 35 arrived per 'Currency Lass' (free), application to marry Catherine Keane aged 36 arrived per 'Lucy Davidson'

Surname: Keen
First Name: Catherine
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 1829
Place: -
Source: State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Title: Bound manuscript indents, 1788-1842; Item: [4/4014]; Microfiche: 673. (Ancestry)
Details: Age 22. Native place Limerick. Occupation all work. Tried in Surry 1 December 1828 and sentenced to transportation for life for stealing from the person. 5ft 3 1/2in, ruddy freckled complexion, brown hair, hazel eyes. Assigned to Henry Cooper at Cockle Bay on arrival..

Surname: Keen (Keane)
First Name: Catherine
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 1832 11 July
Place: Dalwood, Hunter River
Source: 1832 GG
Details: House servant assigned to George Wyndham

Surname: Keen (Keane)
First Name: Catherine
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 30 August 1831
Place: Sydney
Source: Application to Marry
Details: William Carr age 24 arrived free per 'L. Nelson', application to marry Catherine Keen aged 24 arrived per 'Lucy Davidson'

Surname: Norris
First Name: Ann
Ship: Lucy Davidson 1829
Date: 1832 1 March
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: Servant aged 27 from London. Absconded from Alexander Manson