Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Wetherill (nee Chippendall) (obit)
First Name: Mrs. William
Ship: -
Date: 22 August 1899
Place: North Shore, Sydney
Source: NMH
Details: Wife of Captain Weatherill, died at her residence North Shore Sydney at the age of 65 years. Eldest daughter of Edward Chippindall and sister of Mrs. J. D. Prentice, West Maitland and Miss Chippindall of the Newcastle Ladies College.

Surname: Whatson (obit)
First Name: William
Ship: -
Date: 27 February 1907
Place: Manning River
Source: The Manning River Times
Details: MR. WILLIAM WHATSON. It is our painful duty to report the death of a very old and highly-esteemed resident of Jones Island, in the person of Mr. William Whatson, which took place at his residence at 5 a.m. yester- day (Tuesday), at the age of 87 years. The deceased was only taken ill on Monday, when he was stricken down with paralysis. Mr. H. W. Whatson, of Jones Island, is a son of the deceased, and Mrs. E. Basham, of North Sydney, and formerly of the Dawson, is a daughter. The late Mrs. Geo. Unicomb, junr., of Jones Island, was also a daughter. Mrs. Whatson pre- deceased her husband by a few years. There are a great many grandchildren, a number of great-grandchildren, and one great- great-grandchild. The funeral is to leave Jones Island at 11 a.m. to-day (Wednesday) for the Dawson Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. E. Basham were expected to arrive by coach from Sydney last night (Tuesday).

Surname: White (Cusack) (obit)
First Name: Ellen
Ship: Switzerland 1854
Date: 2 June 1928
Place: Doreen, Hilldale
Source: Maitland Weekly Mercury
Details: Death, at her late residence, Doreen, Hilldale, Mrs. Ellen White, one of the last of the pioneers of the Allyn River district, passed quietly away on May 15. The late Mrs. White was a native of Limerick, Ireland, and arrived in Australia on the Switzerland in 1854. Her parents settled in the Parramatta district for some years and then took up their abode near Gresford. Her father, Edmund Cusack, was responsible for the construction of many of the original roads and culverts in that locality.....

Surname: White (obit.,)
First Name: James, M.L.A.
Ship: -
Date: 19 July 1890
Place: Sydney
Source: The Queenslander
Details: THE LATE HON. JAMES WHITE. James White died at his residence, Cranbrook, near Sydney, on Sunday afternoon last. As an owner and a breeder of racehorses, Mr. White had during the past fourteen or fifteen years a most remarkably successful career, and his close identification with the Australian Turf has made his name familiar in sporting circles throughout the world. For many years he held with honourable distinction the proud position of chairman of the committee of the oldest racing club in Australia, the A.J.C., and the loss which this club and horse racing generally has sustained through his decease is one which will be severely felt. Mr. White s health had been very precarious for a long-time, and in consequence of this he determined only a few months ago to temporarily retire from the Turf and its excitements, little dreaming that his end was so close at hand. The Hon. James White was the eldest son of Mr. James White, one of the pioneer settlers in the Hunter River district. He was born at Stroud in 1828, and while he was still at school his father died. Mr. White, at the age of 16, was called upon to manage extensive station properties, and he gradually took up more and more outlying country on his own account, until he became one of the largest and most successful New South Wales squatters. He did a fair share of work in pioneering the country on the Barwon, Hunter, and Castlereagh rivers, and was almost uniformly successful in his enter-prises. In 1869 Mr. White went to England, and remained away for several years, during which time he visited all the principal cities of Europe. In 1866 Mr. White was elected a member of the Legislative Assembly as representative of the Upper Hunter, and he kept that position for three years and then resigned, as he was going to Europe. He was nominated to the Upper House in 1874, and had been a regular attendant, though not a frequent speaker, in the House ever since, except during the last two years, when failing health rendered his absence almost compulsory. The cause of his death was heart disease

Surname: Whyte (nee Brunker) (obit)
First Name: Mary Ann
Ship: -
Date: 30 June 1877
Place: Watt Street, Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Morning Herald
Details: It is our painful duty to have to record the decease of Mrs. Whyte, relict of our late respected townsman, Mr. William Henry Whyte, which occurred at her late residence, Watt-street, yesterday afternoon. Up to the death of her husband Mrs. Whyte, we may say, enjoyed very good health, but on losing him she grieved a great deal, and though she suffered a severe illness, there is no doubt that grief at the loss of her life s partner hastened the termination of her existence. By the death of Mrs. Whyte there has departed from amongst us a most estimable woman; one whose amiable and benevolent disposition endeared her to all who knew her. Her unostentatious mode of life rendered her comparatively unknown to the many, but. among those who knew her well, those generous traits of character were fully recognised and admired. Many who have gone before her, had they survived, could have testified to her many deeds of charity, manifested in such a manner as to impart to her acts of mercy that spirit of grace which alleviates while it relieves human suffering.

Surname: Whyte (obit.,)
First Name: William Henry
Ship: -
Date: 6 November 1876
Place: Watt St. Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: W.H. Whyte, one of the oldest inhabitants of Newcastle died at his residence on 5th November 1876 at the age of sixty eight. He has for many years held important positions in the city; and latterly has, in addition to his own private business, conducted the agency of the H.R.N.S.N. Co., His place will not easily be filled in our midst. The funeral takes place at 3pm 6 November 1876

Surname: Wilkie (obit)
First Name: John Perrell
Ship: -
Date: 5 January 1885
Place: Dalby
Source: Queensland Figaro
Details: John Perrell Wilkie arrived in Sydney in 1833 and held a station in 1839 on Kings Creek Pages River. He took up Daandine in 1844 which he afterwards rented to the late Charles Coxen and went to England. He returned to Daandine in 1863, and found the station in difficulties which ended in his losing it. He afterwards was engaged in business in Dalby, and was for several years in connection with Mr. Roche in the agency and forwarding trade. He was a prominent mover in all local matters and became largely identified with the local jockey club. He was a native of Kent, England. The cause of his death was fatty degeneration of the heart

Surname: Wilkinson (obit)
First Name: Alexander
Ship: -
Date: 26 October 1904
Place: West Maitland
Source: Evening News
Details: General regret was expressed this morning when it became known that Colonel Alexander Wilkinson, V.D., Mayor of West Maitland, was dead. Deceased was born at Bathurst in 1826, and was the twenty-seventh person born in that part of New South Wales. His father, Sergeant John Wilkinson, was a non-commissioned officer in the First Regiment of the Life Guards at the Battle of Waterloo. Deceased came to West Maitland in 1832 with his parents, and early engaged in mercantile pursuits, while he found time to indulge in aquatic sports, being a very accomplished sculler. He was also closely identified with various benefit societies, such as the Masons, Odd fellows, and Foresters. He joined the volunteers at the inception of that body in 1860, and the military spirit being inherited gradually worked his way up to the position of lieutenant-colonel of the 4ih Infantry Regiment, and in 1885 he was placed in command of the northern district reserves, from the Hawkesbury River to Tenterfield, and to the north-west as far as Narrabri. He was retired with the rank of colonel in 1893. In his younger days, Colonel Wilkinson did wonderful service with his own boat, in times of floods, and in 1857 he and his crew were the means of saving 300 people from the disastrous inundation. He was a total abstainer and had. occupied the residence in which he died since 1840, excepting for a period of nine months, when he visited California during the gold fever there in 1849. Deceased rendered great assistance to the West Maitland Borough Council as alderman and treasurer, which positions he held for very many years. He was several times Mayor of the town.

Surname: Willard (obit)
First Name: William
Ship: Argyle
Date: 2 August 1902
Place: Maitland
Source: Maitland Weekly Mercury
Details: Of late death has claimed several very old residents of the Hunter district. And now we have to record the death of Mr. William Willard, of Oakhampton, who died at 20 minutes to six oclock on Wednesday evening. Mr. Willard, who was in his 88th year, was born in the parish of Guesling, near Hastings, in Sussex, England. At the age of 24, Mr. Willard left for Australia, coming out in the sailing ship Argyle (Captain Gatenby). The passage in those days was long and weary, and Mr. Willard was 4 and a halfmonths on the water. At one time the voyages were becalmed for three weeks. Mr. Willard landed near old Government House, and after one day in Sydney, left for Morpeth (then known as the Green Hills), the head of navigation, at that time in the Newcastle and Hunter districts. He made a short stay at Morpeth, and then left for Leeholme, on the Paterson river, where he spent a few weeks in preparation for taking up country on the Manning river, and stocking it for a company. Horses, cattle, and sheep were got together, and the pioneers battled at a place called Bungie Bungie beyond Wingham , which, like Taree was then composed of a few bark huts The trip from Leeholme on the Paterson occupied three weeks, and the difficulties and dangers were numerous. Mr. Willard remained on the Manning for four years tending stock and clearing land for agricultural purposes. At the end of that time he returned to the Upper Paterson, and took up some land on his own account. The chief crops then were wheat and maize. Three years was the term of hie residence on the Paterson, and then he came to Bolwarra and rented a piece of land from the lato Mr. David Dickson, near the Methodist Church, This land was heavily timbered at that time (by the way, there are few men now living who can remember Bolwarra as bush land), and the work of clearing was very heavy. But Mr. Willard was not the man to be daunted by difficulties, and he was soon rewarded by wonderful crops of potatoes, onions, and maize, which were shipped to Sydney from Morpeth. The Bolwarra farm was worked by him for twelve years. In 1857, he took up a piece of land at Oakhampton. This had also to be cleared of timber and scrub ; and a house erected. The latter work was in progress when the great flood of 1857 broke over the Hunter Valley. Mr. Willard had lived at Oakhampton up to the time of his death. For some years past he had retired from active work, being as the result of industry and thrift, in comfortable circumstances. Nevertheless, up to the last be took a keen interest in the work of the farm, and was never better pleased than when rendering some assistance. Only about ten days before bis death he was anxious to help in preparing stakes for the vineyard. Mr. Willard was a man of splendid constitution, and had never been troubled by illness, until about 18 months ago when he was seized with an attack of paralysis. He managed to recover; but the final attack came eight days ago, and, although he regained consciousness, and was able to recognise those about him for a time, he passed away peacefully, in unconsciousness. He was a man of generous nature, and was ever ready to give all the help in his power to friend and neighbour; and there are none who ever knew him but will regret, bis death. His services were particularly in request in handling and treating stock, his knowledge of veterinary work being extensive, and he had in his time many valuable animals. His wife died about 16 years ago. He leaves two sons (Mr. William Willard and Mr. J. Willard, of Oakhampton), one daughter (Mrs. W. Scobie), and 19 grandchildren. One grandson (Mr. William Willard) is a member of the reporting staff of this journal. Mr. Alfred Willard, of Newtown, Sydney, is a younger brother of the late Mr. Willard. Mr. Willard was one of the founders of the Hunter River Agricultural and Horticultural Association ; and he did much work for that body in its early days. Probably Mr. G. Cobb is now the only survivor of the first committee. The funeral took place on Friday morning.

Surname: Winchester (obit)
First Name: Charles Francis
Ship: -
Date: 23 August 1933
Place: West Maitland
Source: NMH
Details: Death of Mr. C. F. Winchester Mr. Charles Francis Winchester, a very old resident of West Maitland, died at his residence, High-street, shortly before midnight on Monday, aged 80 years, He was born in a cottage in Elgin street, the site of which is occupied by the West Boys Public School, and when he was very young his father s home was swept away in a flood which carried away six cottages and land at what is now. known as the High street embank-. In his younger days Mr. Winchester carried on a tailor, but for 40 years had been in business as a tobacconist; He was keenly interested in sport during his whole life, and at one time owned racehorses. He was a member of the old time Maitland Rowing Club, and also took an interest in cricket and football. He and his wife celebrated their golden wedding about two years ago. He is survived by his wife, one son - Mr. Harry Wincliester, and five daughters-

Surname: Windeyer (nee Bolton) (obit)
First Name: Lady Mary Elizabeth Windeyer
Ship: -
Date: 5 December 1912
Place: Tomago
Source: The Daily Telegraph
Details: THE LATE LADY WINDEYER. A BEAUTIFUL LIFE. With the death of Lady Windeyer, which occurred shortly before midnight on Tuesday evening, a useful and beautiful life has passed away from a community who for more years than it is possible to calculate will enjoy the blessings of her practical philanthropy. Hers is a remarkable record of unselfish toil in the interest of the unfortunate and the help- less, which began long before she became the wife of the late Sir William Windeyer; for as Miss Bolton, a daughter of Rev. R. T. Bolton, vicar of Padbury, Bucks., England, later of Hexham, New South Wales, she felt the sufferings of those around her, and labored for their alleviation. Many men and women there are in Sydney who know of Lady Windeyer s work, and who have been for years accustomed to associate her name with any movement of charity; but it is only those whose privilege it was to know her very intimately who are aware of the scope of her administrations. To her this State owes the organisation of what was in the year 1874 the Foundling Home, in Macquarie- street, and which she was to see grow into the now successful Ashfield Home for Babies. Through its early troubles she, in common with other wise and practical women, was to be one of its guiding hands and upholders. Who can say how many little lives owe their preservation to the effort? She cheered and urged on the work of the Women s Christian Temperance Union until today it stands a great and potent factor for high morality. She was the first president of the Women s Hospital in Crown-street, a charity that she especially loved and nurtured, and one which she was again to see grow into a splendid monument of comfort and mercy. To her able advocacy, together with others of her way of thinking, she was to greatly influence Sir George Reid in the methods of dealing with the children whose care devolves upon the State, and that, in place of the dreary, barrack system, we now enjoy a wider, more sympathetic, and understanding department, we have again to turn in gratitude to her far-sighted wisdom and indomitable courage. Her sympathy ever went out to the needy woman left to fight life s battle single-handed, and for the temporary alleviation of the needy working woman the Temporary Aid League was established through her instigation. Later, it was her splendid administration which piloted the Women s Industrial Exhibition in 1888 to a successful issue, and provided the funds which made possible the Queen Victoria Jubilee Fund, a fund which is an inestimable blessing to many hard-set women today. Lady Windeyer s name rightly appears as the first president of the Women s Suffrage League of this State, and until the franchise was granted her enthusiasm and determined advocacy never ceased. She ably represented Australia upon the executive council of the Chicago Exhibition, and it was not a little owing to her efforts that this country was there worthily represented. As late as 1908 we find her as president of the Newcastle Free Kindergarten, and one of the first and firmest advocates of the wonderful Frobel system of teaching the child, and even when declining health demanded that active tasks should to a great extent be laid by, her interest, her advice, her counsel, was still given freely, and her interest never tired. In the hour of their grief, the grateful sympathy should go out from the whole community to her children, who include Mrs. A. I. Trail, wife of Mr. Trail, of Llangollen Station, Cassilis; Mrs. A. G. Ralston, wife of Ald. Ralston, of Strathfield; Miss Margaret Windeyer, of the Mitchell Library; Miss Lucy Windeyer, Mr. Richard Windeyer (barrister, of this city), Mr. A. Windeyer (solicitor), and Mr. E. Windeyer, of Raymond Terrace. The late Mrs. Thynan was a sister, and Messrs. C. Bolton, of Wagga, and A. Bolton, of Randwick, and Mr. Albert Bolton, of Glen Innes, are brothers of the deceased lady.

Surname: Windeyer (obit)
First Name: Lady Mary Elizabeth
Ship: -
Date: 5 December 1912
Place: Tomago
Source: The Daily Telegraph
Details: Formerly the wife of Sir William Windeyer and daughter of Rev. Robert Thorley Bolton, vicar of Padbury, Bucks, England, later of Hexham NSW. Died at her residence, Tomago, Hunter River

Surname: Windeyer (obit.,)
First Name: Archibald
Ship: -
Date: 1870 25 October
Place: Kinross, Raymond Terrace
Source: Maitland Mercury
Details: It is with regret we have to record the demise of a very old and universally respected resident of the Hunter River district, namely, Mr Archibald Windeyer, of Kinross, Raymond Terrace, which mournful event took place on Tuesday lost, at his residence as above stated. Mr Windeyer attained the ripe age of eighty-four years, and retained the full use of his faculties to the termination of his existence - the immediate cause of death being we understand, decay of nature. He resided at Kinross for upwards of thirty years and was a property owner to a considerable extent in the district. He was a magistrate of the territory for about a quarter of a century, and held the office of Returning Officer for the Lower Hunter electorate, for many years. As a colonist, a neighbour, and a Christian, he excelled many, and was consequently highly esteemed by all who knew him, and especially by those who best knew him. His respect for the Sabbath was, we have been informed, very great; and, in order that his servants might not have any excuse for absenting themselves from public worship on or otherwise desecrating that day, he invariably gave them a half holiday on Saturday, work being ordinarily suspended at one o clock. He also maintained family worship regularly, and treated all under him with kindness. His remains were interred in the Church of England Cemetery, Raymond Terrace, yesterday - the funeral being largely attended. We (Editor, Maitland Mercury) may add a few brief remarks to the above extract from our contemporary. Mr Windeyer was one of the few men who realise from time to time, the picture drawn of the fine old English gentleman in the well known song of that name. This feature indeed was his most distinguishing characteristic, so far as we knew him personally - a courteous and obliging man, of good education, of a gentle dignity of manner, but rather retiring than forward in a mixed assembly - a man whom to know was to esteem for life. Mr Windeyer took a prominent part in the early proceedings of the Hunter River Vineyard Association, back in the forties, and for some time in the fifties, but for several years past has not been seen in any public assemblage in Maitland, from the growing infirmities of old age. In his life on the Hunter Mr Windeyer has rarely taken a prominent port in any general public movement; he was but a very moderate public speaker, judging from the few times we have heard him speak. His special usefulness in such matters was rather as chairman of a meeting, or as a member of committee afterwards; in these capacities he was constantly selected by his fellow citizens when present, and in his performance of such duties he exercised a very genial and a most beneficial influence among his neighbours.

Surname: Windeyer (obit.,)
First Name: Charles
Ship: -
Date: 7 February 1855
Place: Newtown
Source: MM
Details: OBITUARY.-THE LATE CHARLES WINDEYER.-Amongst those whom death has stricken within the last few days it is our painful duty to record the death of Mr. Charles Windeyer. Nearly attaining his seventy-fifth year, and in better health and spirits than his immediate relatives and friends had observed for some months previously, Mr. Windeyer sunk under the oppressive heat of the last few days, and died at his residence at Newtown on Wednesday last. Mr. Windeyer, in early life, made the law his study, and, without entering at one of the Inns of Court, he was engaged by several of the leading law journals of London as their accredited reporter. Whilst engaged upon the Law Chronicle, and taking notes in the reporters' gallery in the House of Lords, Mr. Windeyer accidentally dropped his notes from his desk upon the floor of the house. Lord Eldon, then Chancellor, was, at the moment, proceeding towards the bar to receive a deputation from the Commons, and perceiving Mr. Windeyer's perplexity, he picked up the notes which strewed the floor of the passage, and returned them to him. Lord Eldon, we must observe, had been one of the most vehement opponents of the rules which tacitly allowed the reporting and publication of parliamentary proceedings. In 1828, Mr. Windeyer arrived in this colony, and for some time acted as Clerk of Petty Sessions for the police district of Sydney. He was shortly afterwards appointed second Police Magistrate of Sydney. This was, in fact, appointing him to the first seat on that bench, seeing that from glaring irregularities (to use no harder term), Colonel Wilson was compelled to vacate his seat as first police magistrate. As a justice of Hie peace, administering justice in his summary jurisdiction, the memory of Charles Windeyer will be reverently treasured. The suitors in his court-the most impracticable suitors that can be well imagined left the bar, whether acquitted, or fined, or imprisoned, or committed-quite assured that justice had been done. And in those very many cases which do not appear before the public, and in the arrangement of which the tact and kind offices of the magistrate are evoked', how many family discords have been appeased by Charles Windeyer? We believe that it was about six years ago, the local government reluctantly accepted his resignation of his office ; which was followed by a vote in the Legislative Council, recommending for him a superannuation allowance, and adverting in the highest terms to his long and useful career

Surname: Windeyer (obit.,)
First Name: Richard Esq
Ship: -
Date: 1847 22 December
Place: Invermein
Source: MM
Details: Died at the residence of his brothe-in-law on 2 December 1847. Aged 42. Barrister at law and representative for County Durham in the Legislative Council - It is with sincere regret that we announce the death of Richard Windeyer, Esq., the member for Durham, which took place at the residence of his brother-in-law, William Henty, Esq., Invermein, near Launceston, on the 2nd instant. The melancholy news reached Sydney on Friday evening last, by the overland mail from Port Phillip. Mr. Windeyer had been suffering severely from illness for some time and, under the advice of his medical attendants, had proceeded to Van Diemens Land, to try what change of climate would do for him. He had scarcely reached there when death closed his sufferings. There can be little doubt that Mr. Windeyer s death has been mainly caused by incessant application to his professional and public duties. The mental wear and tear which, in his late visit to his constituents, he described himself as having gone through since his election to the Council, is sufficient to account for his having been thus untimely cut off in the prime of life. Mr. Windeyer s death will be a most sad and painful bereavement to his family and personal friends; and the general community have real cause to share in the sorrow felt at his loss. Take him altogether in his public capacity, it will be hard to find another equal to him to fill his place.

Surname: Windeyer (obit.,)
First Name: Walter Orton
Ship: -
Date: 8 March 1879
Place: Wantabadgery
Source: Maitland Mercury
Details: The regret that we feel in announcing the death of Mr. Walter Orton Windeyer, of Wantabadgery, will be shared by everyone residing in this district. An old resident, honoured by all who knew him, he has passed from amongst us, and so suddenly that but few could realise the fact that he, whom they had but a day or two ago seen in their midst, apparently in the full possession of health, had gone "beyond the river." On Friday last, the deceased gentleman left Wagga for Wantabadgery station, with the intention of returning on the following day. Business matters, however, detained him longer. On Sunday night he retired to rest to all appearance in perfect health. At an early hour on Monday morning, his nephew, Mr. Henry S. Eldershaw, who occupied an adjoining room, heard him moaning, and upon going to his bedside, found him insensible. Up to the time of his death, which occurred at ten o'clock, he never spoke, although he recovered partial consciousness. The cause of the lamented gentleman's death was epilepsy. Mrs. Windeyer and family were in Wagga at the time of the sad occurrence, and with them, in their deep affliction, it is needless to say that the sincerest sympathy is felt. In his case it is no mere figure of speech to say that he died universally regretted; genial in disposition, kind of heart, he lived respected and loved, bearing throughout without a stain "the grand old name of gentleman." The late Mr. Windeyer was an old resident in the district, having come to Wantabadgery in 1856. His remains, in accordance with the wishes of his widow, were interred beside those of his first wife in a private cemetery at Wantabadgery. By his desire, expressed some time before his death, the impressive service of the Freemasons, of which body he was an old and valued member, was performed at the grave by the R.W. Master of the Lodge of Harmony. After the Church of England burial service had been performed by the Ven. Archdeacon Pownall, the body was carried to the grave by four of the station employees, the pall-bearers being Messrs. Willans, Hawkins, Gowlland and Fosbery. A large number of the residents of the district assembled to pay the last tribute of respect to the deceased gentleman. The Wagga Wagga Advertiser says - "There is no resident of the Riverina district whose career can be spoken of in higher terms than that of the deceased gentleman. A native of the colony, although he eschewed politics, he displayed an energy and perseverance in forwarding its material interests. He was one of the oldest settlers in Riverina, and at the time of his death possessed one of the most completely appointed stations in the district. Born in Sydney in 1833, he was consequently only 46 years of age at the time of his death. He was twice married, and leaves a widow and three children to mourn their loss. The deceased was a son of Mr. John Windeyer, of Raymond Terrace, in the Hunter district, and was a cousin of the Hon. W. C. Windeyer, the present Attorney-general. The funeral which took place at Wantabadgery yesterday afternoon, was largely attended by the leading residents of the town and district. The members of the Masonic body, in which craft the late Mr. Windeyer held a high position, mustered largely. The deceased was buried in the consecrated cemetery close to the station, where the remains of his first wife repose.

Surname: Windeyer (obit.,)
First Name: William Charles
Ship: -
Date: 15 September 1897
Place: Bologna
Source: The Argus
Details: Sir William Windeyer, late judge of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, died suddenly at Bologna on Saturday last. Death was caused by paralysis of the heart. Sir William, who was 63 years old last month, accepted a temporary position as judge of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland, and was to enter upon his duties next month. SYDNEY, Tuesday A cable message announcing the death of Sir William Windeyer was received by the Colonial Secretary at an early hour this morning. Sir Saul Samuel wired: Sir William Windeyer died of paralysis on Saturday at Bologna. Please inform his son, with a loving message from his mother. The intelligence soon became known in Sydney, and the regret expressed at Sir William Windeyer s unexpected death in general. In the Supreme Court the Chief Justice, sitting with Justices Stephen, Owen, Simpson, and Cohen, announced the receipt of the news of Sir William Windeyer s death and with much feeling spoke of the deceased judge s great ability as a lawyer and of his loyalty to his colleagues on the bench. Sir Frederick Darley added that there was no doubt that Sir William Windeyer had been misunderstood, as those who were intimately acquainted with him knew what a true heart beat under his rough exterior, and how genuine was his desire to aid anyone in distress. In 1895 Sir William Windeyer was appointed chancellor of the University, Sydney, in succession to Sir William Manning, a position which he resigned in 1896, upon obtaining leave of absence to proceed to England on a six months holiday. At the end of the term he applied for an extension of his leave, as the worry in connection with the Dean agitation had told upon his constitution. The government, however, owing to the absence at the same time of Sir George Innis felt constrained to refuse the application, and Sir William Windeyer s resignation was at once received. It was understood that he was somewhat disappointed at not receiving the appointment to the Privy Council that was given to Chief Justice Way, of South Australia. Recently a cablegram announced his acceptance of a temporary appointment during, a judicial deadlock in the colony of Newfoundland. He married, in 1857, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of the Rev. R. T. Bolton of Hexham, Newcastle, who survives him. Three sons and four daughters are the issue of the marriage

Surname: Wisdom (obit)
First Name: Sir Robert
Ship: -
Date: 24 March 1888
Place: Domain-terrace, Sydney
Source: Australian Town and Country Journal
Details: Obituary of Sir Robert Wisdom - born in Blackburn, Lancashire on 31 January 1830. Came to Australia at age 4. Educated at Maitland and Sydney

Surname: Wisdom (obit.,)
First Name: John
Ship: 1834
Date: 14 January 1869
Place: Morpeth
Source: MM
Details: Obituary of John Wisdom. John Wisdom arrived with the 50th regiment in 1834. He resigned from the army in 1837 and settled in Maitland district in 1838

Surname: Wiseman (obit.,)
First Name: Captain Charles
Ship: -
Date: 30 September 1873
Place: -
Source: Clarence and Richmond Examiner
Details: DEATH OF CAPTAIN WISEMAN. We regret to have to record the death of Captain CHARLES WISEMAN, a name as familiar as a household word to the majority of the old residents of the Clarence. A native of Essex, and connected by birth with an old shipping family, he came originally in 1839 as chief officer on board the Argyle, bound from London to Sydney and Calcutta. After his voyage to Calcutta, he returned to Sydney by the Lady McNaughten. His first engagement in the colony was that of chief officer on board the Maitland, of which, after a few months, he become captain ; he was afterwards transferred to the Tamar, and thence to the Sophia Jane, in which he made his first voyage to the Clarence in 1842. Regular steam communication with the Clarence was opened by the William the Fourth, of which vessel Mr. Wiseman continued master and part owner till the latter end of 1846. The William the Fourth was superseded by the Phoenix, a new boat, built for Mr. E. Manning this vessel was stranded at the Heads in 1850, and finally lost on the bar. The loss of this boat was the occasion of bringing out a strong feeling on the part of the district, which at that period had but few who were able to materially assist in the enterprise, in favour of another attempt to open up the Clarence trade. Captain Wiseman was sent to England to superintend the building of the steamer Clarence, and to bring her out to the colony. Upon her arrival, she was sold for a large profit, over and above her cost, to a Launceston Steam Company, and Captain Wiseman was sent to England to superintend the construction and to bring out the steamer Grafton, a boat which has done good service to the district, and proved a good speculation to the Clarence and Richmond Rivers Steam Navigation Company. The Grafton appears to have been put on the berth for the Clarence in 1854. The increase of the trade induced the Company to send home the Captain to superintend and bring out the Urara, which proved a good serviceable boat, but unfortunately was lost at the Heads; previously to this, Captain Wiseman had left the service of the Company, having retired from the sea. On the formation of the Clarence and New England Steam Navigation Company, Captain Wiseman was appointed the Sydney Manager, which office he ably filled up to about two years since, when he was compelled to resign in consequence of ill-health. The Directors, upon his retirement, presented him with an illuminated address from the shareholders of the Company. Captain Wiseman was universally respected by the settlers on the Clarence, and his death removes another connecting link between the old and the new times of the Clarence. His death was caused by an asthmatic disease, to which he has long been subject, and which had gradually reduced his constitution. He died at his late residence, Prince-street, Sydney, at three o clock on Friday last, being, we believe, in his sixty-third year