Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Simpson
First Name: Percy
Ship: -
Date: 1841 14 October
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: CO
Details: Chaired meeting to form Temperance Society at Patrick Plains

Surname: Simpson
First Name: Percy
Ship: -
Date: 1850 25 September
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: Marriage of Augustus Carter to Christina, third daughter of Percy Simpson on 17th September

Surname: Simpson
First Name: Percy
Ship: -
Date: 1851 28 May
Place: Cooranbong near Lake Macquarie; commencing at Dora Creek on the Western boundary of Percy Simpson's 2000 acres
Source: MM
Details: Land adjoining Simpson's land - 1500 acres granted to Patrick F. Campbell 17th November 1829 now advertised at his request in favour of William Thomas Boyce

Surname: Simpson
First Name: Percy
Ship: -
Date: 1834 16 July
Place: near Lake Macquarie; bounded on the (N) by Nekinda or Dora Brook, on the west by Percy Simpson's 2000 acres
Source: GG 1834
Details: Applicaton for land by George Allen, Daniel Cooper and Ambrose Foss - Percy Simpson's 2000 acres

Surname: Simpson
First Name: Percy
Ship: -
Date: 1824 8 July
Place: Wellington Valley
Source: SG
Details: Lieutenant and Commandant. Wife gave birth on or about 13th June

Surname: Simpson
First Name: Percy
Ship: -
Date: 1833 6 July
Place: Parramatta
Source: SG
Details: Wife gave birth to a daughter

Surname: Simpson
First Name: Percy
Ship: -
Date: 1838 15 December
Place: Oatlands near Parramtta
Source: SG
Details: Death of Torquil Adolphus Simpson son of Percy Simpson. Died of influenza aged 18 years

Surname: Simpson
First Name: Percy
Ship: -
Date: 1826 25 March
Place: Elizabeth Street,
Source: SG
Details: Commandant at Wellington Valley. Wife gave birth to a son being her fifth child

Surname: Simpson
First Name: Percy
Ship: -
Date: 1837 27 May
Place: Oatlands
Source: SG
Details: Wife gave birth to a son on 22 May 1837

Surname: Simpson
First Name: Percy
Ship: -
Date: 1832 15 May
Place: -
Source: SG
Details: Initially appointed to the Bathurst Road which was altered and he was then appointed to Parramatta

Surname: Simpson
First Name: Percy
Ship: -
Date: 30 January 1823
Place: Wellington Valley
Source: Sydney Gazette
Details: Newly arrived from England. Appointed Commandant at the new settlement at Wellington Valley

Surname: Simpson
First Name: Percy
Ship: -
Date: 1839 17 April
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: GG
Details: John Fitzgerald per 'Baring' absconded from service

Surname: Simpson
First Name: Percy
Ship: -
Date: 1841 10 September
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: GG
Details: Timothy Johnson per 'Moffat' absconded from service

Surname: Simpson
First Name: Percy
Ship: -
Date: 1841 10 September
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: GG
Details: Mary Jackson per 'Planter' apprehended after absconding from service

Surname: Simpson
First Name: Percy
Ship: -
Date: 1841 8 February
Place: Pelwine, Patrick Plains
Source: SH
Details: Marriage of William Hustler, Barrister-at-Law and Maria Alicia, eldest daughter of Percy Simpson, Police Magistrate for the Patrick Plains district on 28th January. Minister Rev. Bolton

Surname: Simpson
First Name: Percy
Ship: -
Date: 1842 19 July
Place: Newtown
Source: SH
Details: Death of Maria Alicia, the wife of William Hustler Esq., on 18th July aged 21. (Daughter of Percy Simpson)

Surname: Simpson
First Name: Percy
Ship: -
Date: 1854 13 February
Place: St. James Church, Sydney
Source: SMH
Details: Marriage of Louis Barber Esq., and Lucy, youngest daughter of Percy Simpson on 11th February. Minister Rev. J.C. Grylis

Surname: Simpson
First Name: Percy
Ship: -
Date: 1831-32
Place: -
Source: Settler and Convict Lists 1787-1834. Ancestry
Details: Sarah Bulpin per 'Kains' assigned servant

Surname: Simpson
First Name: Percy
Ship: -
Date: 1827
Place: Lake Macquarie
Source: State Archives. Bound Indents. [4/4012]; Microfiche: 663 (Ancestry)
Details: Christopher Breedon per Albion assigned to Percy Simpson on arrival.

Surname: Simpson
First Name: Percy
Ship: -
Date: 5 February 1827
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Joseph Booth, per Speke, in service to Percy Simpson, charged with absenting himself and insolence to his master. Percy Simpson states - The principal work which I give the prisoner is to look after the garden. Yesterday he absented himself without leave, and returned at a late hour intoxicated. I ordered him to his hut but in the first instance he refused to go and it was not until after some insolent language from him that he went. The prisoner admits the charge expresses regret for his conduct. Sentenced to 3 days solitary confinement