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Surname: Byrnes
First Name: John
Ship: Waterloo 1831
Date: 1831
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4016]; Microfiche: 678
Details: John Byrnes age 20. Native place Dundalk. Ploughs, reaps, sows and a shepherd. Tried at Belfast 2 August 1830. Sentenced to 7 years transportation for stealing a watch. Assigned to Charles Windeyer at Williams River on arrival
Surname: Callaghan
First Name: Robert
Ship: Waterloo 1831
Date: 1833 12 August
Place: Newcastle
Source: BB
Details: Attached to Iron Gang. Found guilty of insolence. Sentenced to 20 lashes
Surname: Callaghan
First Name: Robert
Ship: Waterloo 1831
Date: 1833 4 September
Place: Newcastle
Source: BB
Details: Sentenced to 50 lashes
Surname: Callaghan
First Name: Robert
Ship: Waterloo 1831
Date: -
Place: -
Source: AO NSW Principal Superintendent of convicts. Indents. Fiche No. 696 pp 1 - 52
Details: Postillion age 16 from Cavan. Sentenced to 7 years transportation for stealing lace. Tried 13 October 1830. Assigned to Andrew McDougall at Hawkesbury on arrival
Surname: Callaghan
First Name: Robert
Ship: Waterloo 1831
Date: 1847 24 July
Place: Gabo Island (off-shore from the Victoria, NSW border
Source: MM
Details: One of 6 men who called at Gabo Island in a whaleboat. Accepted work on the island but suspected of being a runaway. Avoided capture and escaped again in the whaleboat in the direction of Cape Howe
Surname: Callaghan
First Name: Robert
Ship: Waterloo 1831
Date: 26 April 1841
Place: -
Source: SH
Details: Granted Certificate of Freedom
Surname: Callaghan
First Name: Robert
Ship: Waterloo 1831
Date: 19 July 1847
Place: Gabo Island
Source: SMH
Details: GABO ISLAND. H.M. schooner Bramble returned from Gabo Island on Saturday last, having been unsuccessful in securing the supposed runaway convicts on that island, they having made their escape prior to her arrival there. She experienced very bad weather during the whole of the passage down, and did not arrive there until Thursday last, having sailed hence on the3rd instant. The night she left this port she encountered a heavy gale from the southward, and had the misfortune to carry away her jib-boom and topsail-yard, also lost one of her boats. The following letters, one from Mr. Powell, Inspector of Water Police, respecting the supposed convicts, and the other from Dr. McClatchie, Assistant Surgeon of the Bramble, giving a description of Gabo Island, have been handed to us by Lieutenant Yule for publication : H.M.S. Bramble, 14th July, 1847. Sir, I have the honour to lay before you the following statement relative to the course pursued, and the information I received concerning the six runaway convicts who escaped from Van Diemen s Land in May last, and supposed to be on Gabo Island. On my landing on the said island about 12.30 P.M. this day, accompanied by two officers, two marines, and a boat s crew belonging to U.M.S. Bramble, we proceeded to the dwelling of Mr. Rogers, where we saw Mr. Morris. I stated to him the purpose of our visit to the island, namely, that I had been sent by the Government of New South Wales to assist in the capture of six run-away convicts from Van Diemen s Land. The following is the information I received from Mr. Rogers, the person in charge of the island : That on the 13th ultimo, a boat with six men, who represented themselves as shipwrecked seamen ,touched at the island, but did not land, although advised to do so by Mr. Rogers. On the following day, the 14th, three of the men again came to the island, in a boat belonging to a person named Robinson, who re-sides near Cape Howe, and agreed to remain and work for Mr. Morris, the contractor. From the description given of the said three men, and other information which I received, I have not the slightest doubt but they are the men named in the margin (Robert Callaghan, per Waterloo 2, 1831 ; Thomas Jackson, per Strathisla, free, 1837 ; John Grounds, a native of Parramatta). The other three men not again making their appearance, it is supposed that they made the best of their way to some of the stations in the interior. On the night of the last mentioned day, Messrs. Morris and Rogers, not believing the men s statement, thought it advisable to adopt some means to secure them on the island; they accordingly called their workmen together for that purpose, but the whole of them refused to as-sist to secure the men. In consequence of which Mr. Morris wrote a letter to Mr. Brierley, the magistrate at Twofold Bay, stating the circumstance, and requesting assistance from that quarter, but received no answer. The letter was despatched on the 15th ultimo, and the next morning the three men left the island in the same boat they came in, and proceeded in the direction of Cape Howe; they have not since been seen. Mr. Morris further states that he wrote a second letter to Mr. Brierley on the 9th instant. I examined the whole of the workmen on the island, found them to be all free men, and from my knowledge of Mr. Morris, I have every reason to believe the whole of his statement to be correct. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient servant, THOMAS J. POWELL, Inspector of Water Police.
Surname: Callaghan (Calligan)
First Name: Robert
Ship: Waterloo 1831
Date: 1833
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Description Book. State Archives NSW; Roll: 137 (Ancestry)
Details: Assigned to Mr. McDougall. Admitted to Newcastle gaol charged with robbery
Surname: Callaghan (Callighan)
First Name: Robert
Ship: Waterloo 1831
Date: 1836 1 March
Place: Newcastle
Source: BB
Details: Serving colonial sentence at No 3 iron gang. Charged with leaving his work at the quarry. Sentenced to 50 lashes
Surname: Callaghan (Callighan)
First Name: Robert
Ship: Waterloo 1831
Date: 1831
Place: On board the Waterloo
Source: Medical Journal of the Waterloo National Archives
Details: Age 18. Taken ill at sea with dyspnoea. Pain all over the body, weariness in the limbs, difficulty of breathing and oppression in the chest. Put on sick list 5 April, discharged 29 April 1831
Surname: Carr
First Name: John
Ship: Waterloo 1831
Date: 1832 8 October
Place: Wollombi
Source: CDR
Details: Died aged 27. Remarks: L. Dulhunty
Surname: Carr
First Name: John
Ship: Waterloo 1831
Date: -
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4016]; Microfiche: 678
Details: John Carr age 26. Ostler and labourer from Dublin. Tried in Dublin 1 Novmber 1830. Sentenced to 7 years transportation for assault with intent to rob. Assigned to Thomas Hinds at Sydney on arrival. Note - died at the Wollombi Road Party 8 October 1832
Surname: Cassidy
First Name: Bernard
Ship: Waterloo 1831
Date: 1833 31 May
Place: Newcastle
Source: BB
Details: Assigned to A.W. Scott. Charged with neglect of duty. Discharged from Court
Surname: Cassidy
First Name: Bernard
Ship: Waterloo 1831
Date: 1837
Place: Newcastle
Source: GRC
Details: Assigned to A.W. Scott
Surname: Cassidy
First Name: Bernard
Ship: Waterloo 1831
Date: 1836 8 January
Place: Newcastle
Source: Bench Books
Details: Assigned to A.W. Scott. Charged with gross insubordination and insolence to overseer John Jones
Surname: Cassidy
First Name: Bernard
Ship: Waterloo 1831
Date: 1836 12 January
Place: Newcastle
Source: BB
Details: Sentenced to 14 days in the cells for gross insubordinaton and insolence
Surname: Cassidy
First Name: Bernard
Ship: Waterloo 1831
Date: 1837 14 April
Place: Newcastle
Source: Bench Books
Details: Assigned to A.W. Scott. Charged with disobedience of orders. Found guilty and admonished
Surname: Cassidy
First Name: Bernard
Ship: Waterloo 1831
Date: 1842 22 July
Place: Newcastle
Source: GG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave
Surname: Cassidy
First Name: Bernard
Ship: Waterloo 1831
Date: 1831
Place: -
Source: State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4016]; Microfiche: 678
Details: Bernard Cassidy age 25. Labourer, reaps. Native place Louth. Tried at Louth 20 July 1830. Sentenced to transportation for life for house robbery. Assigned to Alexander Walker Scott at Hunter River on arrival
Surname: Cassidy
First Name: Bernard
Ship: Waterloo 1831
Date: 8 January 1836
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW; Roll: 136
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol charged with insolence to his overseer. Sentenced to 14 days in the cells. Returned to his master 16 February 1836