Search Result
Surname: Booth (Whittle)
First Name: Caroline
Ship: Pyramus 1832
Date: 1833
Place: Newcastle
Source: Register Book of Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle
Details: Marriage of James Whittle and Caroline Booth both of Newcastle
Surname: Boswell
First Name: Mary Ann
Ship: Pyramus 1832
Date: 1832
Place: Hunter River
Source: Settler and Convict Lists 1787-1834. Ancestry
Details: Age 19. Assigned to J. McIntyre (?John McIntyre)
Surname: Boswell
First Name: Mary Ann
Ship: Pyramus 1832
Date: March 1832
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4016]; Microfiche: 681
Details: Mary Ann Boswell age 19. Kitchen maid and all work. Native place Kennington. Tried at Southwark 27 June 1831. Sentenced to 7 years transportation for receiving a stolen watch
Surname: Brown
First Name: Sarah
Ship: Pyramus 1832
Date: 1838 28 November
Place: Maitland
Source: GG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave
Surname: Brown
First Name: Sarah
Ship: Pyramus 1832
Date: 1832 18 July
Place: Elizabeth Street, Sydney
Source: 1832 GG
Details: All work' assigned to Cornelious Prout
Surname: Brown
First Name: Sarah
Ship: Pyramus 1832
Date: March 1832
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4016]; Microfiche: 681
Details: Sarah Brown age 22. Maid of all work. Native place London. Tried at Worcester 16 July 1831. Sentenced to 14 years transportation for man robbery. Fair ruddy and slightly pock pitted complexion. Brown hair, grey eys. Scar on upper lip, mark of a burn on back of right hand. Female Factory 15 May 1845.
Surname: Brown (Smith)
First Name: Sarah
Ship: Pyramus 1832
Date: 11 February 1842
Place: Maitland - Newcastle gaol
Source: Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930
Details: Returned to government service for immoral conduct. Magistrate Edward Denny Day
Surname: Brown (Smith)
First Name: Sarah
Ship: Pyramus 1832
Date: 16 February 1842
Place: Newcastle Gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Books. State Archives NSW; Roll: 136
Details: Sarah Brown, servant from London, sent to Newcastle Gaol from Maitland. Returned to government. Re-assigned to Rev. Wilton on 9 June 1842
Surname: Brown (Smith)
First Name: Sarah
Ship: Pyramus 1832
Date: 1832
Place: Rev. McGarvie, Sydney
Source: Application to Marry
Details: Sarah Brown age 22 per Pyramus 1832, application to marry William Smith age 29 per Hadlow
Surname: Burridge
First Name: Ellen
Ship: Pyramus 1832
Date: 27 November 1839
Place: East Maitland
Source: Application to Marry
Details: Edward Excell age 35 arrived per 'Hebe', application to marry Ellen Burridge age 31 arrived per 'Pyramus'
Surname: Burridge
First Name: Ellen
Ship: Pyramus 1832
Date: March 1832
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4016]; Microfiche: 681
Details: Ellen Burridge age 24. Dressmaker, dairy maid and all work. Native place Wareham. Tried at Wisbeach 20 July 1831. Sentenced to 7 years transportation for stealing money
Surname: Collier
First Name: Mary
Ship: Pyramus 1832
Date: 1832 14 November
Place: Invermein
Source: 1832 GG
Details: House servant assigned to Francis Little
Surname: Collier
First Name: Mary
Ship: Pyramus 1832
Date: March 1832
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4016]; Microfiche: 681
Details: Mary Collier age 17. Nurse girl from Bath. Tried in London 30 June 1831. Sentenced to 7 years transportation for man robbery.
Surname: Cox (Smith)
First Name: Phoebe
Ship: Pyramus 1832
Date: 1837
Place: Sydney
Source: GRC
Details: Assigned to James Smith
Surname: Curtis
First Name: Ann
Ship: Pyramus 1832
Date: 1835 22 April
Place: Newcastle
Source: Application to marry
Details: Aged 24. Application to marry Daniel Barry. Allowed
Surname: Curtis
First Name: Ann
Ship: Pyramus 1832
Date: 1834 21 November
Place: Newcastle
Source: NGE
Details: From Salisbury. Admitted to Newcastle gaol under sentence of 10 days in the cells. Assigned to George Brooks at Newcastle 6 February 1835
Surname: Curtis
First Name: Ann
Ship: Pyramus 1832
Date: 1835 4 May
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: NGE
Details: Servant from Salisbury. Admitted to Newcastle gaol. Returned to government as about to be married. Married to Daniel Barry 6 May
Surname: Curtis
First Name: Ann
Ship: Pyramus 1832
Date: March 1832
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4016]; Microfiche: 681
Details: Ann Curtis age 22. Needlewoman from Salisbury. Tried at London 30 June 1831. Sentenced to 14 years transportation for stealing a gold pin. Note - Female Factory 8 January 1847
Surname: Curtis (Barry)
First Name: Ann
Ship: Pyramus 1832
Date: 1835 6 May
Place: Newcastle
Source: Register Book of Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle Page 59
Details: Marriage of Daniel Barry aged 29 and Ann Curtis aged 29. Witness at the marriage Elisha Hayes
Surname: Fisher
First Name: Margaret
Ship: Pyramus 1832
Date: 21 January 1842
Place: Newcastle
Source: Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930; Item: 2/2020; Roll: 757
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol. Sent from Maitland by Percy Simpson. To be returned to government service