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Surname: Bishop
First Name: Samuel
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 1831 10 August
Place: Newcastle
Source: NGE
Details: Labourer from Leicestershire. Returned to government service, his master (Mr. Blaxland) having no agent to collect him on discharge from Newcastle hospital. Sent to road party 15 August
Surname: Bishop
First Name: Samuel
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 1836 17 December
Place: -
Source: SG
Details: Granted Certificat of Freedom
Surname: Bishop
First Name: Samuel
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 13 October 1836
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW. Roll 136
Details: Labourer from Leicestershire. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Patrick Plains. To be sent for trial at Maitland Q. Sessions for stealing from a shop. Sentenced to 12 months in the iron gang and forwarded to No. 3 Stockade (at Newcastle) on 15th March 1836
Surname: Bishop
First Name: Samuel
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 1830
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4015]; Microfiche: 676
Details: Samuel Bishop age 29. Ploughman and shepherd from Leicestershire. Tried at Leicester 19 October 1829. Sentenced to 7 years transportation for stealing rabbits. Assigned to J. Blaxland jun., at Newington on arrival
Surname: Bolter
First Name: George
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 1830
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4015]; Microfiche: 676
Details: George Bolter age 24. Butcher from London. Tried in London 19 February 1829. Sentenced to 7 years transportation for stealing mutton. Assigned to Beresford Hudson at Hunter River on arrival
Surname: Bolter (Boulter)
First Name: George
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 31 July 1844
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Gaol Entrance Book, Item: 2/2020; Roll: 757 (Ancestry)
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Maitland on a charge of cattle stealing. Sent for trial.
Surname: Bond
First Name: Robert
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 1837
Place: Newcastle
Source: GRC
Details: Assigned to Australian Agricultural Company
Surname: Bond
First Name: Robert
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 1833 20 August
Place: Newcastle
Source: BB
Details: Assigned to Australian Agricultural Company
Surname: Bond
First Name: Robert
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 1833 20 August
Place: Newcastle
Source: BB
Details: Charged by Mr. Henderson with ill treating a fellow servant in the mine. Admonished and discharged
Surname: Bond
First Name: Robert
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 1833 20 August
Place: Newcastle
Source: BB
Details: Joseph Hudson accused Bond of striking him
Surname: Bond
First Name: Robert
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 1835 29 December
Place: Newcastle
Source: BB
Details: Assigned to Australian Agricultural Company. Charged with drunkenness with Jack Meredith and John Dunivan. Sentenced to 28 days in the cells
Surname: Bond
First Name: Robert
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 1837 1 March
Place: Newcastle
Source: GG 1837
Details: Prisoner absconded from A.A Company 28th February
Surname: Bond
First Name: Robert
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 1837 15 March
Place: Newcastle
Source: GG
Details: On List of Runaways apprehended during the previous week. Absconded from the A.A. Company
Surname: Bond
First Name: Robert
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: June 1835
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Court of Petty Sessions, Bench Books, 1833-1836 (Ancestry)
Details: Assigned to the A.A. Company. Sentenced to 50 lashes for being absent after hours. Constable Rouse testified...About half past eight on Sunday night going towards Flemming s House we saw the prisoner coming out of Flemings House. There was also an aboriginal servant of Mr. Kemp s there and the carpenter belonging to the New York Packet. Mr. Kemp s servant was sent by his master to look after horses. He went into Flemings House to light his pipe which Mr. Fleming complained several times about the man s causing a disturbance between himself and wife
Surname: Bond
First Name: Robert
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 6 October 1835
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Court of Petty Sessions, Bench Books, 1833-1836 (Ancestry)
Details: Simon Simcox per Camden and Robert Bond per Marquis of Huntley assigned to the A.A. Company, charged with being out of barracks after hours...Constable Rouse testified... On Saturday night between ten and eleven oclock I met the prisoner Bond coming out of Mr. Beatties unoccupied premises with a bucket of water. I asked him what he was doing out at that time of night. He said he was living in a house of Watkins. On enquiry I found that Mrs. Flemming lives in the house mentioned by him. On going to the house I found in the house the prisoner Simcock. I never knew that either of the prisoners were allowed to sleep out of barracks. Both the prisoners have been punished before for being absent from the barracks. Bond was punished for being at Mrs. Flemming s before....Bond found guilty and sentenced to 50 lashes.
Surname: Bond
First Name: Robert
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 3 March 1837
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book - State Archives NSW; Roll: 136
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Newcastle. Returned to govt. service. Discharged to the Police Office 10 March 1837
Surname: Bond
First Name: Robert
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 1830
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4015]; Microfiche: 676
Details: Robert Bond age 19. Coalminer from Lancashire. Tried at Preston 14 January 1830. Sentenced to 14 years for stealing a handkerchief.
Surname: Bond
First Name: Robert
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 2 April 1852
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930
Details: Robert Bond, miner from Lancashire. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Maitland. Sentenced to 14 days confinement for assault
Surname: Bond
First Name: Robert
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 24 March 1860
Place: Maitland gaol
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930
Details: Robert Bond, miner from Lancashire. Admitted to Maitland gaol from Newcastle. Sentenced to 1 month imprisonment in default of fine
Surname: Bradshaw
First Name: Thomas
Ship: Marquis of Huntley 1830
Date: 1830
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4015]; Microfiche: 676
Details: Thomas Bradshaw age 17. Weaver from Nottingham. Tried at Doncaster 11 May 1829. Sentenced to transportation for 7 years for stealing bread. Assigned to Thomas Valentine Bloomfield at Maitland on arrival