Search Result
Surname: Blanchfloor (Blanchflower)
First Name: John
Ship: Recovery 1836
Date: 23 January 1840
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW. Roll 136
Details: Shoemaker from Norwich. Admitted to Newcastle gaol. To be forwarded to his master. Sent to Maitland 30 January 1840
Surname: Blanchflower
First Name: John
Ship: Recovery 1836
Date: 1837
Place: Maitland
Source: GRC
Details: Assigned to C. Hungerford
Surname: Blanchflower
First Name: John
Ship: Recovery 1836
Date: 1843 19 September
Place: Merton
Source: GG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave
Surname: Blanchflower
First Name: John
Ship: Recovery 1836
Date: -
Place: Hulk Leviathan
Source: UK Prison Hulk Registers and Letter Books. Ancestry
Details: Age 19. Tried at Norwich on 28 March 1835 and sentenced to 14 years transportation for shop breaking. Sent to the vessel 'Recovery' for transportation to NSW on 19 October 1835.
Surname: Bollard
First Name: William
Ship: Recovery 1836
Date: 1846 13 May
Place: Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Alias Wihtting, Alias Rodney. Obtained ticket of leave
Surname: Bollard (alias Whittington) (alias Rodney)
First Name: William
Ship: Recovery 1836
Date: 1837 21 June
Place: Maitland
Source: GG
Details: Brickmaker's laborer age 23 from Sussex. 5ft 5 in, sallow and freckled complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, two scars over right eyebrow, tattoos, Absconded from Major Rhode (probably with Thomas Robinson) on 14 June
Surname: Boss
First Name: Charles
Ship: Recovery 1836
Date: 1836 1 October (Burial date)
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: CDR
Details: Remarks - Glennie
Surname: Bousher
First Name: John
Ship: Recovery 1836
Date: 1840 6 May
Place: Maitland
Source: GG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave
Surname: Brown
First Name: James
Ship: Recovery 1836
Date: 1841 19 October
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: SG
Details: Granted Ticket of Leave
Surname: Brown
First Name: Michael
Ship: Recovery 1836
Date: 1847 4 August
Place: Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: Obtained Ticket of Leave
Surname: Brown
First Name: Michael
Ship: Recovery 1836
Date: 1838 2 February
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Bench Books. AONSW Reel 2722
Details: Assigned to A.A. Company. Sentenced to 50 lashes for refusing to do his work
Surname: Brown
First Name: Michael
Ship: Recovery 1836
Date: 1837 13 October
Place: Newcastle
Source: BB
Details: Assigned to A.A. Company. Sentenced to 50 lashes after being charged with disobedience of orders by Alexander Brown
Surname: Brown
First Name: Michael
Ship: Recovery 1836
Date: 1837 31 October
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Bench Books. AONSW Reel 2722
Details: Assigned to A.A. Co., Charged with being absent without leave. Sentenced to 14 days solitary confinement
Surname: Brown
First Name: Michael
Ship: Recovery 1836
Date: 1837 17 November
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Bench Books. AONSW Reel 2722
Details: Assigned to A.A. co. Sentenced to 2 months hard labour on the treadmill in Sydney after Alexander Brown charged him with neglecting his work under pretence of sickness.
Surname: Brown
First Name: Michael
Ship: Recovery 1836
Date: 27 June 1842
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Gaol Entrance Book, Item: 2/2020; Roll: 757 (Ancestry)
Details: Michael Brown and Alexander Grant admitted to Newcastle gaol on a charge of highway robbery. Remanded
Surname: Brown
First Name: Michael
Ship: Recovery 1836
Date: 20 August 1844
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Gaol Entrance Book, Item: 2/2020; Roll: 757 (Ancestry)
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Maitland. Sentenced to 7 days in the cells for drunkenness
Surname: Brown
First Name: Michael
Ship: Recovery 1836
Date: 28 October 1837
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW. Roll 137
Details: Miner from Fifeshire. Admitted to Newcastle gaol. Remanded.
Surname: Brown
First Name: Michael
Ship: Recovery 1836
Date: 31 October 1837
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW. Roll 137
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol. Sentenced to 14 days in the cells. Discharged to the A.A. Company 15 November 1837
Surname: Brown
First Name: Michael
Ship: Recovery 1836
Date: 4 May 1841
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book - State Archives NSW; Roll: 757
Details: Sent to Newcastle gaol by Magistrate J.H. Crummer. Sentenced to 7 days in the cells for drunkenness
Surname: Brown
First Name: Michael
Ship: Recovery 1836
Date: 1836
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12189; Item: [X639]; Microfiche: 722
Details: Coal miner and soldier from Fifeshire. Court-martialled at Up park Camp Jamaica 2 February 1835. Sentenced to 14 years transportation for striking a serjeant.