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Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Stolworthy
First Name: Dr
Ship: -
Date: 1849 12 September
Place: Cockfighters Creek
Source: MM
Details: Held post mortem on the body of James Watt

Surname: Stolworthy
First Name: Dr.
Ship: -
Date: 1844 6 January
Place: Singleton
Source: MM
Details: Insolvency proceedings. Household furniture to be sold at auction

Surname: Stolworthy
First Name: Dr.
Ship: -
Date: 1844 27 April
Place: Singleton
Source: MM
Details: At a public meeting held at Cox's Hotel, Singleton to hear candidates for the District Council

Surname: Stolworthy
First Name: Dr.
Ship: -
Date: 1844 14 September
Place: Singleton
Source: MM
Details: Made speech at Teetotal party

Surname: Stolworthy
First Name: Dr.
Ship: -
Date: 1845 6 December
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: MM
Details: Present at meeting at Cox's Hotel for the purpose of establishing Agricultural Society

Surname: Stolworthy
First Name: Dr.
Ship: -
Date: 1846 9 May
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: MM
Details: Making donation to Mechanic's Institute

Surname: Stolworthy
First Name: Dr.
Ship: -
Date: 1847 6 February
Place: Singleton
Source: MM
Details: Present at dinner at Forbes Hotel to celebrate the anniversary of the colony

Surname: Stolworthy
First Name: Dr.
Ship: -
Date: 1847 23 June
Place: Singleton
Source: MM
Details: Attended Mrs. Arabin

Surname: Stolworthy
First Name: Dr.
Ship: -
Date: 1847 14 August
Place: Singleton
Source: MM
Details: At a public meeting to arrange a dinner for Richard Windeyer

Surname: Stolworthy
First Name: Dr.
Ship: -
Date: 1847 30 October
Place: Black Creek
Source: MM
Details: Attended Joseph Williams after he had been stabbed

Surname: Stolworthy
First Name: Dr.
Ship: -
Date: 1848 26 January
Place: Falbrook
Source: MM
Details: Almost drowned in flooded Glennies Creek. Rescued by Michael Cunneen and his brother

Surname: Stolworthy
First Name: Dr.
Ship: -
Date: 1848 30 August
Place: Singleton
Source: MM
Details: Extracted a tooth using Chloroform

Surname: Stolworthy
First Name: Dr.
Ship: -
Date: 1848 2 September
Place: Singleton
Source: MM
Details: Amputated the finger of George Curtiss who had accidently shot himself while hunting

Surname: Stolworthy
First Name: Dr.
Ship: -
Date: 1848 28 October
Place: Singleton
Source: MM
Details: Attended George Jones who was injured when run over by his dray

Surname: Stolworthy
First Name: Dr.
Ship: -
Date: 1848 9 December
Place: Singleton
Source: MM
Details: Attended to a man who had injured his leg when his horse ran against a tree

Surname: Stolworthy
First Name: Dr.
Ship: -
Date: 1848 9 December
Place: Glennies Creek
Source: MM
Details: Attended to Mrs. Tullock who had broken her leg

Surname: Stolworthy
First Name: Dr.
Ship: -
Date: 1848 9 December
Place: Singleton
Source: MM
Details: Attended the 'Black's camp' to treat four men who had been seriously injured in a drunken fight

Surname: Stolworthy
First Name: Dr.
Ship: -
Date: 1849 10 January
Place: Singleton
Source: MM
Details: Amputated the leg below the knee of Peter Gibbon whose leg had been injured when crushed betwee his horse and a tree

Surname: Stolworthy
First Name: Dr.
Ship: -
Date: 1849 10 January
Place: Glennies Creek
Source: MM
Details: Amputated the finger of Mr. Cunneen. Applied chloroform with no effect

Surname: Stolworthy
First Name: Dr.
Ship: -
Date: 1849 17 January
Place: Scrubby Creek
Source: MM
Details: Performed Post mortem examination on the body of Mary Sadler