Search Result
Surname: Gannon
First Name: Dennis (Denis)
Ship: Lady Nugent 1835
Date: 1839 24 July
Place: Maitland
Source: GG 1839
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave
Surname: Gardener
First Name: William
Ship: Lady Nugent 1835
Date: 1840 26 August
Place: Paterson
Source: GG
Details: Apprehended after absconding from Henry Carmichael
Surname: Gardener
First Name: William
Ship: Lady Nugent 1835
Date: 30 March 1841
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Gaol Entrance Books. State Archives NSW; Item: 2/2020; Roll: 757 Ancestry
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol after absconding from service. Sent to the Bench at Paterson
Surname: Gardener (Gardiner)
First Name: William
Ship: Lady Nugent 1835
Date: 1841 29 January
Place: Paterson
Source: GG
Details: Fisherman aged 29 from London; 5' 8 1/4"; dark ruddy complexion brown hair, brown eyes, slight scar left forehead, scar above left cheek bone, lost three front upper teeth. Absconded from Rev. Henry Carmichael 8th December 1840
Surname: Gardner (Gardiner?)
First Name: William
Ship: Lady Nugent 1835
Date: 1837
Place: Dungog
Source: GRC
Details: Tried in Glamorgan. Assigned to John Verge
Surname: Garner
First Name: Thomas
Ship: Lady Nugent 1835
Date: 1839 25 December
Place: Maitland
Source: GG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave
Surname: Glass
First Name: John
Ship: Lady Nugent 1835
Date: 1837
Place: Dungog
Source: GRC
Details: Tried in Aberdeen. Assigned to John Lord
Surname: Glass
First Name: John
Ship: Lady Nugent 1835
Date: 1837 1 November
Place: Williams River
Source: GG
Details: Ironmonger age 24 from Dundee. 5ft 4 in, sallow complexion, brown hair, hazel eyes, scar centre of forehead, scar left side of same, scar right side of upper, scar near knuckle of right forefinger, scar left forefinger, Absconded from John Lord 18 October
Surname: Glass
First Name: John
Ship: Lady Nugent 1835
Date: 1837 November
Place: Williams River
Source: GG
Details: On List of Runaways apprehended during the previous week. Absconded from John Lord
Surname: Glass
First Name: John
Ship: Lady Nugent 1835
Date: 3 November 1837
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW. Roll 137
Details: Tanner from Dundee. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Sydney. To be sent to the Williams River district to be dealt with
Surname: Greenwood
First Name: James
Ship: Lady Nugent 1835
Date: 1839 22 May
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: GG 1839
Details: Cotton spinner aged 31 from York. 5'3"; brown complexion, brown hair, light hazel eyes, lost canine teeth upper jaw, small scar right side of forehead, tattoos. Absconded from R.B. Dawson 12 th May
Surname: Greenwood
First Name: James
Ship: Lady Nugent 1835
Date: 1839 28 August
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: GG
Details: Apprehended after absconding from R.B. Dawson
Surname: Guinan
First Name: Dennis
Ship: Lady Nugent 1835
Date: 1835
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4019]; Microfiche: 694
Details: Denis Guinan, age 35. Stableman from Co. Cork. Tried at Middlesex 20 February 1834. Sentenced to 7 years transportation for stealing furniture
Surname: Guinan
First Name: Dennis
Ship: Lady Nugent 1835
Date: 13 November 1848
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930
Details: Dennis Guinan, labourer from Cork. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Newcastle. Remanded on a charge of breach of agreement. Discharged
Surname: Guinear (Guinan)
First Name: Dennis
Ship: Lady Nugent 1835
Date: 5 June 1860
Place: Maitland gaol
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930
Details: Dennis Guinear, stonemason from Cork. Admitted to Maitland gaol from Newcastle. Sentenced to 1 month hard labour
Surname: Harrison
First Name: John
Ship: Lady Nugent 1835
Date: 1837
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: GRC
Details: Aged 24. Assigned to Thomas Cullen
Surname: Harrison
First Name: John
Ship: Lady Nugent 1835
Date: 1837 5 July
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: GG
Details: Stable boy age 23 from Liverpool. 5 ft 4 in, brown and freckled complexion, dark brown hair, light hazel eyes, scar outside left eyebrow, nose short, anchor mermaid and sprig lower left arm, two pockpits back of right hand. Absconded from William Bell 29 June
Surname: Harrison
First Name: John
Ship: Lady Nugent 1835
Date: 1837 26 July
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: GG
Details: On List of Runaways apprehended during the last week. Absconded from William Bell
Surname: Harrison
First Name: John
Ship: Lady Nugent 1835
Date: 1838 20 November
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Bench Books. AONSW Reel 2722
Details: Prisoner under sentence of 14 years transportation, assigned to Dr. George Brooks from the Newcastle Stockade. Refused to wear a pair of old shoes given to him be a soldier at the Stockade and sentenced to 25 lashes and forfeit 2/6- for disorderly conduct
Surname: Hayhurst
First Name: Roger
Ship: Lady Nugent 1835
Date: 1841 23 December
Place: Scone
Source: SG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave