Search Result
Surname: Myles
First Name: Lawrence
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: GRC
Details: Thomas Grace per 'Susan' assigned servant
Surname: Myles
First Name: Lawrence
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: GRC
Details: Patrick Heslan per 'Ferguson' assigned servant
Surname: Myles
First Name: Lawrence
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: GRC
Details: Peter Higgins per 'John Barry' assigned servant
Surname: Myles
First Name: Lawrence
Ship: -
Date: 1831 8 February
Place: Williams River
Source: In the Service of the Company: letters of Sir Edward Parry, Commissioner to the Australian Agricultural company: volume 1, December 1829 - June 1832 Letter no 335
Details: Correspondence from Sir Edward Parry regarding Myles taking a dray to Tellighary with maize to sell to the Company Servants. To be charged with trespass if he sends dray again without permission
Surname: Myles
First Name: Lawrence
Ship: -
Date: 1833 28 March
Place: Williams River
Source: In the Service of the Company. Letters of Sir Edward Parry, VolumeII June 1832 - March 1834 Letter 853
Details: Henry Dangar making survey relative to a road through Myles property
Surname: Myles
First Name: Lawrence
Ship: -
Date: 1833 18 April
Place: Williams River
Source: In the Service of the Company. Letters of Sir Edward Parry, VolumeII June 1832 - March 1834 Letter 868
Details: Request that A.A. company drays and servants be allowed to pass thro' the Private Road on Myles property
Surname: Myles
First Name: Lawrence
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: GRC
Details: John Jones per 'John Barry' assigned servant
Surname: Myles
First Name: Lawrence
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: GRC
Details: Robert Jones per 'John Barry' assigned servant
Surname: Myles
First Name: Lawrence
Ship: -
Date: 1833 27 June
Place: -
Source: SG
Details: James Gurney per 'Lady Harewood' absconded from service
Surname: Myles
First Name: Lawrence
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: GRC
Details: Patrick O'Brien per 'Lady McNaughten' assigned servant
Surname: Myles
First Name: Lawrence
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: GRC
Details: William Smith per 'Royal Sovereign' assigned servant
Surname: Myles
First Name: Lawrence
Ship: -
Date: 1836 8 February
Place: Paterson
Source: SH
Details: On Subscription List for building a Church in the Township of Paterson
Surname: Myles
First Name: Lawrence
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: GRC
Details: Michael Welsh per 'Backwell' assigned servant
Surname: Myles
First Name: Lawrence
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: GRC
Details: Edward Adams per Hercules assigned servant
Surname: Myles
First Name: Lawrence
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: GRC
Details: Henry Cooney per 'Susan' assigned servant
Surname: Myles
First Name: Lawrence
Ship: -
Date: 1830
Place: Williams River
Source: AO NSW Convict Indents. Fiche No. 674
Details: William Cooper per 'Katherine Stewart Forbes' assigned servant
Surname: Myles
First Name: Lawrence
Ship: -
Date: 26 March 1829
Place: Williams River
Source: AO NSW Convict Indent Fiche No. 671
Details: Patrick Bray per 'Ferguson' assigned to Lawrence Myles on arrival in the colony
Surname: Myles
First Name: Lawrence
Ship: -
Date: 15 January 1858
Place: Cumberland Place Sydney
Source: Empire
Details: Death on Friday 14th January 1858 of Lawrence Myles aged 62
Surname: Myles
First Name: Lawrence
Ship: -
Date: 9 March 1859
Place: -
Source: SMH
Details: Supreme Court - Allen v. Fairfax. In this case Lawrence myles contracted with Allen to sell him an estate of which the former was seized in fee before the transaction was complete. Myles died having made his will dated in 1857 whereby after giving specific legacies to his wife he gave all his real estate and the residue of his person estate to the defendants Fairfax and their heirs etc........
Surname: Myles
First Name: Lawrence
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Dungog
Source: Dungog Chronicle 1 December 1905
Details: Correspondence sent by Lawrence Myles, J.P. Police Office, Dungog to Lieut. Beckhear, commanding the Mounted Police at Jerrys Plains on 20th May 1836 ..Sir, Having this day received intelligence that the blacks are becoming very troublesome at the out stations on the Gloucester River, where the murders were committed last year, and that a large number are collected, headed by Cabean Paddy, the ringleader of the perpectrators of the late murders, and that they are assembled with similar intentions, I have the honor to request that you will be pleased to direct a party of the Mounted Police under your command to proceed there, calling at Mr. Lords farm, where Mr. Flett will accompany the party....